
-- Mutant with the ability to create ice and shape it. One-time member of the super-group known as The Champions, as well as other mutant groups such as the X-Men and X-Factor.

-- He joins The Champions while attending UCLA. (Champ 1).

-- After The Champions break-up, he is brainwashed by Rampage, but Angel (I) and Spider-Man manage to save him. (PPTSS 17-18).

-- Eventually, he joins The Defenders , where he runs into Blaze after Blaze has been freed from his curse. (Def1 145-146).

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) while a member of X-Factor. (GR2 9).


-- Formerly known as Slifer, this is a more powerful version.

-- He uses his power to create fear in people to cause a crowd to riot so they will attempt to destroy Ghost Rider (I). (TOGR 16).

-- Mephisto changes his form once again and tells him he will be a human who will stay close by Blaze and report on him. His mission is to get Blaze to commit evil and then to kill him. (TOGR 17).

-- He takes on the guise of the Ghost Rider (I) and tricks The Hulk into attacking Blaze. (TOGR 18).

-- At some point, he put the fake identity of Katy Milner over that of Roxanne Simpson to fool Blaze. (GR1 19).

International Contractors Unlimited:  

-- The corporation run by Deathwatch as a front for his criminal organization.

Invisible Woman, The:  

-- Sue Storm-Richards. Wife of Reed Richards, Mister Fantastic; mother of Franklin Richards. Member of the Fantastic Four.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) when he joins up with a replacement Fantastic Four. (FF 348-349).

Iron Man:  

-- Industrial Billionaire Tony Stark.

-- On the trail of Modok, he decides he needs help and tries to recruit The Champions. Since his remote calls go unheard, he crashes their HQ. He then sees Ghost Rider (I) and decides he must be an enemy. They tangle a bit, but the other Champions intervene and break up the fight.

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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