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-- A member of The Defenders.


-- Undead creatures of the night who feed on blood. Hunted by Blade, they were once banished from Earth by means of the Montesi Formula (cast by Doctor Strange), but they have recently returned as the formula was weakened.

-- Ghost Rider (I) ran into some giant Vampire bats controlled by Dalton Cartwright. Dalton claimed to be the ancestor of the man who brought vampirism to the New World. (GR1 48).

-- However, an adventure of Thor has shown that Varnae the Vampire brought vampirism to the shores of America during the brief Viking occupation, and that the colonists of Roanoke were all turned into Vampires. (MCP 63).

Vanisher, The:  

-- A villain with the power of teleportation.

-- He uses the Blob, Lonrelei and Unus the Untouchable (along with some pseudo-Sentinels) to crash the HQ of The Champions. In the midst of teleporting away, Darkstar traps him halfway here and halfway there. No one is sure if he survived the shock or not. (Champ 17).

Vance, Angela:  

-- Daughter of Dr. Thurgood Vance.

-- Her husband died in a nuclear accident, and the baby born after that was hideously deformed. Her father killed it as a mercy. (GR1 40).

Vance, Dr. Thurgood:  

-- A former proponent of Nuclear power, now it's most bitter enemy.

-- He killed his hideously deformed grandchild and was thus put in jail for a few years, as well as drummed out of the scientific community. Blaze was hit by a car just outside of his house. Seeing this, he and his daughter Angela Vance rescued him an told him their sordid story. Then he and his daughter are "kidnapped" and he takes on a career as The Nuclear Man. (GR1 40).

Van Lunt, Cornelius:  

-- Taurus in Zodiac (I), his money is stolen by Zodiac (II) while he is in jail. (TOGR 14).

Varden, Dirk:  

-- Loan shark who is putting the squeeze on Bob Farley and his Super-Circus. He engineers the death of The Flame Cyclists, but dies by driving off of a cliff when Ghost Rider (I) decides to play chicken. (GR1 37).


-- Under the human guise of Dr. Victoria Starr, she is actually the Olympian goddess of love.

-- When several baddies attack UCLA to find Venus, the super-heroes that just happen to be around form into The Champions. After a lengthy battle, she gives up her human guise and decides to stay in Olympus. (Champ 1-3).


-- One of The Kingpin's thugs. He was "taken out" by Ghost Rider (II) at some point. (GR2 2).


-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 15).

Von Reitberger, Hermann:  

-- German pilot in World War I. During that war, he fought The Phantom Eagle and won. However, The Phantom Eagle's ghost has managed to chase him down ever since then, because Von Reitberger shot him down while he was rescuing his parents. Eventually, he dies in combat with The Phantom Eagle's ghost. (TOGR 20).

Von Reitberger, Joel:  

-- Grandson of Hermann Von Reitberger. Also, the world's foremost authority on World War I flying aces. (TOGR 20).


-- Minion of Asmodeus. (GR1 53).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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