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-- A servant of Asmodeus, she was part of his plan to trick Blaze into becoming Ghost Rider (I) too often within a certain amount of time. If this happened, Blaze would be lost and Ghost Rider (I) would remain the dominant personality. In the midst of tempting him, she fell in love with Blaze and sacrificed herself to foil Asmodeus' scheme. (GR1 53).


-- Sister of Old Adam, wife of Centurious. Centurious married her, but them in order to allow her to live as long as he does, he took her soul. She perishes in a fire caused by her brother, Old Adam. (TOGRRA 4).

Tarantula, The:  

-- Old Wild West villain who uses a multi-tipped whip as his weapon.

-- During Ghost Rider (I)'s visit to the past, this villain and his gang get a taste of the soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 50).


-- Villain who stinks (literally!). His power is to cause objects to decay. he targets the rich and powerful, claiming he is on a crusade for the poor.

-- He attacks the Diamond Cowgirl casino, which causes him to clash with Ghost Rider (I) and the Werewolf by Night. Later, he steals a car from Langtree Motors and is chased down by Ghost Rider (I), who forces him to crash. Apparently, he dies in this crash. (GR1 55).


-- Real name: Cornelius Van Lunt. (TOGR 14).

-- Member of the criminal team Zodiac (I). However, a member of criminal group Zodiac (II) also goes by this name, but this turns out to be Aquarius. (TOGR 14).

Teabiscuit, Harvey:  

-- A loser who lives with his domineering and abusive mother and works a dead-end job that takes advantage of his wimpy nature. He harbors fantasies of killing his mother. On Christmas eve, he sees Ghost Rider (II) chasing some bad guy on a Motorcycle. Ghost Rider (II) gives him a look and scares him. Later, Ghost Rider (II) comes back to apologize and then to make it up threatens Harvey Teabiscuit's boss, who then says he'll change his ways and treat his employees better. Harvey Teabiscuit invites Ghost Rider (II) over for Christmas, and Ghost Rider (II) apparently scares his mother into better behavior as well. (MHS 1994).

Team America:  

-- Patriotic and multicultural Motorcycle group. Connected to The Marauder.

-- While on tour, they crossed paths with the Quentin Carnival and stopped by to see a Blaze stunt show. After meeting the team and being unimpressed, Blaze also senses that Ghost Rider (I) doesn't like them either. Later that night, Ghost Rider (I) tracks down The Marauder and demands some answers about what type of creature The Marauder is. Blaze forces a transformation and tells The Marauder to leave. Later, at a motorcross race, Ghost Rider (I) forces a transformation and attacks Team America demanding that The Marauder appear. The Marauder shows up and battles Ghost Rider (I) , but then HYDRA shows up in an attempt to destroy Team America . Ghost Rider (I) gives The Marauder a small dose of Hellfire, but then realizes that the true villains here are HYDRA and turns his wrath on them. After the battle is over, Ghost Rider (I) leaves. (TA 11).


-- A hobo who steals Blaze's wallet and then distracts him while his friend Andy hits Blaze over the head with a crowbar. (GR1 41).


-- The third person plural pronoun.

-- "They" gave The Orb his powers. (MT 254).

Thing, The:  

-- Benjamin Grimm, the rocky member of the Fantastic Four.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (I) when investigating an odd occurrence involving a reenactment of Christ's birth (star and all) at Konohoti Indian reservation. (TOGR 19).

-- Later, he witnesses Ghost Rider (I) on a rampage and then picks up Blaze so the cops won't catch him. (AOTT 2).

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) when ol' skull head joins up with a replacement Fantastic Four and they all fight a bunch of Skrulls. (FF 348-349).

Thomas, Dr.:  

-- The Doctor who was caring for Katy Milner in the hospital when she was possessed. He suggests calling Hellstorm for help. (GR1 17).

Thompson, Red:  

-- An independent driver in the demolition derby circuit. Dude Jensen has an assistant assassinate him by a bullet to the skull while he is in the derby. (TOGR 12).


-- Norse God of thunder.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) during a fight with the Wrecking Crew. (Thor 429-430).

Three Kings:  

-- Three Arabian looking guys with camels that Ghost Rider (I) runs into in the Arizona desert on Christmas eve. They turn out to be Indian mystics under the control of The Miracle Man. (TOGR 19)


-- Member of the Wrecking Crew.

Tiboro, Arcane Token of:  

-- A mystical talisman used by Doctor Druid to turn Ghost Rider (I) back into Johnny Blaze. (GR1 26)

Tilton, Manny:  

-- Janitorial Engineer at NYU Medical center. Killed by Blackout. (GR2 7).

-- Organizer of the "Shelbyville 100 Mile Enduro-classic" Motorcycle race. The Sirens of Kronos interfere with the race, likely causing him no end of consternation. (GR1 52).

-- One of a group of kids kidnapped by Zodiak, but rescued by Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 12, DS/GR Spec).

Titanium Man, The:  

-- A villain who pulverizes Alexi Bruskin and then attacks the Black Widow. (Champ 7).


-- Guard over an armored car that is hijacked by Leo (I). (TOGR 14).

Tommy T:  

-- A punk with guns. The Punisher puts him in his place. (GR2 5).


-- A thug who works for The Kingpin. He was killed by Deathwatch and his men. (GR2 1).


-- Female magic wielder who works with Doctor Strange. While suffering from a possession by the demon Ullikummis, she, Rintrah and Doctor Strange track down Ghost Rider (II). (GR12, DS/GR Spec).

Trapster, The:  

-- Real Name: Peter Petruski. He was once called Paste-Pot Pete.

-- Super-villain who uses high tech gadgets. Member of The Frightful Four.

-- Has his first run in with Ghost Rider (I) when he kidnaps Karen Page from the set of the Stunt-Master TV show. He gets defeated fairly easily. (GR1 13).

--After that humiliating defeat, he is rescued by Stilt-Man. (CA 191).

-- He tries to kill Blaze while he is working as a stunt double on the Stunt-Master TV show, but fails because of Spider-Man's intervention. After a lengthy battle, Ghost Rider (I) givesThe Trapster and taste of the soul-searing Hellfire. However, the Wizard concocts an elaborate scheme to getThe Trapster back into a "normal" frame of mind, which works; though it deprived him of the possible love of Catherine Polumbo. (MT 255).

Travis, Carl:  

-- Pit mechanic for Langtree Motors.

-- Jealous of Blaze (who is suffering from amnesia and going under the name of Frank Ryder), he attacks him, but Blaze's fighting skills save him. (GR1 41).

-- Still jealous over Gina Langtree's love of Blaze, he challenges Blaze to a race. He cheats and tries to kill Blaze, but instead this cures Blaze's amnesia. Gina witnesses this, and thinking Blaze dead, she has the police arrest Carl Travis. (GR1 42).

Tremont, Sonny:  

-- Owner of an auto circus.

-- Hires Blaze as a stunt rider. He is targeted by the The Apparition, which causes Ghost Rider (I) to emerge. (GR1 57).

Trevani, Danika:  

-- Marksman specialist for H.E.A.R.T. (GR2 8).

Triad Brothers, The:  

-- Three thugs who work for Langley and Deathwatch. They are defeated easily by Ghost Rider (II), Wolverine and Brass, and they all get a nice dose of the Penance Stare. (MCP 70).

Two-Gun Kid:  

-- A legendary gunslinger.

-- Thanks to the time-warping Kang, he somehow gets teamed up with Hawkeye in the present day and runs in Ghost Rider (I). Them they all go and fight Kaa on the Mesa of Lost Souls. (Champ 11).

-- He next encounters Ghost Rider (I) while working on a dude ranch in Arizona with Hawkeye. There they fight Manticore. (GR1 27).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.