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Madam Menace:  

-- Underground weapons dealer.

-- The Orb gets some new equipment from her so he can attack Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 63).

Madam Olga:  

-- The Quentin Carnival's resident psychic (she is mostly a fraud. Although she does have some undeveloped psychic abilities, she does not use them in her act).

-- After buying an antique bowl with a candle, she accidentally summons The Wind-Witch, but she manages to banish the evil witch with the help of Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 66).

-- Later, Adam Henderson pays her a visit and tells her the story of Null - The Living Darkness. Then he blows up her tent, sending her into shock. (TOGRRA 2).

-- Her psychic powers seem to manifest themselves in dreams, since she has an amazingly accurate vision of Blaze's encounter with Centurious. (TOGRRA 3).

Madison Square Garden:  

-- This is where Crash Simpson died during his attempt to set a world record. (TOGR 1).

-- Blaze does another show here. (TOGR 3).

-- The sight of the first Spider-Man and Ghost Rider (I) team up - against The Orb. (MT 254).


-- Mutant with magnetic powers. Sometimes evil, sometimes good - He's basically a well-meaning if misguided villain.

-- Doctor Doom frees him from the effects of his mind control gas to provide some sport. Magneto frees Beast and then goes to recruit The Champions, who look like they are ready for a fight. (SVTU 14).

-- Failing to get anyone his side besides the Beast on his side, he attacks Doctor Doom in Washington, D.C. The Champions follow right behind and Ghost Rider (I) realizes he is not under any control since he doesn't breathe, so he joins Magneto's side. Ghost Rider (I) forces Doctor Doom to remove his mask, causing Doctor Doom to breathe his own mind control gas - thus canceling out the gas's effects on the world. (Champ 16).


-- A baddie who does a lot of bad things for no apparent reason (most likely just for kicks), but who runs afoul of Ghost Rider (I) and gets a taste of soul-searing Hellfire. (GR1 25).


-- An Indian spirit that protects the lands around the Little Thunderbird dam project. It has the power to harm Ghost Rider (I). To teach him a lesson, the Manitou sent Blaze into the past. (GR1 49, 50).


-- Was once called Ted Sallis, a renowned biochemist. An experiment went awry and turned him into a "Swamp Thing" of sorts (although Man-Thing appeared in comics mere weeks before the Swamp Thing did). He serves as the guardian of the nexus of all realities which is located in his swamp in Florida. His powers: Whatever knows fear burns at the touch of the Man-Thing!

-- Joins forces with Ghost Rider (I) and others to form The Legion of Monsters. (MP 28).


-- A villain in suit of armor modeled after his mythological namesake.

-- He kidnaps Hawkeye at a dude ranch in Arizona. It all involves a scheme to kill an Avenger so he can get the Hellcat suit back for Patsy Walker. Of course, the combined might of the Two-Gun Kid, Hawkeye and Ghost Rider (I) prove too much for him. (GR 127).

Marauder, The:  

-- Guardian Angel biker in black of Team America.

-- After Team America witnesses Blaze's show at the Quentin Carnival, Blaze senses that Ghost Rider (I) doesn't like them for some reason. Later that night, Ghost Rider (I) tracks down The Marauder and demands some answers about what type of creature The Marauder is. Blaze forces a transformation and tells The Marauder to leave. Later, at a motorcross race, Ghost Rider (I) forces a transformation and attacks Team America demanding that The Marauder appear. The Marauder shows up and battles Ghost Rider (I), but then HYDRA shows up in an attempt to destroy Team America. Ghost Rider (I) gives The Marauder a small dose of Hellfire, but then realizes that the true villains here are HYDRA and turns his wrath on them. After the battle is over, Ghost Rider (I) leaves, but The Marauder is left behind, severely injured. (TA 11).

Marek, Mr.:  

-- Presumably, the owner or manager or president of "Los Angeles' largest Brokerage house" during the time when The Water-Wizard stole some money from it. (GR1 23).


-- Young girl (with friend Shelly) who asks for Blaze's and Red Fowler's autographs. After that, Blaze and Red Fowler play a few games to win these girls a few stuffed animals. During one of those games was when Madam Olga's tent blew up (TOGRRA 2).


-- Moon Knight's lady acquaintance. At a charity fund raiser for the Homeless (being held at Grand Central Terminal) that is attacked by the Knights of the Moon - terrorists who claim to serve Konshu. She sees Ghost Rider (II) as he is vaporized by Plasma. (MS:MK 25).

Marley, "Shocks":  

-- "Shocks" Marley was a stock-car stunt man who worked for Sonny Tremont's Auto Circus, and dressed in a costume he found in Haiti, which a "voodoo witch-woman" claimed could bring him back from the dead. Shocks had a crush on one of Tremont's employees, Nora, but she was in love with Tremont's partner, Ned Pearson. Marley sabotaged Pearson's stunt car one day, and he was killed in a crash while performing for an audience. Tremonts, Nora, and Pete, their mechanic, testified against him, and he was sentenced to death. (**)


-- (see also Harry). Another cop in a duo who decides he has to chase Ghost Rider (I) around. (AOTT 2).

Marvel Girl:  

-- see Jean Grey.

Master, The:  

-- Often used title for Mephisto in early tales featuring Ghost Rider (I). It is also used for the unnamed entity that The Legion of Night is dedicated to fighting


-- A Morlock.

Masters, Alicia:  

-- Blind sculptor and girlfriend of The Thing.

-- Her nearly getting hurt because of The Thing's carelessness causes him to take a break and run into Ghost Rider (I). Later, The Thing takes her to a Blaze stunt cycle show. (AOTT 2).

Matheson, Oliver:  

-- A pastor in Cherry Hill, Illinois.

-- After witnessing Blaze's stunt show, he finds himself the target of Null - The Living Darkness's wrath. He is temporarily shrunken, but resumes his normal size after being tossed aside. He saves Maureen Henderson from a falling statue after that. This experience gives him new insight into human suffering and makes him a better pastor. (TOGRRA 2).

Matheson, Sarah:  

-- Wife of Oliver Matheson. (TOGRRA 2).

McCloskey, Colonel:  

-- Former army buddy of Devil-Slayer, their friendship ended when Devil-Slayer tried to get Colonel McCloskey court-martialed for a massacre during Vietnam .

-- They next meet in the Central American village of Potega, where Devil-Slayer is acting as guardian angel. Colonel McCloskey has been working with the guerillas trying to overrun the town. He sells his soul to Mephisto (with the Flying Dutchman as intermediary) in order to defeat Devil-Slayer. He loses, of course. He survives a protracted battle, but he comes out with a skull branded on his chest (unless that was a tattoo that was there before and we just never saw it). (MCP 46-49).

McCormick, Fiona:  

-- Demolition specialist for H.E.A.R.T. (GR2 8).

McCormick, Mike:  

-- Everyone calls him "Mouse." His father died when he was fairly young.

-- He was working for Devil Grip to impress the other neighborhood kids, but he found out too much and Devil Grip was going to kill him. Ghost Rider (II) put a stop to that and Mike McCormick got a free ride home on the back of the Motorcycle. (MCE 1992).

McCoy, Hank:  

-- See Beast


-- A detective with the 75th precinct in Brooklyn.

-- he gets killed (along with several other police officers) by Deathwatch and his cohorts. (GR2 3).

McDonald, Father Michael:  

-- Ms. Ketch's priest. He is killed by Blackout. (GR2 8).

McGill, Donny:  

-- Orderly at Creedmoor psychiatric in Queens. Killed by the Scarecrow (GR2 7).

Meagher, Tyler:  

-- Field commander of H.E.A.R.T. (GR2 8).

Melloncamp, Dr.:  

-- A brilliant Doctor who save Hammer and Anvil's life, they pay her back by trying to kidnap her. She is saved by The Freaks . (MT 256).

Meltzer, Arthur:  

-- A subway car driver that Ghost Rider (I) plays chicken with. Technically, Arthur Meltzer won, since Ghost Rider (I) turned away at the last minute. (AOTT 2)


-- Ancient Olympian Titan.

-- He is summoned by The Huntsman in order to defeat The Champions, but he loses. (Champ 2).


-- Short for Mephistopheles, traditionally another name for Satan. Father of Blackheart, and responsible for nearly all the Ghost Rider goings on.

-- Gets Naomi Kale to change into Ghost Rider (0), killing her (GR2 minus 1).

-- Makes deal with Johnny Blaze to spare the life of Crash Simpson from a fatal disease. Crash Simpson does not die - of the disease, but does die of a failed Motorcycle stunt. The bargain fulfilled, Mephisto comes to claim Blaze's soul, but is forced back by Roxanne Simpson. However, Mephisto sends the demon Zarathos to posses Blaze, turning him into Ghost Rider (I). (TOGR 1).

-- Ghost Rider (I) is Zarathos, a being he defeated and enslaved in antiquity with the help of Centurious. Ever since then he has used Zarathos to possess various souls for his own amusement. (TOGRRA 5).

-- A bet he made with The Beyonder to keep the universe alive for another day was responsible for the brief freeing with Zarathos from his prison to torment Spider-Man. (ASM 274).

-- After Ghost Rider (II) is hit by a beam of mystical energy from The Wrecker, Mephisto appears. This worries Loki , who pays him a visit and mentions Ghost Rider (II)'s resemblance to Ghost Rider (I). Mephisto assures him it is merely a coincidence and that he visited Earth only to vies Ghost Rider (II) with his own eyes. When Loki first appears, Mephisto is looking at The Soul Crystal. (Thor 429-430).

Mesa of Lost Souls:  

-- "La Mesa de las almas perdidas."

-- This is either in Arizona or New Mexico. The alien Kaa is defeated by The Champions, Hawkeye and the Two-Gun Kid here. (Champ 11).

Messenger, The:  

-- A mysterious stranger who appears to Ghost Rider (I) in Hell and helps him escape. Says he represents "all that is good and righteous." (TOGR 4).

-- Mephisto claims he is The Messenger and that he tricked Blaze. (TOGR 16).

Mike (I):  

-- Firefighter who sees Ghost Rider (I) and The Bounty Hunter and is freaked out by them. (GR1 31).

Mike (II):  

-- Member of Mark Crane's Death cult. (GR1 39).

Mike (III):  
-- Mechanic at Langtree Motors. (GR1 41).
Mike (IV):  
-- Man who works for Ron Williamson and helped plant the bomb intended to blow up an L track. (GR1 60).
Mike (V):  
-- One of the many, many cops who have nothing better to do than chase Ghost Rider (I) around for speeding and reckless driving. (GR1 63).
Miller, Mr. Casey.:  

-- Manager of a rodeo that Blaze is scheduled to do a show at in Arizona. He doesn't think bikers should be playing at rodeos. (TOGR 4).

-- Roxanne Simpson calls him "Mr. Casey" in the next issue. I have decided to assume Casey is his first name to reconcile the apparent contradiction. (TOGR 5)

-- Child on an L train in Chicago who sees Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 60).
Milner, Katy:  

-- Karen Page's stunt double on the Stunt-Master TV show. The more dangerous the stunt, the more she gets paid, and she's trying to put a kid brother through medical school. (GR1 13).

-- She sends Blaze on an errand to UCLA that causes him to join up with The Champions. (GR1 14, Champ 1).

-- After she is hurt by Karen Page (who was under the control of The Orb at the time), she is taken to the hospital, where she is taken over by some sort of possession. (GR1 15).

-- She grows horns and then tells Blaze she is infected with "the same vileness that has damned you." Hellstorm frees her from her possession, but The Challenger makes Ghost Rider (I) ride a deadly challenge course to save her life. (GR1 17).

-- She is revealed to be Roxanne Simpson , under a false guise given to her by Inferno. (GR1 19).

Miracle Man, The:  

-- Super-villain.

-- Uses the Konohoti Indian reservation as a sight for a reenactment of the Christmas story in order to become a God. He is stopped by The Thing and Ghost Rider (I). (TOGR 19).

Mister Fantastic:  

-- Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four. Husband of Sue Storm, The Invisible Woman; father of Franklin Richards.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) when he joins up with a replacement Fantastic Four. (FF 348-349).

"Mitch": [FH]  
-- see Frederick William Mathew the 3rd Mitchell
Mitchell, Frederick William Mathew the 3rd:  

-- Known as "Mitch." A big fan of Blaze's stunt work.

-- Blaze runs into him on the road after they've both had accidents. "Mitch" ran over some spikes in the road. The spikes were left by a Motorcycle gang that was after "Mitch" for some reason. His uncle, the clan patriarch refuses to pay any ransom on moral grounds. However, Ghost Rider (I) shows up and saves him. (GR1 51).


-- Super Villain with incredible mental powers. He was created by AIM.

-- Iron Man and The Champions track him down and supposedly accidentally destroy him. He was working on some powerful doomsday device, of course. (IMA 1977).

-- The Water-Wizard's partner in crime. He is the "brains" of the outfit. (GR1 23).
Mole-Man, The:  

-- Villain who lives on Monster Isle.

-- Gets mixed up with Ghost Rider (II) when the whole replacement Fantastic Four deal goes down. Blame the Skrulls. (FF 348-349).

Monster Isle:  

-- Located in The Bermuda Triangle, this is the home of The Mole-Man and assorted nasty monsters.

-- Ghost Rider (II) pays a visit there while a member of a temporary version of the Fantastic Four. (FF 348-349).

Monty (I):  
-- Member of a lynch mob that threatens to hang Blaze. They are stopped by the police. (GR1 48).
Monty (II):  

-- A friend of Phil (I)'s

-- He comes up with a crazy plan to get into a car being used during one of Blaze's stunt shows. They steal the car and nearly kill Blaze, so Ghost Rider (I) chases after them. They both get a partial dose of Hellfire. (AOTT 2).

Moondark the Magician:  

-- A super-villain and a third rate magician.

-- He gains control of Ghost Rider (I) while running a carnival. He shows him off as a sideshow freak and then uses him to capture Spider-Man . He turns out to have stolen the souls of all those in the carnival. Spider-Man frees Ghost Rider (I)'s soul and they free the souls of the rest of the carnival. It is also revealed r has no soul, as he has sold his to some dark master. His soul orb is destroyed and his dark masters claim him. (MT 256).

-- His dark masters give him a new soul orb, on condition that he capture the soul of Blaze. He tricks Blaze into a cave on the outskirts of Las Vegas and captures him. The Night Rider bursts into the scene and saves Blaze, who turns into Ghost Rider (I) and destroys the new soul orb. Weakened, Moondark the Magician flees the scene, vowing to return. (GR1 56).

-- Next, Moondark the Magician tries to use The Water-Wizard to defeat Ghost Rider (I), but he reveals himself too early and is defeated. (GR1 59).

Moon Knight:  

-- Fist of Konshu. Real name: Marc Spector.

--Teams up with Ghost Rider (II) to stop Plasma and the Knights of the Moon - terrorists claiming to serve Konshu. (MS:MK 25).

Morbius, Michael Dr.:  

-- or, more simply, Morbius. A renowned biochemist who was afflicted with a rare blood disease. The cure turned him into a "living Vampire." He's not undead, but he needs blood to live and sunlight can kill him.

-- Joins forces with Ghost Rider (I) and others to form The Legion of Monsters. (MP 28).


-- Deformed mutants who live underground.

-- A renegade group of them was kidnapping children because an evil mutant, Masque, was planning on kidnapping them. They figured if they kidnapped them first, they could save them. Ghost Rider (II) and X-Factor convince them to let the children go. (GR2 9).

-- A worker on the Stunt-Master TV show. (MT 255).

-- Ghost Rider (I) at first rode merely on Blaze's own souped up Motorcycles.

-- Blaze created his first fiery Motorcycle after Linda Littletrees taught him how. Linda Littletrees, however claims only those with Hellfire powers can ride on it. (TOGR 11).

-- After losing several motorcylces, Blaze is given a souped up stunt machine by some fans. (GR1 45).

-- After losing that Motorcycle in an accident, Mr. King (his new employer) lends Blaze some money to buy a new one. (GR1 54).

-- Ghost Rider (II) is somehow tied to a Motorcycle, although the nature of that bond is unclear. This bike has Hellfire for wheels, but the rest of the body appears mechanical. (GR2 1).

Mr. Hyde:  

-- Dr. Calvin Zabo's alter ego.

-- While battling Ghost Rider (II), he gets a small dose of the Penance Stare, which almost makes him transform back to Dr. Calvin Zabo. He flees before the full effect can take force. (GR2 4).

Muck Monster:  
-- A member of The Freaks, he was used by Moondark the Magician to impersonate Man-Thing. (MT 256).
Mutant: [FH]  
-- (From dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/) In Marvel comic books, particular those of the X-Men franchise, a mutant is a human being who is born with physiological modifications that allow for abilities not possessed by normal humans. (Check out much more here)
Mutates (I):  
-- "Destined to rule this planet in Eons to come" - another group of Olympian baddies who attack UCLA looking for Venus. (Champ 1).
Mutates (II):  
-- The name Dr. Edward Lansing gives to his bizarre creations. (Champ 4).

-- Old lady in car with Henry. She is shocked by Ghost Rider (I)'s appearance. (GR1 22).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.