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Mini Profile:
-- Real name: Matt Murdock.(Matthew Michael Murdock)
-- Young Matt Murdock saw a truck about to hit a blind man, and hurled himself in front of it. This good deed changed his life forever, when a can of radioactive waste fell from the truck, broke open, and irradiated Matt Murdock. The accident blinded the young New Yorker, but also mutagenically heightened his other senses. He later met a martial arts master, Stick, who taught him how to use his newly augmented senses - and trained him as a fighter. Matt Murdock went on to college, and fell in love with Elektra Natchios. When Elektra fled, Matt Murdock threw himself into his law studies. When his father, a boxer, was killed by mobsters when he refused to throw a fight, Matt Murdock sought justice in vain. Finally disillusioned by the legal system, Matt Murdock assumed the guise of Daredevil. Further fueled to vengeance and crime-fighting by the death of Elektra, Daredevil uses his radar senses to forever seek justice, whenever his law degree fails him.*
-- Daredevil possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. Daredevil's five sense are heightened to beyond that of even superhumanly enhanced sense. Although Matt Murdock is blind, he can "see" by means of his "radar sense", which acts not unlike sonar. Daredevil is an Olympic level athlete and gymnast, possessing extraordinary agility, endurance, skill and balance. Daredevil's unique fighting style (a blend of ninjitsu, judo and American-style boxing) makes effective use of his Billy Club, which is used as both a baton and grappling hook. *

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Tangles with Death's Head and meets Ghost Rider (I) while searching for a kidnapped Karen Page. (DD 138).

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Mini Profile:
-- It is a volume of parchments transcribed eons ago, by the demonic Elder GodChthon containing all of the arcane knowledge that he had amassed through the millions of years he spent learning to control the dark mystic forces of the cosmos. Chthon was one of the major Elder Gods created by the Demiurge as the first life forms on Earth. When the wars among the Elder Gods threatened the evolution of organic life on Earth, the Elder Goddess Gaea gave birth to the first of the newer gods, Atum. In his form of Demogorge, Atum destroyed most of the Elder Gods, who had degenerated into demons. To protect himself, Chthon decided to flee the Earthly plane. Before doing so, he created the Darkhold, transcribing his mystical knowledge upon parchments, to serve as his touchstone with the Earthly dimension. Chthon managed to escape into a nether dimension before Demogorge could slay him. When the Darkhold passed into the hands of intelligent beings at some later date, Chthon would have an indestructible medium through which to manipulate Earth pawns as well as a talisman that could one day be turned into a dimensional portal for his return to Earth. Since Chthon wrote the Darkhold long before human beings evolved on Earth, it was not written in any human language. Presumably Chthon imbued the parchments with magic that would enable any sentient being with mystic potential to see the Darkhold as written in a language he or she could comprehend. Any mortal who reads the Darkhold risks becoming corrupted by it and even becoming the slave of Chthon himself. However, mystics of great skill and will power, such as Doctor Stephen Strange, Earth's sorcerer supreme, and men of deep and strong religious faith, such as the members of the Montesi family, have proved to be able to resist being corrupted or mentally dominated by the book. *

Ghost Rider Link:
-- There is a huge crossover involving Blade (or SwitchBlade as he is known during this time) involving the pages of the Blade. It's called 'Midnight Mascre' and it tells the story of Blade's acquisition of one certain page of the Blade which he believes will destroy all supernatural beings. Instead, it bestows a mystical power apon him giving him the ability to destroy all supernatural beings earth... with the main bonus being whomever he kills, he gains their knowledge and power. Both Ghost Rider (II) and Blaze have a huge part in the outcome of this story... and their deaths are one snippit of it. (More to come on this).**
-- Ghost Rider (II) has also appeared a couple of times with the DarkHold Redeemers, who are a group banned together to find the lost pages of the Darkhold before any bad guys can. **


-- Cult that worships the Darkhold and related nasty deities such as Cthon.

-- At one point, a small group of them kidnaps Blade's girlfriend Safron as payback for his involvement in banishing Vampires from earth. They attempt to make it look as though they have brought killed Safron and turned her into the first of a new breed of Vampires - hoping to trick Blade into killing her. It doesn't work and Blade captures the small group. (MCP 64).

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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Laynia Petrovna.
-- She is a mutant born to a nuclear physicist and his wife who were accidentally irradiated during an experiment. When her mother died in childbirth, Laynia Petrovna's father was told that she and her twin brother died in childbirth as well. The mutant infants were taken into state custody and when their powers manifested themselves in adolescence, they were turned over to Professor Piotr Phobos who had started an academy for the training of mutants. Given the code-name Darkstar, Laynia Petrovna studied at the academy alongside her brother Nicolai Krylenko (code named Vanguard) and trained to be a government agent.
-- Darkstar possesses the ability to tap and manipulate an intense-black form of extradimensional energy called the Darkforce. This energy, which appears to be related to the extradimensional black gas-like substance manipulated by the Shroud and Cloak, possesses mass and form whereas the Shroud's and Cloak's does not. It may be that it is the same substance and Darkstar simply knows how to manipulate it to greater effect than the other two. Her power seems analogous to that of blackout.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Soon after the academy was shut down, Darkstar was sent to the United States on a mission accompanying the fourth Crimson Dynamo. The mission aborted, she joined The Champions of Los Angeles for several months until the team disbanded. (Champ 7,10).

D'Auria, Jack:  

-- A friend of Dan Ketch who knows karate.

-- While working at a storage facility and parking garage, he and Dan Ketch are assaulted by Fraser and his Motorcycle gang and eventually locked up. (GR2 4)

-- He and his sensei are attacked by Deathwatch's men and Jack D'Auria gets injured. Though he is saved from dying by Ghost Rider (II) he still winds up in the hospital. While in the hospital he is again attacked by Deathwatch's men, though Ghost Rider (II) again stops most of them.. However, a few manage to get away with Jack D'Auria. Luckily, he is eventually rescued by Ghost Rider (II) with the help of Brass and Wolverine. (MCP 64 - 71).


-- Son of The Flame Cyclists.

-- Tragically, Davey watches his parents die. Later, a mysterious man gives him a book claiming that if he uses the spells he can bring his parents back, but Blaze shows up and convinces the boy that the dark arts are not meant to be toyed with. Later, Davey follows Ghost Rider (I) and tries to shoot Dirk Varden, but Ghost Rider (I) prevents him from doing so. (GR1 27).

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Mini Profile:
-- Death can manifest itself on the physical plane at certain times to certain individuals as a sentient, quasi-tangible humanoid entity of either gender. Like Eternity, Lord Chaos, and Master Order, Death is an abstract being embodying a concept, whose true nature and origin is unknown. Death and the being called Eternity are said to comprise the mystical essence of the universe: Eternity embodies the principle of life, and Death embodies the principle of mortality. Death and Eternity can both manifest themselves as sentient beings, and have spoken of themselves as siblings. They have appeared in humanoid form, although presumably they could appear in any guise they chose. Eternity generally appears in the form of a male, while Death usually manifests itself in female form. This may simply be the form Death chooses to seduce males into doing its will.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Taking on the form of a male Motorcycle rider, Death challenges Ghost Rider (I) to three races. The first race is for the life of Richie Petrillo. Death wins this one, so Richie Petrillo dies. The second race is for the life of Anna Devere. In this race, Ghost Rider (I) wins, so Anna Devere is spared. The final, and most important race, is for Blaze's own life. Of course, Ghost Rider (I) wins, ironically saving the life of Blaze who he'd like to rid from his soul. (GR1 35).

Death Ryder:  

-- Who Death was referred to while apon a Motorcycle. This was during the 3 races he challenged Ghost Rider (I) too for the lives of Richie Petrillo, Anna Devere and Blaze. (GR1 35).

Death's Head:
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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Doctor Paxton Page
-- He was once a research scientist, who succeeded in perfecting the Cobalt Bomb. However, he refused to sell or share his results with the United States government, or anyone else, even under pain of contempt of Congress. Paxton Page was branded a traitor, resigned his post, and retired to estate in Vermont. Continuing to work in shame, he became more and more reclusive, and his long-term exposure to the cobalt radiation drove his crazy and gave him superhuman powers. Wishing to work in his old house without disturbance, he took the identity of Death's Head. He then faked his own kidnapping, and left a note demanding that his wife leave the Page house, and tell no one of her husband's disappearance, under threat that her husband would die.
-- Paxton Page could generate fireballs or composed of radioactive cobalt energy. He also used a scimitar and bola, which he coated with the same energy. He rode a horse, which he used his energy to mutate, causing its flesh to be transparent, and only its skeleton visible. He was insane. Daredevil claimed he had the strength of a dozen men, but whether this means he's got enhanced human strength, or just the strength of a frenzied madman was not made clear.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Death Stalker, impersonated Page as Death's Head in the pages of Ghost Rider (I) (vol 1) #18 & Daredevil #138.

Death Stalker:  

Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Phillip Wallace Sterling.
-- Death Stalker, one of Daredevil's most deadly and mysterious foes, first enountered our hero as he and the Gladiator were searching for the secret of the Sallis Papers. Death Stalker made periodic appearances in Daredevil's life from there on out, always leaving our hero with more questions about the villain and his intentions than answers. Finally, after a battle with The Avengers and the Black Widow, Death Stalker came face to face with his old foe, and one of the most dramatic battles of all Marvel time took place, resulting in the death of the Death Stalker.
-- Ability to materialize and dematerialize utilizing a time displacement portal.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- He impersonates Death's Head (Karen Page's late father) in order to cause some mayhem. His touch does not affect Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 20).

Deathwatch: [EGR]
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Mini Profile:
-- Alias: Stephen Lords
-- Deathwatch is a translord, a being with the power to gain strength from the people he kills. 
-- He first emerged as a crime lord who wanted to gain lethal gases from a rival crime syndicate. 

Ghost Rider Link:
Murdering his rivals Deathwatch realized that he had been witnessed by Dan Ketch, Barbara Ketch, Paulie Stratton, and the Cypress Pool Jokers. Deathwatch immediately ordered there termination.  Dan Ketch and Paulie Stratton only managed to escape however Barbara Ketch was struck by an arrow an fell into a coma.  Little did Deathwatch realize, this act allowed Dan Ketch to first transform into Ghost Rider (II). Deathwatch managed to escape, and returned to his life as successful businessman (Stephen Lords).  Deathwatch however would not accept defeat, so he hired an assassin and long time associate Blackout, to tie up his loose ends.  After Blackout's failure to kill Ghost Rider (II), Deathwatch realized that Ghost Rider (II) was a growing thorn in his side.  Deathwatch once again called upon old associates Snowblind, Hag, and Troll, to help him dispose of Ghost Rider (II)Ghost Rider (II) met Deathwatch and his minions in a final battle were Deathwatch and Snowblind died in an explosion.  Hag, and Troll having escaped, managed to take the corpse of Deathwatch with them.  Hag, and Troll were able to revive their master, only to have been defeated by the combined efforts of Ghost Rider (II), Blaze, and Spider-Man.  When the battle was over Deathwatch and his minions were captured by Steel Wind, and brought them to her master CenturiousCenturious immediately had Deathwatch fitted to suit his needs.  Deathwatch was then set out to destroy Ghost Rider (II), only to manage death once again.

-- He also surfaced when Langley sends some of Deathwatch's assassins after Wolverine and Jack D'Auria's sensei. This brings Ghost Rider (II) into the fray. Deathwatch kills Langley (who was married to his sister) for his unauthorized side venture and the makes an escape. (MCP 64 - 71).


-- A table dance at Dickie's Restaurant in Denver, Colorado. She befriends Johnny Blaze. She takes him home (not for sex - because he has nowhere else to go) and invites him to take her sister to the hospital for her kidney treatments. On the way they are ambushed by Barney (II) and friends, but Ghost Rider (I) takes them all out. (GR1 36).


-- Nevada Police Sergeant who decks Blaze for being disrespectful. Blaze was injured and in a hospital bed at the time, so it wasn't very fair. The other cops say he's "seen 'The French Connection' one too many times". (TOGR 12).


-- Member of a Motorcycle gang (with Sookie and Sparkie and several others) that left spikes in the road so they could get at "Mitch" . They get a dose of soul searing Hellfire from Ghost Rider (I), but some of their friends come by later and manage to kidnap "Mitch" . Their plan fails when Ghost Rider (I) tracks them down again and gives them another dose of Hellfire. (GR1 51).

Defenders, The:
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Mini Profile:
- Original Line-up consisted of Doctor Strange, The Hulk, The Silver Surfer, Valkyrie, and the Sub-Mariner. The Line-up would often change without reason or prelude.
-- While trying to defend Earth from the extradimensional, demonic Undying Ones, Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange manipulated Prince Namor into aiding him, and then teamed with the monstrous Hulk to ward off the demons. Later, when the Yannian scientist Yandroth menaced Earth with the Omegatron doomsday device, Doctor Strange persuaded a reluctant Hulk and Namor to help him thwart Yandroth's scheme, forming the "non-team" known as The Defenders. After Yandroth's defeat, Hulk and Namor vowed never to work together again, but Doctor Strange managed to hold their informal alliance together over time. Unlike other super-teams, The Defenders had no charter or by-laws, no permanent headquarters, no fixed roster, and little affection for each other.*
--See also The Secret Defenders.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- They had an encounter with Ghost Rider (I) as a team was when the lineup consisted of Valkyrie, Nighthawk, Hellcat, Gargoyle, Hellstorm and Doctor Strange. He helped them defeat Asmodeus Jones. (Def1 96).
-- Before he tangled with Ghost Rider (I), Null - The Living Darkness was beaten back by The Defenders. (Def1 103).
-- After he was freed from Zarathos, Blaze toured the country with Roxanne Simpson, briefly running into The Defenders while many of its members (such as Iceman and Angel (I)) were also former members of The Champions. (Def1 145-146).

Delazny Studios:  

-- Where the Stunt-Master's TV show was filmed. (GR1 13).

Delazny, Charles L.:
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Mini Profile:
-- Charles L. Delazny is the owner of Delazny Studios, an independently-owned back lot and soundstage where movies were once filmed but which has more recently been used primarily for television production. One of his longtime associates is "Coot" Collier, a former actor who once directed movie Westerns and later directed television programs at Delazny Studios. Charles Delazny had a family which included a son who was secretly the criminal known as The Enforcer. During the worst of the recession, Charles Delazny borrowed heavily from racketeers to keep his studio in business. This loan enabled a local criminal organization to gain control of Delazny Studios and use Charles Delazny as their "front man."*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Charles Delazny had stuntman Johnny Blaze summoned to his office. When Blaze arrived, Charles Delazny revealed that it was Officer Flannigan of the LAPD who had asked for the meeting. Johnny Blaze fled the office when Flannigan tried to force him to go to police headquarters. Later, after learning that Leopold Stryke had been hired through Charles Delazny's office, Johnny Blaze staked out the Delazny mansion until he saw The Enforcer and some goons leaving it. (GR1 22). *
-- After The Enforcer took over the local criminal organization that had gained control of Delazny Studios, Charles Delazny agreed to pay The Enforcer "his price" if he'd stay away from Charles Delazny.(GR1 24). *
-- Suspecting that Charles Delazny was tied to The Enforcer, Ghost Rider (I) went to the Charles Delazny estate planning to force Charles Delazny to reveal whatever he knew about The Enforcer but was ambushed by The Water-Wizard as soon as he arrived. Ghost Rider (I) managed to defeat the Water Wizard but was knocked out by his foe's last attack and reverted to human form. Then Charles L. Delazny strode from the shadows and said, "You were a fool to come here, Johnny Blaze -- and it's going to cost you your life!" (GR1 23). *
-- While standing over Johnny Blaze's helpless body, Charles Delazny was joined by The Enforcer who revealed that he had arranged the ambush. When Charles Delazny demanded answers, The Enforcer threatened his family (including his son who was in college) and cowed Charles Delazny by disintegrating the door of the garage. When The Enforcer announced that he was going to take Charles Delazny's son's motorcycle and ordered Charles Delazny to wait an hour before reporting it stolen, Charles Delazny shakily agreed. (GR1 24). *
-- Following the capture and imprisonment of The Enforcer, Charles L. Delazny learned his son had secretly been the criminal. This knowledge upset him. (GR1 26). *
-- When Charles Delazny arrived at his office and learned that his secretary had let someone in without an appointment, he angrily confronted the intruder, Doctor Druid, but quickly succumbed to Doctor Druid's occult powers and apologized for being rude because he'd recently been upset about his son. Doctor Druid probed his mind and learned that Charles Delazny was upset because his son had secretly been The Enforcer and that Charles Delazny didn't believe that the Ghost Rider (I) was a supernatural being.(GR1 26). *

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Mini Profile:
-- De'Lila, a renegade female Skrull, came to earth in pursuit of a powerful Skrull weapon, the Inorganic Technotroid, which had landed on Monster Island. *
-- Like all Deviant Skrull's, De'Lila possesses the ability to shape-shift. She can alter her size, shape and color at will, taking on the appearance of other beings and objects within a volume range of .75 to 1.5 times her original volume. She is also a low-level telepath, able to influence the thoughts of others.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Needing the resources of the Fantastic Four to locate the Inorganic Technotroid, she entered Four Freedoms Plaza, and appeared to each member of the team as a person they loved, then used her disruptor to knock them unconscious. Then, disguised as The Invisible Woman, she summoned The Hulk, Ghost Rider (II), Wolverine and Spider-Man to Four Freedoms Plaza, and claimed that the Fantastic Four had been killed by a band of assassins. She supplied them with a device which she claimed would locate the assassins, but was actually set to find the Skrulls which had pursued her. (FF 347). *
-- Unable to locate the Inorganic Technotroid by herself, De'Lila revived Mister Fantastic, and forced him to aid her. He led her to Monster Island, where they ran into the Skrulls sent to find her, and the four super-heroes she had dispatched to find them. (FF 348). *
-- Revealing her true appearance to the assembled characters, she attempted to influence the Mole Man and heroes into killing the Skrulls, but the Ghost Rider (II), immune to her powers, protected them. Escaping with Mister Fantastic, she found the Inorganic Technotroid being guarded by Mole Man's monster Giganto, but to her horror, the "egg" hatched, and imprinted itself upon them, as if it were their own child. De'Lila attempted to escape again with Mister Fantastic, but he stole away her disruptor and defeated her himself. To punish her, Ghost Rider (II) used his "penance stare" upon her, causing her to be overcome by all the evil acts she had performed. De'Lila was then released to the Skrulls for punishment. (FF 349). *

Delgado, Luz:

-- Recon/Electroics specialist for H.E.A.R.T. (GR2 8).

Demon of Las Vegas:

-- See Roulette.

Denver, Colorado:

-- Denver is the capital city of Colorado, which is a State in the midwest USA.

Devil's Dagger, The:  

-- Object with which Curly Samuels tries to sacrifice Roxanne Simpson with at the Church of Satan. (TOGR 3).

Devil Grip:
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Mini Profile:
-- Not much is known about Devil Grip other than where his base of operations is: Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, New York*
-- Devil Grip appeared to possess some form of superhuman strength, at least enough to break through iron cemetery fence bars. He was also able to hold the arms of Ghost Rider (II) in his vice-like grip.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Devil Grip hired Mouse to perform unknown tasks for him, but when Mouse discovered the truth of his operation, Devil Grip went in pursuit of the boy. (Marvel Collector's Edition#1/2 (fb)/[BTS])
-- Devil Grip caught up with Mouse in a cemetery. About to kill the boy, Devil Grip was confronted by Ghost Rider (II), who had just encountered the hurt and bloodied Mouse in his human form of Dan Ketch. Grabbing Ghost Rider (II), Devil Grip began to boast of his strength. Ghost Rider (II) then took the opportunity to give Devil Grip his "Penance Stare," immobilizing the villain with the memories of his previous victims. (Marvel Collector's Edition#1/2)

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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Eric Simon Payne. Holder of the Shadow Cloak.
-- Formerly of the Cult of the Harvester of Eyes, The Defenders and United States Marine Corps
-- The source of Devil-Slayer's telepathy is unknown.  He possessed the power to cast a telepathic screen over himself, altering his appearance to the people who look at him.   He could telepathically jam gunlocks, levitate himself, and decipher languages.  Devil-Slayer wore a Shadow Cloak, with which he could teleport to other dimensions, and through which he could draw weapons from any age in history.  He wielded many different weapons, including a staff that acted as a protector against harm, a blade that hungered for demon blood, a mace that wielded negative energy, Dragonfang (Valkyrie's sword) and a futuristic gun.  Payne briefly possessed a shard of the Nexus of All Realities, with which he could give his personal demons form and alter reality.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- There is no direct link.

Devere, Anna:  

-- A lost little child searching for her parents in the desert. She is the second prize in the race between Death and Ghost Rider (I). Ghost Rider (I) reaches her first, so she lives. (GR1 35).

Dickie's Restaurant:  

-- A seedy, fly-infested joint where Blaze meets Debbie and gets in a fight with Barney (II). (GR1 36).

Doctor Doom:
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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Victor Von Doom.
He was raised by gypsies in a small European county called Latveria. He lost both of his parents at a very young age. Swearing revenge, Victor began to increase both his scientific and mystical knowledge with such determination that he was given a full scholarship to Empire State University. It was at ESU that Victor met Reed Richards and Ben Grimm, and where he started his extradimensional research. Doctor Doom's vanity prevented him from adjusting the schematics to one of his experiments, and the end result was an explosion that scarred Victor for life. Expelled from school, Victor began to travel the world, eventually stumbling upon a village of Tibetan monks who trained him and crafted him a suit of body armor, complete with face plate. He soon returned to Latveria, overthrew the government and crowned himself King. Ruling with an iron fist, Doctor Doom began to turn the resources of his small nation to his plans of world domination.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- After spending some time as the ruler of the world, he is forced by Ghost Rider (I) to take off his mask, making him inhale his own mind control gas - this neutralizes its effects and frees the world. (Champ 16).

Doctor Druid:
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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Doctor Anthony Druid
-- Anthony Druid got his medical degree from Harvard, then went on to study psychiatry. He retired from his psychiatric practice after several years to devote more time to his growing interest in the occult. He supported himself by writing popular books on psychology and related matters and by lecturing. In the midst of his research for a second book on the occult, Anthony was summoned by an ailing Tibetan lama apparently in need of medical aid. The lama put Anthony through a series of bizarre mystic and spiritual tests to ascertain Anthony's worthiness. Finding him worthy, the dying lama opened Anthony's mind to its hidden powers and taught him the mastery of certain mystic arts. He has thus become a practioner of the occult arts.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Believing Ghost Rider (I) to be evil, he tracks him down and defeats him in battle. He them uses his mind reading powers and decides that he is not evil after all. (GR1 26).

Doctor Strange:
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Mini Profile:
-- Full Name: Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange.
-- A founding member of The Defenders.
-- Stephen Strange was a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon whose career was cut short when a car accident resulted in nerve damage to his hands. Thereafter, he was unable even to hold a scalpel. Hoping for a miracle, a despondent Strange traveled to the Himalayas to seek the counsel of the Ancient One, a Tibetan sorcerer. As the Ancient One's guest, Strange learned the sorcerer's pupil Baron Mordo was plotting to kill his mentor. Trying to warn the Ancient One of his student's treachery, Strange was discovered by Mordo and mystically restrained. Witnessing Mordo's power and discovering his murderous intent shocked the jaded Strange into a realization of evil's true nature and the need to combat its forces. The Ancient One freed Strange from Mordo's spell and revealed he had known his student's treacherous plans all along. Having peered into Strange's soul, the sorcerer saw his potential for great goodness and power, and adopted him as his disciple. When Strange's studies with the Ancient One ended, he returned to New York. Though the world at large believes he is no more than an eccentric occult authority, Doctor Strange has inherited from his mentor the mantle of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme.*
-- Doctor Strange can call upon a great many magical spells, including incantations enabling him to cast illusions and hurl mystical bolts. He wears a cloak of levitation that grants him the power of flight and wields the Eye of Agamotto, which allows him to see through illusions and read minds. Also, he possesses a wide array or arcane texts, artifacts, books and relics.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- First encountered Ghost Rider (I) after Dormmamu creates a fake Doctor Strange that attacks Ghost Rider (I) and fools him into attacking the real Doctor Strange. Once Doctor Strange figures out what is going on, though, he fixes the whole thing and defeats Dormmamu. However, when The Bounty Hunter shows up, he refuses to help Blaze, instead staying behind to fix the breached defenses of his home. (GR1 29-31).
-- Then he works briefly with Ghost Rider (I) while a member of The Defenders. (Def1 96).
-- After Ghost Rider (II) finds himself chasing Zodiak, he finds himself stopped by Doctor Strange, Rintrah and Topaz. Doctor Strange thinks Ghost Rider (II) is Zarathos, and he needs some of his "demon flame" to cure Topaz of a disease. He comments on how Ghost Rider (II) seems more powerful than his memories of Ghost Rider (I). After a run-in with Zodiak, he asks for Ghost Rider (II)'s help. (GR2 12).
-- After trying to remove some of Ghost Rider (II)' s flame, he discovers Ghost Rider (II) is "not a demon". Then, together, they fight Zodiak and his creators the Dykkors. (DE/GR Spec).

Dolan, Officer:  

-- Father of Stacy Dolan. Police officer in Cypress Hills.

-- Brings Barbara Ketch a present for her ninth birthday. Is called "pig" by Naomi Kale, he calls her a "witch." They do not know each other. (GR2 minus 1).

-- He distrusts Ghost Rider (II) from the beginning. (GR2 1-3).

Dolan, Stacy:  

-- Dan Ketch's on and off again girlfriend, member of the Cypress Hills police force. Daughter of Officer Dolan.

-- Attended Barbara Ketch's birthday party when Naomi Kale was spying on them. (GR2 minus 1).

-- She seems to be Dan Ketch's sort-of girlfriend during the time he becomes Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 1-3).

Domblue, Ethan:  

-- Real name of Sin-Eater.
-- A town pastor in league with Centurious.

Donovan, Harry:  

-- Audience member at the Quentin Carnival who is not impressed by Blaze's stunts. His date is Shirley Watkins. After the show, he decides to head to the bar because it's nickel beer night, so he leaves Shirley Watkins with Burt. The next morning, unable to find Shirley Watkins, he drunkenly attacks Blaze, thinking that Blaze had seduced her. He is chased off, but later that night he steals and earthmover and attacks Blaze during his cycle show. Blaze changes into Ghost Rider (I) and gives Harry a full dose of Hellfire. This gives Harry many mental scars, but also cures him of his alcoholism. (TOGRRA 1).

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Mini Profile:
-- Evil lord of a dark realm. His head is on fire, but it looks more like a pumpkin on fire than a skull.
-- Originally, Dormmamu possessed humanoid form. He and his sister Umar were sorcerers of great mystical power, in the dimension of the Faltine. For unknown reasons, they were exiled from this dimension, and they sought sanctuary from Olnar, the wizard-king of the Dark Dimension, a small "pocket" cosmos in a dimension other than Earth's, in which the laws of reality are different from those in the Earth dimension. (It has been speculated that this took place many thousands of Earth years ago.) Dormmamu and Umar, promised to show Olnar how to expand his realm. Olnar overruled the objection of the other wizards of his realm, who distrusted the two exiles, and he granted Dormmamu and Umar not only sanctuary but also positions of power. In return, the two Faltinians showed Olnar how to break down interdimensional barrier and to absorb other pocket dimensions into his own. Thus Olnar greatly expanded the size of the Dark Dimension.*
-- Dormmamu can manipulate his magical power to accomplish a vast number of feats: interdimensional teleportation, size transformations, time travel, elemental control, telepathy, matter transmutations, energy manifestations from extraordinary powerful bolts of magically-constructed beings, and many other. Further, he is of sufficient might to be able to cancel out or tamper with the magic of others.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Ghost Rider (I) is seen briefly fighting several creatures from Dormmamu's realm. This occurred during a time when Loki and Dormmamu teamed up in order to get The Avengers and The Defenders to fight each other, allowing Dormmamu to take over the Earth dimension. He was defeated, as usual. (AV 118).

-- He creates a fake Doctor Strange to fool Ghost Rider (I) into attacking the real Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange finally realizes what's going on and solves the problem, so Dormmamu loses.(GR1 29).


-- Cameraman for Linda Wei. (GR2 5).

Drabble, Bernard:  

-- One time boyfriend of Jennifer Kale. (LoN 1).

Drebb, Zachary:  

-- See Aquarius (II).

Driftwood, Lemuel:  

-- An orphan. He strikes up a conversation with Blaze at a Desert Marathon survival race for stunt cyclists, where he comments on all the cyclists there. He was the starter of the race, but he decided to join in at the last second in an attempt to prove himself. During the race he saves Douglas Forester from The Hulk. This act of heroism gives him vindication. (TOGR 18).


-- A group of demons responsible for Zodiak . Their leader is named Yayauhco. They created Zodiak so that he could kill humans - human blood allows them to grow in numbers. (DS/GR Spec)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe [MD] = Marvel Directory

[ICS] = Inernational Catologue of Superheroes [EGR] = Encyclopedia for Ghost Rider [DS] = Encyclopedia for Dr. Strange

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Databas

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Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.