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Lamb, Allison:  

-- Fashion editor, one time romantic interest of Charles Blackwater.

-- Is stood up by Charles Blackwater because he was killed that night. (LoN 1).

-- She hires Leena Wolfe to investigate him and find out why he now hangs out with weirdos (i.e. The Legion of Night) rather then her. (MSU 9).


-- One of Deathwatch's associates, he was also married to Deathwatch's sister.

-- He tried to drum up some of his own business by tricking Ghost Rider (II) into killing Wolverine and Brass. It all failed, however, and when Deathwatch found out about the unauthorized operation, he killed him. (MCP 64-71).

Langtree, Gina:  

-- Race car driver. Daughter of Mathias Langtree.

-- She picked up Blaze after nearly running over him while he was suffering from amnesia and going under the name of Frank Ryder. He fixes her car and so she offers him a job. Later, they go on a date, where they kiss. (GR1 41).

-- She gets in a car wreck, but Blaze saves her. Because of this, her ex-boyfriend Carl Travis challenges Blaze to a fixed race. Thinking Blaze dead, she calls the police to arrest Carl Travis. (GR1 42).

-- She next shows up in Las Vegas after Blaze does a stunt show there. She recognizes him, but it takes Blaze a while to remember her. Later, The Orb captures her and uses her as bait to trap Blaze. Though she is saved by Ghost Rider (I), she shows more compassion towards The Orb than to Blaze. (GR1 54).

-- After Pete Hawkins is injured, she asks Blaze to take his place in the upcoming stunt car race. She is fairly ticked off at Blaze and blames him for The Orb's actions. Eventually, scared by the actions of Ghost Rider (I) she tells Blaze that they can no longer have a relationship. (GR1 55).

Langtree, Mathias:  

-- Chairman of Langtree Motors, father of Gina Langtree. (GR1 41).

Langtree Motors:  

-- Company run by Mathias Langtree. Carl Travis and Mike (III) work there as mechanics. (GR1 41).

Lansing, Dr. Edward:  

-- A doctor who experiments with variations on the Super-Soldier serum that created Captain America. He does the experiments on old, insane and infirm patients at San Marino State Hospital. His process creates physically powerful but mentally deranged creatures. He brainwashes Hercules and the Black Widow, and forces them to attack their fellow Champions - but they shake it off. He is then killed by his own creations. (Champ 4).


-- Crony who works for Flag-Smasher. (GR2 6).

Larsen, Theodore:  

-- Guy who sells newspapers and owns a dog named Georgie. Dan Ketch buys one and Blackout kills him and his dog. (GR2 8).

Las Vegas:  

-- City in Nevada (understatement) where Blaze does some stock racing and where the demon Roulette operates. (TOGR 13).

Last Chance, Nevada:  

-- Now it's a ghost town, but it was once a western frontier town. This is the hometown of The Bounty Hunter. (GR1 32).

-- This is also the home of Woody Guthers. However, the whole town gets crushed by a spaceship created by Nathan. (GR1 33).


-- Small Eastern European country ruled over by Doctor Doom.


-- One of Werewolf by Night's many progeny (in the sense that he infected her with the disease). She leads a gang of biker werewolves (The Brain-Eaters) - all of the members are also "children" of Jack Russell. She interferes with Silver Dagger's hunt of Jack. After some action, Silver Dagger and his cohorts kill her and her gang. (MCP 54 - 59).

Lee, Stan:  

-- Appears a the narrator in the Ghost Rider Flashback, functioning basically as Rod Serling in the Twilight Zone TV series. (GR2 minus 1). Also, nearly all Marvel comics contain the words "Stan Lee Presents" at the beginning.


-- Smuggler who fires on Ghost Rider (I) when he accidentally stumbles upon them in the middle of the desert. They all get a dose of Hellfire. (GR1 58).

Legion of Monsters, The:  

-- A supergroup consisting of various monstrous superheroes. The line-up consists of Ghost Rider (I), Man-Thing, Morbius, and Werewolf by Night.

-- For their first (and only?) adventure as a team, they spend most of their time fighting each other, and they kill the being known as Starseed. (MP 28).

Legion of Night, The:  

-- Formed by the being known as Omen, the lineup includes: Charles Blackwater, Jennifer Kale, Martin Gold, Ariann Wright, Chan Liuchow and Katherine Reynolds.

-- In order to prevent the dream of Fin Fang Foom from becoming reality and thus allowing The Master to take over, they enter the dream and defeat it from inside. (LoN 1-2).

-- After a brief period where The Master does not threaten earth, some members of the Legion get involved in a brief adventure. The Master sends a demon after investigator Leena Wolfe and so the Legion saves her life. (MSU 9).


-- One of the many, many cops who have nothing better to do than chase Ghost Rider (I) around for speeding and reckless driving. (GR1 63).

-- Outlaw biker dude who (with pal Razorback) picks a fight with Blaze and gets his can kicked. After that, Moondark the Magician uses their images to trick Blaze later that night. (GR1 59).

-- Member ofThe Jackal Gang. (GR1 41).

Leo (I):  

-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 14).

Leo (II):  

-- One of a group of thugs (with Jock Parker) that waylay Blaze and leave him for dead on a roadside. Ghost Rider (I) chases them down., though he changes back to Blaze before meeting out any punishment. He either dies or is seriously injured while fleeing Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 67).


-- One of the Sirens of Kronos. (GR1 52).


-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 14).


-- One of the Sirens of Kronos. (GR1 52).

Lin, Mei:  

-- Hand to Hand/Recon specialist for H.E.A.R.T. (GR2 8).

Little Joe:  

-- One of a group of thugs (with Jock Parker) that waylay Blaze and leave him for dead on a roadside. Ghost Rider (I) chases them down, though he changes back to Blaze before meeting out any punishment. He later pays Blaze and Veronica Stanton a "visit" with Jock Parker and gets seriously injured by Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 67).

Littletree(s), Linda:  

-- (See also Witch-Woman) The daughter of Snakedance, she was romantically involved with Sam Silvercloud. She takes some serum from her father and saves Roxanne Simpson's life. She later remembers that her life was saved by Crash Simpson when he was a Motorcycle policeman. She is revealed to be the Witch-Woman, a servant of Mephisto. (TOGR 6).

-- Her name suddenly changes to Linda Littletrees (before it was Littletree). The plural is used as her name in all appearances after this. (TOGR 7).

-- She fails to capture Ghost Rider (I) and so apparently commits suicide at Mephisto's behest. (TOGR 7).

-- Is revealed to be alive, but in a comatose state. Mephisto possesses her body in an attempt to capture Blaze. (TOGR 9).

-- Is rescued from Hell by Hellstorm. (TOGR 10).

-- Teaches Blaze how to create a fiery Motorcycle . As he leaves (she claims she cannot ride it, having lost her Hellfire powers) she thinks that "at least I will die having known a real man." (TOGR 11).

-- Is apparently picked up in the desert, as Decker mentions he has her in his police office. She later shows up and expresses jealousy at Blaze's attraction to Roxanne Simpson. She attempts to make Roxanne Simpson jealous, but Blaze soundly rejects her. (TOGR 12).

Liuchow, Chan:  

-- The man who originally released Fin Fang Foom from his captivity, only to trap him there once again. His father is Chinese, but his mother is an American.

-- He first released Fin Fang Foom by using two herbs to control him (one woke the monster, the other put it to sleep). He then tricked the monster into stopping the army of Mao Tse Tsung and keep it from invading the island of Formosa where Chan Liuchow lived at the time. (BBtBG).

-- After witnessing Fin Fang Foom's release by The Master, he is saved by Katherine Reynolds and then he joins The Legion of Night. (LoN 1-2).


-- Tough who works for Loan Shark. (GR1 65).

Live Wire:  

-- Member of the Circus of Crime.


-- Brother of Floyd. One of two punks who try to pick a fight with Blaze at a bar in the mideast. Blaze scares them off. (GR2 11).

Loan Shark:  

-- A loan shark with a sharp pointy thing in the place of his left hand. Red Fowler owes him a lot of money. He has two know associates, Sparky and Lionel.

-- He kidnaps Red Fowler, but Ghost Rider (I) bursts into the scene and gives him and all his cronies a full dose of Hellfire, and then causes their boat to explode (they have all fallen overboard at this point, and they are all eventually washed up on shore). (GR1 65).


-- Norse Trickster God, enemy of Thor.

-- Gets mixed up with Ghost Rider (II) and Mephisto while he is tracking down the Wrecking Crew. (Thor 429-430).

Lone Wolf:  

-- Member of a Motorcycle gang called Satan's Servant's. (TOGR 2).


-- One of a trio of mutants that crashes The Champions HQ fleeing from the Sentinels. It turns out to be a trick they have concocted with The Vanisher. (Champ 17).

Lorretti, Alicia:  

-- Wife of Frank Lorretti.

-- Killed by Blackout. (GR2 2).

Lorretti, Anthony:  

-- Son of Frank Lorretti.

--Killed by Blackout. (GR2 2).

Lorretti, Frank:  

-- NYPD detective.

-- He and his family are killed by Blackout. Blackout was searching for information on the Cypress Pool Jokers, which Frank provided before he was killed. (GR2 2).

-- One of a gang that mobs and attempts to rape a woman. They all get a good dose of the Penance Stare from Ghost Rider (II) . (GR2 5).

-- Member of a lynch mob that threatens to hang Blaze. They are stopped by the police. (GR1 48).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.