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-- A worker at Los Angeles' largest brokerage house. She witnesses The Water-Wizard's break-in. (GR1 23).

Nassau County:  

-- Ghost Rider (I) outruns some cops there, then takes refuge in a graveyard. (TOGR 3).


-- Member of The Jackal Gang. (GR1 41).


-- Son of Anna and Jonathan (I). He has amazing mental powers, but his body has become weaker and weaker. He forces humans into bizarre experiments and has gradually become evil. He is destroyed by Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 33-34).


-- A substance which can sap Mephisto's powers.

-- Hellstorm's "Sacred Trident" is made of this material. (TOGR 10).


-- Real Name: Kyle Richmond.

-- A member of The Defenders, and owner of Richmond Enterprises.


-- Ruler of the Dimension of Dreams. Doctor Strange's "ancient enemy."

-- While Blaze is asleep and unconscious, he appears to Ghost Rider (I) and reveals to Ghost Rider (I) his glorious past as Zarathos. (TOGRRA 5).

-- He tries to trick Blaze into forsaking mortal life, leaving Ghost Rider (I) (or Zarathos) in charge of the host body, but Blaze escapes the dream dimension and reasserts control over his own body. (TOGRRA 6).

-- Believing Ghost Rider (II) to be Zarathos, Nightmare invades the dreams of Dan Ketch in an attempt to gain control of the Ghost Rider again. He manages to separate and then drag Dan Ketch and Ghost Rider (II) into the dream dimension, where Nightmare tells Ghost Rider (II) about the history of Zarathos. Ghost Rider (II) claims that he is not Zarathos, merges with Dan Ketch again and escapes. (GR2 11).

Night Rider, The:  

-- Real Name: Carter Slade. Also called the Phantom Rider and the Haunted Horseman.

-- He was originally called the Ghost Rider, but with the popularity of ol' flame head, his name was changed to avoid confusion. He operated during the days of the Wild West.

-- When Blaze is sent back in time by the Manitou, he and Ghost Rider (I) meet up for an adventure. They fight The Tarantula. (GR1 50).

-- Hamilton Slade, a modern day descendant of Carter Slade stumbles upon the burial place of The Night Rider. There he is possessed by the spirit of his ancestor, who rides off to save Blaze from Moondark the Magician. (GR1 56).


-- Lady who works for Sonny Tremont. She thinks Blaze is attractive. And, unlike most women Blaze meets, she doesn't chase him off when she discovers that he is Ghost Rider (I). However, later she is killed by the The Apparition. (GR1 57).

Nuclear Man, The:  

-- see Dr. Thurgood Vance.

-- After a tangle with Ghost Rider (I), he escapes, kills the gangster holding his daughter hostage and says he will use the stolen money to help stop the proliferation of nuclear power. He declares he will destroy the Witchita-Carcimona power plant. His daughter Angela Vance tries to stop him, but he strikes her and leaves. Later, she tries to stop him and he accidentally kills her. In his madness, he tries a suicide run on the power plant, and Ghost Rider (I) is forced to kill him on order to prevent a catastrophe. (GR1 40).

Null - The Living Darkness:  

-- Born out of the despair of a race of highly enlightened beings (the S'raphh) who committed mass suicide after their inability to find the ultimate truth.

-- Defeated by The Defenders during its first attack on Earth. (Def1 103).

-- After some time to recover, it possesses Adam Henderson and creates havoc in Cherry Hill, Illinois. After tormenting a pastor and a battle with Ghost Rider (I) , it is apparently killed (or at least dissipated) by Ghost Rider (I)'s Hellfire. (TOGRRA 2)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.