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Mini Profile:
Real name: Nathan Christopher Charles Summers.
-- He was born to Scott Summers, (Cyclops), and his then-wife Madelyne Pryor. Soon after Nathan was born, Scott Summers' first love, Jean Grey, returned after being believed dead. Scott left Madelyne Pryor and baby Nathan, whom Madelyne Pryor had left in the care of relatives so that she could journey with the X-Men. After Madelyne Pryor and the X-Men were believed to be killed in Dallas by the Adversary (they were actually relocated to Australia and made invisible to sensory equipment by Roma), Scott retrieved his son and returned with him to his new team, X-Factor.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- The Grateful Undead hunted a girl, but were thwarted by the intervention of Cable. The girl explained to her rescuer that more hunters would come, and that they would not be so easy to kill because they were death. Then she tried to leave with Cable, but accidentally led him to a place full of coffins where a Guardian of the Dead attacked them. Cable killed the Guardian of the Dead using its own spike and used his gun to open a way to the surface, allowing the girl to flee. The girl came to the surface in a cemetery, pursued by The Grateful Undead. Encountering Dan Ketch, she asked him for help when The Grateful Undead dragged her back to the underground. Cable was unable to help, having been attached to the wall with a net, and the girl was taken away. (MCP#90/3)**

-- Working together Ghost Rider (II) and Cable followed The Grateful Undead, who threw bloody rocks at them to deter the pursuit. The heroes drove into a canyon where the girl ran up to them. She told them to save themselves before being caught again. The Grateful Undead were attacked by the heroes and fought back with heavy artillery. They drove the heroes onto a bridge that cracked. The Grateful Undead watched as the heroes fell to the center of the earth. (MCP#91/3)**

-- Ghost Rider (II) stopped their fall with his chain and drove with Cable through the tunnels into a huge hall. They felt something dangerous around them. A priest of The Grateful Undead welcomed the heroes in the Cathedral of the Dead and sent his acolytes against them because they were not members of the chosen who were allowed in the Cathedral of the Dead. Ghost Rider (II) and Cable defeated the acolytes and the priest screamed for something else. Cable and Ghost Rider (II) were pulled down by something into the bones while the priest and his acolytes watched them. (MCP#92/3)**

-- The girl was thrown into the bones by the acolytes and pulled down into the deep by a tentacle. Ghost Rider (II) and Cable freed themselves and the girl from the giant tentacles and the so-called god that dwelled beneath the Cathedral of the Dead felt fear for the first time in a millennium. The heroes killed it, and the priest was shocked when he heard the scream of his god and the heroes got away with the girl. The priest wanted to send his acolytes after them but they were killed by the Warriors of the Dead. The leader of the Warriors of the Dead told the priest that his sorcery failed, and that the Warriors of the Dead would now slay the enemies of The Grateful Undead. The leader killed the priest although he didn't deserve the gift of death. (MCP#93/3)**

-- The heroes arrived on the surface with the girl, emerging from a grave and nearly scaring grave robber Jubal Jones to death. Jubal Jones was killed by the Warriors of the Dead when they came through the grave too. The heroes brought the girl to an abandoned warehouse and questioned her about The Grateful Undead. The Warriors of the Dead followed the heroes, found the warehouse and surrounded it while the girl told her new friends everything she could remember. The girl noticed the presence of the Warriors of the Dead and told the heroes that they had arrived. (MCP#94/3)**

-- The Warriors of the Dead waited outside the warehouse to psych the heroes out. Ghost Rider (II) dragged a Warrior of the Dead through the wall and shot him. The leader of the Warriors of the Dead told them that the heroes would not prevent them from taking the girl who was to become the Bride of the God of the Dead. The heroes tried to defeat them but the Warriors of the Dead used tactics Cable remembered from the Ninja. The leader of the Warriors of the Dead didn't want to spill the blood of the heroes, but they wouldn't let his men take the Bride of the God of the Dead and so the Warriors of the Dead attacked from the shadows. The leader told his men to attack the Bride of the God of the Dead and then showed the heroes the truth. Taking several mortal wounds, the Bride of the God of the Dead sat up again with four weapons in her chest and wasn't dead. (MCP#95/3)**

-- The leader of the Warriors of the Dead told them that the Bride of the God of the Dead wasn't dead because she was just a resurrected body. She couldn't believe the truth and attacked the Warriors of the Dead. Ghost Rider (II) and Cable helped her. The leader didn't want to continue the fight and told the Bride of the God of the Dead that she only needed to open her mind to learn the truth. She did it but she still didn't want to fulfil her destiny. The warehouse began to rattle and everyone in it was grasped by a mystic field and brought into the Cathedral of the Dead. The leader kneeled when his god (God of the Dead) awakened from the bones and told the heroes that they would die. (MCP#96/3)**

-- Ghost Rider (II) attacked the God of the Dead, but he just threw him away and walked up to his Bride of the God of the Dead. The heroes took down the leader of the Warriors of the Dead and then tried to stop his God of the Dead who couldn't understand the hostility of the heroes because the girl was his Bride. Cable shot the God of the Dead into his head, breaking his mask. The heroes were surprised to see that the God of the Dead was human. The God of the Dead told them that he only wanted to pay homage to the dead and was surprised that the leader of the Warriors of the Dead was wearing the archaic garb of their past. The God of the Dead who once was a necromancer learned that The Grateful Undead left his noble way and became assassins. The God of the Dead ordered the heroes to leave, but they didn't want to leave the girl alone. The God of the Dead gave her the choice to leave too, but she chose death and died immediately. The heroes left and behind them everything broke down as the former necromancer fixed his mistake.(MCP#97/3)**

Calder, Reeve:  

-- Leader of The Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship. He is disturbed when they set Fin Fang Foom free, sure that he will not be part of the new order. When he discovers Hildreth dead, he goes insane. (LoN 1-2).

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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Jack Klevano
-- Member of Zodiac (I). (The Zodiac (I) Cartel was founded by Cornelius van Lunt (Taurus), handpicking the eleven other members; Cornelius van Lunt concealed his own identity, while he was the only one who knew the identities of the others. Each member was based in a different American city as part of his nationwide criminal network, with the ultimate goal of world economic and political domination.)
-- He wore a costume outfitted with a pincer on each of his gloves which he could use for grabbing and slashing at opponents.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Cancer was sent to prison with the rest of the Zodiac (I), with the exception of Taurus. (Ghost Rider II#7 (fb))

-- A girl who was hanging out with Warren Worthington III. They are chased down by Ghost Rider (I), prompting The Avengers to track him down. (AV 214).
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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Willard Weir
-- Member of Zodiac (I). (The Zodiac (I) Cartel was founded by Cornelius van Lunt (Taurus), handpicking the eleven other members; Cornelius van Lunt concealed his own identity, while he was the only one who knew the identities of the others. Each member was based in a different American city as part of his nationwide criminal network, with the ultimate goal of world economic and political domination.) Capricorn, like the other Zodiac (I) leaders, established a criminal organization served by numerous henchmen in his chosen base of operations and assembling for matters of collective importance.
-- He was a master of karate. The horns on his mask could extend, wrap themselves around opponents, and throw the opponents about. He sometimes carried a hand-held blaster.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Cancer was sent to prison with the rest of the Zodiac (I), with the exception of Taurus. (Ghost Rider II#7 (fb))


-- One of Deathwatch's cronies. He is killed for failure. (GR2 1).


-- Young punk who gives Ghost Rider (II) and The Punisher information about Flag-Smasher.'s plan to hit Wall Street. (GR2 6).

Cartwright, Dalton:
** - Info was listed here, provided by The Master List.

-- It's unclear whether he is a Vampire, or just controls some giant Vampire bats. He claims his ancestors were the first to bring vampirism to America. He is in league with a lady named Tabitha Arcanne. They both perish in a fire caused by Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 48).

-- Vampire, partner of Tabitha Arcanne, great-great grandfather vamped by Dracula (Ghost Rider II#48) **

Catrones, Pete:  

-- Guy who works for Sonny Tremont. He lends Blaze his car, which confuses the The Apparition and causes him to accidentally attack Blaze. Finding this out, Pete Catrones takes off, before the The Apparition finds out he's still alive. (GR1 57)

Casey, Mr.  

-- (See Mr. Miller).

Castle, Frank:
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-- The real name of The Punisher. (born Frank Castiglione)
-- Frank Castle was a career U.S. Marine, who served five years in Vietnam, and worked as a special forces trainer in upstate New York. While picnicking in Central Park, Frank's wife and children were caught and killed in the crossfire between two warring factions of drug dealers. On that day, Frank Castle vowed to use his skills and experience to wage a one-man war on crime. He set out to punish all criminals, and more often than not, that punishment takes a very lethal form indeed.


-- See Graveyard.


-- The man without a soul and an ancient foe of Zarathos.

-- He torments and kidnaps Old Adam, a friendly old guy who helped Blaze out. As he walks away, Blaze notices that wherever Centurious walks, the vegetation dies. When Blaze finds him, he shows off his macabre collection of historical people that he keeps around as soulless slaves. He then tries to steal Blaze's soul, but instead he unleashes Ghost Rider (I). He runs off and tries to use The Soul Crystal, but instead they get in a pitched battle. Old Adam sets the house on fire and Blaze takes off with Red Fowler (who shows up in the midst of the battle looking for Blaze). The house burns down, but Centurious survives. (TOGRRA 4).

-- Back in ancient times, Centurious was a man whose love was stolen by the followers of Zarathos as a sacrifice. Calling on Mephisto for help, Centurious gave up his soul and confronted Zarathos. Since he had no soul, Zarathos was unable to use the soul-searing Hellfire on him and this caused his followers to momentarily doubt. Mephisto used this moment of doubt to defeat and enslave Zarathos. As for Centurious, he was able to save his love, but being without a soul and unable to love, he left her and wandered the earth for ages - as the loss of his soul also made him immortal. (TOGRRA 5).

-- After resting for awhile, he gave the preacher Sin-Eater the power to send souls into The Soul Crystal as part of a ploy to trick Blaze into coming to the town of Holly with Roxanne Simpson. There he fought and defeated Ghost Rider (I) and enslaved Blaze's soul. However, a weakened Ghost Rider (I) managed to smash The Soul Crystal in half, freeing the souls trapped inside. The Soul Crystal resealed itself with Centurious now trapped inside. Zarathos, ever lusting for vengeance allowed Sin-Eater to send him into the crystal as well, trapping both Zarathos and Centurious inside. After that Mephisto took the Crystal so he could amuse himself by watching them both battle in torment. (TOGRRA 7).

Cerberus: [AMU]
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Mini Profile:
-- The entire olympian myth on Cerberus can be found HERE... or the profile above.
-- Cerberus currently possesses the conventional attributes of an Olympian god including superhuman strength (approximately class 80), stamina, resistance to harm and a prolonged life enchantment. In his humanoid form, he wields a large warhammer made of unknown materials, and his helmet can fire blasts of energy. Cerberus has also demonstrated the ability to transform ordinary objects into weapons He also possesses the ability to shapeshift back to his original form as a three-headed (occasionally single-headed) dog. In this form, he has strength above ordinary dogs and wolves and a particularly bloodthirsty disposition. He can also increase his body's size, and has poisoned fangs.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Pluto sent Cerberus in his humanoid form to participate in the abuductions of Hercules and Venus from Los Angeles. He encountered Ghost Rider (I), and shifted to his dog form to battle him. Ghost Rider (I) fled and found Hercules, who beat Cerberus in combat. (Champ 1).

Challenger, The: [AMU]
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Mini Profile:
-- Agent of Mephisto.
-- He has a variety of mystic powers, including formation of shields, creating illusions, inter-dimensional transport.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Ghost Rider (I) and the Son of Satan succeeded in exorcising the demons of Legion from Katy Milner, but then found her surrounded by an impenetrable force field. The Challenger appeared and told the Ghost Rider (I) that he could save Katy Milner's life only if he underwent a challenge without the help of any others. If he failed, he would lose his own soul as well.

The Ghost Rider (I) undertook the challenge, which initially consisted of a variety of stunts, as well as reliving some of his past experiences. He then fought simalacruma of a number of his previous foes, including the Aquarius (I), The Miracle Man, The Orb, Snake Dance, and The Trapster, and then of his allies, such as The Thing and The Champions of Los Angeles. Ghost Rider (I) was defeated by a kiss from a doppelganger of the Black Widow, which siphoned away his energies.

Blaze awoke in the realm of The Challenger, who revealed his true form, and demanded that Blaze surrender his soul due to his failure. Blaze figured that if The Challenger had the power to do so, he could just take Blaze's soul. He refused to surrender and attacked The Challenger. During the course of the battle, he also determined The Challenger was using illusions against him , and that The Challenger was only as powerful as Blaze believed him to be. Ghost Rider (I) blasted The Challenger with hellfire and defeated him, allowing himself to return to Earth unscathed. Upon returning, the force field over Katy Milner faded away, as did her illusionary self, revealing her to be Roxanne Simpson. (GR II #17-19)

Champions, The:  

-- Super-groups consisting of Ghost Rider (I), Black Widow, Angel (I), Iceman and Hercules. Other temporary members have also included: Darkstar and Black Goliath.

-- They are formed when several baddies attack UCLA looking for Venus. Eventually it is revealed that Zeus wants Venus to marry Ares and Hercules to marry Hippolyta. Hercules and Venus are captured, but after wallowing in despair, the other heroes storm Olympus to save Hercules. Ghost Rider (I) convinces Zeus that he has been duped, and thus The Champions save the day. (Champ 1-3).

-- For their next adventure, Hercules and the Black Widow are brainwashed by Dr. Edward Lansing and forced to attack the other Champions. Of course, all ends well. Ghost Rider (I) plays a very small part in this story. (Champ 4).

-- Then they fought the villain Rampage. Ghost Rider (I) had no part in this adventure. (Champ 5-6).

-- They apparently get together to watch TV, since they are briefly seen (with Ghost Rider (I)) watching the TV together catching up on the latest news on The Avengers. (AV 151).

-- After Rampage is defeated, he is freed by the Crimson Dynamo and his cohorts, who proceed to give The Champions a hard time. But, after numerous challenges, they prevail and Darkstar joins. (Champ 7-10).

-- Next, they fight Kaa at the Mesa of Lost Souls. (Champ 12).

-- Returning from the Midwest, they run into The Stranger, tangle with Kamo Tharn and have fun with a Null-life bomb. (Champ 12-13).

-- While Ghost Rider (I) is off busy tackling The Enforcer, the rest of The Champions tangle with Godzilla and SHEILD. (GZ:KOTM 3).

-- They then tangle with the villain Swarm and deal with the fact their own HQ has decided to attack them. (Champ 14-15).

-- Iron Man then recruits them to tackle Mordok. This apparently succeeds, but Darkstar is hurt badly. This adventure also has Ghost Rider (I) being verbally abusive to other Champions, showing his emerging demonic personality. (IMA 1977).

-- Magneto comes to visit them with Beast to recruit them in fighting Doctor Doom, but they are all under Doctor Doom's control, as is the rest of the world. All of them, that is, except for the non-breathing Ghost Rider (I), who saves the day by forcing Doctor Doom to breathe his own neuro-gas - thus canceling its effect son the rest of the world. (SVTU 14, Champ 16).

-- After that, The Vanisher uses some subterfuge (using some pseudo-Sentinels and a few evil mutants) to gain access to their HQ, but he is trapped by Darkstar halfway through teleportation. (Champ 17).

-- Because of this, the entire Champions HQ is wrecked. This causes many hurt feelings and Ghost Rider (I) storms off saying "None of you want me here!" This becomes the proverbial straw, and nearly all of the rest of The Champions take off, leaving Angel (I) behind to clear up the financial mess. (PPTSS 17-18).

-- After they disbanded, many of them joined The Defenders, a fact which causes Blaze to visit The Defenders after he has been freed from his curse. (Def1 145).


-- Another one of the many cops who decide to chase Ghost Rider (I) because he is going over the speed limit. (GR1 36).

Chaney, Dr.:  

-- Doctor treating the Scarecrow at Creedmoor psychiatric in Queens, New York. Of course, the Scarecrow escapes and kills the doctor. (GR2 7).

Charlie (I):  

-- A cop (one of a pair) who chases Ghost Rider (I) around in dune buggy. They find Blaze in human form and bring his back to a hospital. (TOGR 12).

Charlie (II):  

-- One of two thugs who try to mug Blaze in Hoboken. They fail, of course and come out fairly worse for the wear. (GR2 12)

Charlie (III)  

-- Worker for The Tarantula (of the old wild west) who gets a dose of Ghost Rider (I)'s soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 50).


-- Indian mystics, called the "Silent Ones." (TOGR 19).

Cherry Hill, Illinois:  

-- An "average town" where Ghost Rider (I) tangled with Adam Henderson and Null - The Living Darkness. (TOGRRA 2).

Christmas Child:  

-- Adopted as ward of the Konohoti Indian reservation, this child was created by The Miracle Man in an attempt to become a God. The child contains the spirit of a Cheemuzwa - an Indian mystic. (TOGR 19).

Church of Satan:  

-- Where Curly Samuels tries to sacrifice Roxanne Simpson, but is stopped by Ghost Rider (I). (TOGR 3).


-- Girlfriend of Flagg Fargo. (GR1 58).

Circus of Crime:
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Mini Profile:
-- They are a traveling band of circus performers, usually led by Maynard Tiboldt, better known as the Ringmaster, who use their special skills to rob their audiences.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- After losing their leader, the Ringmaster, they attempt to get Eliot Franklin (Clown) to be their leader. They sabotage the Quentin Carnival several times to get his attention. They finally get his attention when they torch his father's tent and his father needs money to pay for the hospital bill. He pretends to join up, but after some showboating for their sake, he turns on them because of what they did to his father. The carnival workers make short work of them, but Ghost Rider (I), unaware of what is going on, mistakenly gives Eliot Franklin an overdose of Hellfire that causes him to go into a near catatonic state. (TOGRRA 3).

Clarke, Stuart: [FH]  

-- The real name of Rampage.

Clayborne, Regina:  

-- Lady who hides out in The Champions HQ in order to hide from the Stilt-Man. She has a mysterious box that lots of villains want (it turns out to be a Null-life bomb). (Champ 12).

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Mini Profile:
-- She is the daughter of Umar, a member of the extradimensional Faltinian race. And of Prince Orini, the son of Olnar, former ruler of the Dark Dimension. Exiled from their native dimension, Umar and her brother Dormammu had allied themselves with Olnar. Olnar was killed by the savage beings called the Mindless Ones, leaving a son, Prince Orini, who could not yet succeed his father as ruler since he was an infant. Dormammu was declared regent since he and Umar had saved the people of the Dark Dimension from the Mindless Ones and he raised Prince Orini as his ward. Dormammu did not surrender the throne to Prince Orini when the latter reached adulthood; instead, Prince Orini became Dormammu's leading disciple. Upon becoming an adult, Prince Orini first met Umar, and fell deeply in love with her; However, Umar was disgusted by her affair with Prince Orini and has since treated him contemptuously. After Clea's birth, she gave Clea to Prince Orini to rise, and until recently, only Umar and Prince Orini knew that Umar was Clea's mother. **
She is Doctor Strange's love interest.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- While out shopping with Wong, she senses the attack on Doctor Strange by Ghost Rider (I) and goes to help him. (GR1 30).

-- She gets punched out by Ghost Rider (I). Eventually she awakens and helps a bit. (GR1 31).


-- Yet another cop who spots Ghost Rider (I) speeding and decides to chase him with disastrous results. (TOGR 6).


-- Some guy who works at a messenger service with Dan Ketch. (GR2 6).

Clothilde: [AMU]
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-- The real name of The Wind-Witch.
-- In the 15th Century, she was trained in the art of magick from her father, a "wise and worldly sorcerer." Apparently Clothilde practiced unspecified acts of black magic, which were discovered by other villagers. The governor dispatched his guards to seize Clothilde and chain her in a dungeon, where she was tortured and put to death via a mask containing spikes on its inner surface, which were hammered into her head. As she lay dying, Clothilde noticed a candle flickering in the dungeon, and she used her waning powers to send her soul into its orange flame. One second later, she breathed her last.
    The governor's men took her body and burned it on a pyre in the castle square, with soldiers and peasants gathered round about, shouting and jeering. The stench was terrible, as her mortal body tuned to smoke and ash, and drifted away on the evening wind...but her soul lived on in that candle

Cloud: [AMU]**
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Mini Profile:
-- Cloud was a nebula in space, a few hundred million years from becoming a star. She was several times greater than the solar system. When Cloud noticed the stars in the sky disappearing around her, she grew frightened and her fear attracted the recently hatched Cosmic Cube, Kubik, to her. As they talked, Kubik told Cloud of the brave men of Earth (in particular Captain America), and reduced Cloud to human size so that she could go to Earth for help. When Cloud approached the earth, she saw two teenagers, Carol Faber and Danny Milligan, who were driving down the road and very much in love. She tried to make contact with them and tuned into their minds, but she caused their car to crash. She took on both of their forms in an attempt to heal them, and was shocked by the pain they were experiencing. Her senses reeling, she ended up in Carol Faber's form wandering aimlessly with no memory at all until the Secret Empire picked her and brainwashed her, giving her false memories and utilizing her powers for their cause.
-- Cloud, in her nebula forms, possesses great power, including manipulation of matter and energy on a planetary scales, instantaneous travel across space, and the ability to hold a breathable atmosphere in her form. She can also shrink or expand her form as needed. She possessed the ability to take on human form and memory. In her human form, she/he could turn into a living Cloud with the power to fire lightning and mild telepathy. She could also shift her form from the template of Carol Faber to the template of Danny Milligan. **

Ghost Rider Link:
-- A member of The Defenders during the time they met Blaze after he was freed from the curse of being Ghost Rider (I). (Def1 145).

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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Eliot "Crafty" Franklin.
-- The Clown has twice been leader of the Circus of Crime for brief periods, and once attempted to have the Circus of Crime members captured by the law. However, since then, apparently because he feels he has nowhere else to go, the Clown has rejoined the Circus of Crime. **
-- The Clown is a skilled comedian, juggler, and unicyclist. He uses a trick cane and juggler's ball as weapons. **

Ghost Rider Link:
-- The Circus of Crime tries to get his attention by sabotaging the Quentin Carnival several times. After his father is injured in a fire, Eliot Franklin pretends to join up so he can pay for his father's hospital bills. After some showboating for their sake, he turns on them because of what they did to his father. The carnival workers make short work of them, but Ghost Rider (I), unaware of what is going on, mistakenly gives Eliot Franklin an overdose of Hellfire that causes him to go into a near catatonic state. (TOGRRA 3).


-- Thug who commits a lethal mugging, chases down Ghost Rider (I) because he can identify him and his accomplice. Ghost Rider (I) uses fire to escape from them. Caught by police, Clyde and a friend tell the police and newspapers about the Ghost Rider. (TOGR 1).

Collazo, Hector:  

-- He is buried at the Cypress Hill cemetery. His headstone reads "1967-1992. "He died on the job." (MCE 1992).

Collier, Carson: [AMU]
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Mini Profile:
-- He is the only (confirmed) son of Carson "Coot" Collier, Sr. He was born in San Jose, California. Son of "Coot" Collier.
-- As a young boy, Carson Collier watched his father perform stunts in his "shoot-'em-ups." Later, when he was older, Carson Collier began to "shake down school kids for their lunch money." Hoping to follow in his father's footsteps, Carson Collier enrolled in the University of Southern California film school, only to become heavily involved in dealing narcotics. Developing criminal contacts, Carson Collier dropped out of school to pursue a career in crime.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Carson Collier went to his father's Benedict Canyon home and let himself in. When "Coot" Collier returned and saw the lights on, he grabbed his carbine and confronted the intruder but was surprised and delighted when he realized that it was Carson Collier. When "Coot" Collier asked where he'd been, Carson Collier replied that he'd been keeping real busy and thought to himself that while he couldn't reveal exactly what he'd been into lately, soon everybody would find out. "Coot" Collier didn't notice Carson Collier's peculiar smile or the sudden glint in his eyes.
    The next morning, Carson Collier went to Delazny Studios to watch his father direct an episode of the "Stuntmaster" television show. Standing with Stuntmaster and Roxanne Simpson, Carson Collier watched Johnny Blaze perform a Motorcycle stunt with Karen Page. Once the stunt was completed, Stuntmaster introduced him to Johnny Blaze who got a strange feeling that "something about Carson Collier (didn't) ring true." (GR II #22)

-- After the Ghost Rider (I) had defeated The Enforcer, but before the police arrived, The Enforcer revived, and, under circumstances that have yet to be revealed, managed to mislead the authorities into believing that Carson Collier Jr. was The Enforcer. Hence, it was the young Carson Collier who was imprisoned for The Enforcer's crimes. Charles Delazny, however, learned that his son was the real Enforcer. (OHotMUDE#17)

Collier, "Coot": [AMU]
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Mini Profile:
-- He was the star of numerous 1940's cowboy films who later directed a number of movie Westerns and then went on to direct television programs (including "Stuntmaster") produced at Delazny Studios. Aside from his acting and directing skills, "Coot" Collier did all his own trick-shooting in his films and retained this skill even after he gave up acting. "Coot" Collier had definitely had at least one son, Carson Collier. He was delighted when Carson Collier paid him an unexpected visit but was later heartbroken -- The director of the Stunt-Master TV show. (GR1 13).

Ghost Rider Link:
-- He made several appearances in the pages of Ghost Rider (I)'s run (GRI#13 (14-15,18-19,21-23, 25-26, 58)

Copperhead Canyon:  

-- A canyon in Arizona where Blaze was supposed to do a Motorcycle jump. It is the sight of an Indian dispute with the government over ownership. Ghost Rider (I) fought the evil Snakedance at this sight. (TOGR 4, 5).

-- Bart Slade dies there attempting a stunt Blaze was supposed to do. (TOGR 8).


-- Accountant at the Stunt-Master TV show who ruins one of Blaze's stunts and then informs the director that Blaze can't do any stunts until he joins the stunt union. (GR1 14).

-- After searching "Coot" Collier's files, he decides that the director is hiding something. (GR1 15).

Craig (I): [FH]  

-- Son of Johnny Blaze and Roxanne Simpson.

Craig (II):  

-- One of The Kingpin's thugs. (GR2 2).

Crane, Mr.:  

-- Member of the Cypress Hills Community Action group that hires H.E.A.R.T to track down their missing children. (GR2 8).

Crane, Mark:  

-- Arthur Sterling's lawyer.

-- He warns Arthur Sterling that making moves against the death cult will be treading too close to breaking the first amendment. Of course, he is actually in charge of the cult. He is given a dose of Ghost Rider (I)'s soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 39).

Crimson Dynamo:  

-- Real name: Yuri Petrovich. Son of Ivan Petrovich.

-- He gathers together a group of villains such as Darkstar, Rampage and Griffin to capture three Russian defectors - the Black Widow, Alexi Bruskin and Ivan Petrovich. (Champ 7-10).

Cross, Roger:  

-- A worker at the special effects department at Delazny Studios. He asks Roxanne Simpson out and she accepts, hoping to make Blaze jealous. (GR1 24).

-- Ghost Rider (I) goes to his house, only to see Roxanne Simpson and making out. (GR1 26).

Cruel Fate:  

-- A "Journal of the Paranormal". Run by Martin Gold and Shannon. (LoN 1-2).

Curwin, Isaiah: [DS]
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-- The real name of Silver Dagger
He was a Cardinal in the Vatican with access to the library on mysticism. At one time he decided for himself that all magic (and magic users) where derived from the devil and should be destroyed. So he started gathering followers and collecting special weapons that were extremely effective against magic in all their forms. He was even willing to use magic in a small degree to reach his goal. These actions couldn't go by unnoticed by the Vatican. So they cast him out, and excommunicated him. This made Isaiah Curwin even more dangerous and determent.

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Mini Profile:
-- Real name: Scott Summers.
-- Member of the X-Men, X-Factor and other mutant groups.
-- Aas a teenager, Scott Summers began to suffer from severe headaches and eyestrain. He was sent to an eye specialist in Washington, D. C., who discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem. While Scott Summers was visiting a large city, his developing mutant power to project optic force beams finally erupted, bursting forth in an uncontrollable blast that demolished a crane, causing it to drop a huge object towards a terrified crowd. Scott Summers saved the crowd by obliterating the object with another blast, but they turned into an angry mob, thinking he had tried to kill them. Scott Summers fled, ultimately escaping on a freight train. Professor Charles Xavier and F.B.I. agent Fred Duncan joined forces in their mutual attempt to find Scott Summers. Meanwhile, a mutant known as Jack O' Diamonds, and later as the Living Diamond, forced the frightened boy to aid him in his crimes. Xavier rescued Scott from the Living Diamond and enlisted him as the first member of the team of young mutants he would teach in using their powers, the X-Men.
-- He possesses the mutant ability to project a beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops's eyes are no longer the complex organic jelly that utilizes the visible spectrum of light to see the world around it. Instead, they are inter-dimensional apertures between this universe and another, non-Einsteinium universe, where physical laws as we know them do not pertain. This non-Einsteinium universe is filled with particles that resemble photons, yet they interact with this universe's particles by transferring kinetic energy in the form of gravitons (the particle of gravitation). These particles generate great, directional concussive force when they interact with the objects of this universe.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) while a member of X-Factor. (GR2 9).

Cypress Hills:  

-- In Brooklyn, this is where Dan Ketch and Barbara Ketch grew up and base of operations for Ghost Rider (II) most of the time.

-- Dan Ketch and Barbara Ketch go to the local cemetery on Halloween eve to see Harry Houdini grave. There Barbara Ketch gets shot and all the ensuing action leads to Ghost Rider (II)'s rebirth, which DID NOT take place in the graveyard. The blessed event actually took place nearby at Gallagher's Junkyard. (GR2 1).

Cypress Pool Jokers:  

-- Group of teenage jokers who pull pranks on unsuspecting people. named members include Paulie Stratton, Johhny, Angel (I), Craig (II), Ralphie.

-- They scare Dan Ketch and Barbara Ketch in a graveyard and then get mixed up with Deathwatch and The Kingpin by accident. (GR1 2).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe [MD] = Marvel Directory

[ICS] = Inernational Catologue of Superheroes [EGR] = Encyclopedia for Ghost Rider [DS] = Encyclopedia for Dr. Strange

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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