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Sacred Sword of Satan:  

-- See Flaming Sword of Satan.


-- Longtime girlfriend of Blade.

-- She was once kidnapped by a group of Darkholders. In order to get back at Blade, they tried to make it look as if she had become a Vampire so he would kill her. Of course, the ruse fails, and Blade rescues her. (MCP 64).


-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 14).


-- Owner of a store in an Indiana town. He informs Blaze of their water shortage, which causes Blaze to go after The Water-Wizard in order to help them. (GR1 61).

Samuels, Curly:  

-- Leader of a Motorcycle gang called Satan's Servants. His gang is scared away by Ghost Rider (I), but he stays to offer Ghost Rider (I) a membership in the gang. Later, he hypnotizes Ghost Rider (I) into revealing his history. After getting him to fall asleep, Curly Samuels performs a satanic ritual, calls on Satan and is revealed to be the dead spirit of Crash Simpson. (TOGR 2).

San Francisco:  

-- Ghost Rider (I) battled Zodiac (II) and Inferno here. (TOGR 14 - 17).

Santa Claus:  

-- (From Dictionary.com) The personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly fat old man with a white beard and a red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve. [FH]

-- William Rockwood Jr. (a blind boy), thinks Ghost Rider (II) is Santa Claus. (MHS 1).


-- A Name Mephisto went by in the early Ghost Rider (I) comics. Or not. Based solely on the Ghost Rider comic, this appears to be true. In an attempt to try and clear up the issue of who exactly Satan is in the Marvel Universe, I have an essay here.


-- Hellstorm's sister.

Satan's Servants:  

-- (See also Curly Samuels, Baby Jack, Lone Wolf).

--- A Motorcycle gang led by Curly Samuels. They try to take on Ghost Rider (I) and are scared away - all except Curly Samuels. Later, they attempt to kidnap Roxanne Simpson , but they are foiled by Ghost Rider (I). (TOGR 2).

--- Ghost Rider (I) then crashes their headquarters in a condemned building and they tell him where to find Curly Samuels. (TOGR 3).


-- Guardian of the road of lost souls - he was "spat upon" by Zarathos in ages past. (TOGRRA 5).


-- White neo-nazi punk who attacks a black family (with Bobbie and Ricko) for no real reason. He is put in his place by Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 4).


-- Insane villain with the power to incite fear in his enemies as well as enhanced flexibility. He is obsessed with Captain America.

-- He escapes from Creedmoor psychiatric in Queens and begins a killing spree, hoping to attract Captain America. Instead he attracts Ghost Rider (II). After a pitched battle, where Scarecrow is shown to be immune to the Penance Stare, he is thrown onto his own pitchfork and supposedly killed. But some mysterious people carry his body away. (GR2 7).

Scheele, Stephanie:  

-- News reporter who discusses Ghost Rider (II) and his possible relationship to Ghost Rider (I) on New Mexico TV. Her newscast was watched by Blaze. (GR2 10).


-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 14).


-- Mutant hunting robots - big, tall and scary looking ones.

-- Some pseudo-Sentinels crash The Champions HQ - as part of a scheme cooked up by The Vanisher. (Champ 17).

Servant of Satan: [FH]  

-- See Ghost Rider (I)

Shadow Cloak, The:  
-- The cloak that gives Devil-Slayer his power to move between dimensions.
Shadows, The:  

-- Soldiers of the alien warlord Kaa. (Champ 11).


-- Journalist at Cruel Fate Journal. (LoN 1).

Shannon, Drake:  

-- The real name of The Orb, a former partner of Crash Simpson.

Sheik Abdul Hurani:  

-- Arabian crime lord who wants to use The Water-Wizard to defeat the The Arabian Knight and establish himself as ruler of Saudi Arabia. (GR1 61).

-- He uses The Water-Wizard's power to create monsters out of oil that wreck the oil production in Saudi Arabia. However, the combined might of Ghost Rider (I) and the The Arabian Knight prove too much for him. (GR1 62).


-- Young girl (with friend Marie) who asks for Blaze's and Red Fowler's autographs. After that, Blaze and Red Fowler play a few games to win these girls a few stuffed animals. During one of those games was when Madam Olga's tent blew up. (TOGRRA 2).

Sheriff Kuhn:  

-- Sheriff of Altro. He puts Blaze and Red Fowler in jail for a few hours for speeding and then mouthing off about it to him. He thinks Reverend Stryker killed a man named Frank Anders. (MSH Fall 1992).

Silvercloud, Sam:  

-- An Indian who picks up Blaze in Arizona. His job is to help Blaze get ready for the Copperhead Canyon jump, but instead he threatens Blaze and when Blaze refuses to stop the jump, her forces Blaze to get out of the truck and walk. Later Blaze sees him (and calls him Clyde?) and tries to get even by picking a fight. The fight is interrupted by the arrival of Snakedance. Later, he sabotages Blaze's Motorcycle. (TOGR 4).

-- Later Mr. Miller (Mr. Casey?) asks him to take Roxanne Simpson to the canyon to look for Blaze. He ties her up and kidnaps her. After being threatened, he reveals to Blaze where Roxanne Simpson is. (TOGR 5).

-- Rebels against Snakedance, nearly killing him - but he is stopped by Linda Littletree, whom he was romantically involved with. (TOGR 6).

-- Calls Damion Hellstrom to help free Linda Littletrees from demon possession. (TOGR 8).

-- Locks Hellstorm in a room for the night at his request. Later, against orders, he frees him, unleashing his evil. (TOGR 9).

Simpson, Crash:  

-- (See also Curly Samuels). Adopted father of Johnny Blaze, biological father of Roxanne Simpson .

-- He forcibly ejected Naomi Kale from the Quentin Carnival grounds when she came to visit Johnny Blaze. (GR2 minus 1).

-- Reveals he is going to die of some deadly disease, decides to try for a world stunt cylce record and dies. (TOGR 1).

-- While dead, masquerades as Curly Samuels and tries to bargain with Mephisto to get his life back in exchange for Ghost Rider (I). Under the guise of Curly Samuels, he kidnaps his daughter so that Blaze can be freed of her protection from Mephisto. (TOGR 2, 3).

-- Fights Ghost Rider (I) in Hell with the Flaming Sword of Satan. Decides he cannot harm Blaze and sacrifices himself to help Blaze escape from Hell. (TOGR 4).

-- In a flashback, it is shown that he saved Linda Littletree from a truck while he served as a Motorcycle policeman. (TOGR 6).

-- Mephisto claims that all versions of Crash Simpson seen since his death were merely illusions created to fool Blaze and Roxanne Simpson. (TOGR 17).

Simpson, Mona:  

-- Wife of Crash Simpson, adopted mother of Johnny Blaze.

-- Objects to Johnny Blaze learning to be a stunt man, is injured by an exploding bicycle that Johnny Blaze fell off of. Dies of injuries in the hospital, makes Johnny Blaze promise never to ride again. (TOGR 1).

Simpson, Roxanne:  

-- Longtime girlfriend, presumed dead wife of Johnny Blaze, mother of their two children (also presumed dead) Craig and Emma. She had some occult knowledge, as well as some small psychic powers.

-- As an adolescent, worked the dart game at the carnival and was a good shot. Johnny Blaze called her by the nickname "Rocky." (GR2 minus 1).

-- Became an accomplished stunt cyclist along with her father Crash Simpson, falls in love with Johnny Blaze. Believes his refusal to ride is cowardice, but gets offended at his world record jump, which is done right after her father dies. Her purity of heart is originally given as the only reason Mephisto does not gain total control over Johnny Blaze. (TOGR 1, 2).

-- However, she does, in an attempt to save her father's soul, renounce her protection of Blaze. It was all a trick of Mephisto's , but it worked. However, "A Friend" manages to save Blaze's soul. However, this causes Roxanne Simpson to decide she must leave Blaze for awhile. (TOGR 17).

-- At some point, Inferno places the false identity of Katy Milner over her, and she forgets who she is until Blaze and Hellstorm free her from possession. (GR1 19).

-- Later, after Blaze leaves LA, she tracks him down. But The Orb gives her amnesia and she hooks up with Brahma Bill. (GR1 28).

-- Later, Blaze says that, besides her purity of heart, her knowledge of the occult (gained by reading the same books Blaze had been reading when he wasn't looking) was also responsible for the protection she originally gave him. (TOGRRA 1).

-- She is next seen on a bus and later in a diner, desperately looking for the Quentin Carnival so she can find Blaze. (TOGRRA 4, 5).

-- After the battles with the Freakmaster, as the Carnival workers are licking their wounds, Roxanne Simpson shows up, telling Blaze she has been looking for him for a long time. (TOGRRA 6).

-- She takes Blaze to the town of Holly, where he and Ghost Rider (I) do battle with Sin-Eater and Centurious. After the battle, Sin-Eater frees Blaze from the curse of Ghost Rider (I) and Blaze and Roxanne Simpson ride off into the sunset. (TOGRRA 7).

-- After Blaze was freed from Zarathos, they traveled the country for awhile. Her psychic abilities cause him to seek out The Defenders because some of its members were also former Champions. (Def1 145-146).


-- Real Name: Ethan Domblue

-- Using The Soul Crystal, he takes people's souls, making them sinless members of his congregation. He is part of larger plan by Centurious to lure Blaze to Holly so that he can destroy Zarathos. He realizes his mistake in following Centurious and rebels, but Centurious nearly kills him. Later, after Ghost Rider (I) has defeated Centurious, he uses his powers to send Zarathos into The Soul Crystal and then he dies. (TOGRRA 7).

Sirens of Kronos:  

-- Three sisters (Ligea, Parthenope and Leucosia), banished by Lord Kronos. Freed accidentally by Al (III) and Fred (II).

-- After being freed they take control of an army convoy with an experimental nuclear missile coincidentally called "Kronos." They decide to use the missile to get revenge on Lord Kronos by nuking Albuquerque (that'll show him!!!!!!) Ghost Rider (I) shows up and gives them all a dose of Hellfire. The military minds are freed of their spell in time to abort the mission and Ghost Rider (I) seals the sirens back in their stone prisons

Silver Dagger:  

-- Real name: Isaiah Curwin.

-- The man who would be pope. He nearly was, but was rejected because he was too dogmatic and cruel. He decided it was all the fault of magicians and sorcerers, and so he studied magic himself. His stated purpose is to wipe all magic off the face of the Earth (which would logically entail that he commit suicide once he's accomplished this goal, though I doubt he's thought of that).

-- He tracks down the Werewolf by Night and tries to kill him. He fails (of course) but he does manage to kill Layla and The Brain-Eaters. (MCP 54 - 59).


-- A mobster who was part of an organization taken over by The Enforcer. (GR1 22).

Six-armed Spider-Man:  
-- A member of The Freaks. He goes by "Six" for short. (MT 256).
Six-Fingered Hand, The:  

-- An evil group with occult ties that has fought The Defenders. (Def1 96).

Skeeter (I):  

-- Smuggler who fires on Ghost Rider (I) when he accidentally stumbles upon them in the middle of the desert. They all get a dose of Hellfire. (GR1 58).

Skeeter (II):  

-- Mechanic in Chicago who works on Blaze's Motorcycle. (GR1 60).


-- Green aliens with the power to shape change into to pretty much any form.

-- They get mixed up with Ghost Rider (II) when he briefly joins a replacement Fantastic Four. They are vulnerable to the Penance Stare. (FF 348-349).

Slade, Bart:  

-- A guy who worked for Johnny Blaze as his road manager.

-- He informed Blaze that Roxanne Simpson has disappeared after she was kidnapped by Curly Samuels. His thoughts reveal he is jealous and wants Roxanne Simpson to stay away from Blaze. (TOGR 3).

-- His thoughts eventually reveal he wants to be in a position of power over Blaze. (TOGR 4).

-- Is revealed to be a cripple, with a "bum leg" of some sort. (TOGR 5).

-- Visits Roxanne Simpson in the hospital and tries to blame all their problems on Blaze. After he discovers Blaze is in the Hospital after and altercation with the police, he decides to try the Copperhead Canyon jump himself and dies because of a wind gust. (TOGR 8).

Slade, Carter:  
-- The alter ego of the Wild West hero The Night Rider.
Slade, Hamilton:  

-- A modern day descendent of Carter Slade.

-- While investigating the burial grounds of his heroic ancestor, he is possessed by the spirit of The Night Rider, which then goes off and helps out Ghost Rider (I) fight Moondark the Magician. (GR1 56).

Slatterly, Bill:  
-- A guy who takes the seats belonging to The Thing at Blaze's stunt cycle show. The Thing convinces him to go to his normal seat. (AOTT 2).

-- Dude Jensen's assistant. He does his dirty work for him.

-- He kills a stunt car driver. (TOGR 12).

-- Turns out to be a demon serving Roulette. (TOGR 13).

-- After Roulette dies, he helps Aquarius (I).. (TOGR 15).

-- Mephisto chides him for failing to get Blaze's soul for him, and he pleads for a chance to do it himself, rather then by helping out lame mortals. Mephisto turns him into Inferno. (TOGR 16).

-- Another one of the various cops who seem to have nothing better to do than chase Ghost Rider (I) around. (TOGR 12).
Smasher, The:  

-- A baddie in the employ of Death's Head who fought Daredevil. (DD 138).

-- He supposedly dies when Death's Head accidentally touches him in battle. (GR1 20).

Smith, John:  
-- Someone buried in the Cypress Hills cemetery. (GR/C 1).

-- Indian medicine man who has the Indians in Arizona stirred up, interfering with Blaze's planned Copperhead Canyon jump. He warns Blaze to stay away from the canyon or he will die. Later he nearly kills Ghost Rider (I), and then kidnaps Roxanne Simpson . He is defeated soundly by GR. (TOGR 4-5).

-- His daughter is Linda Littletrees. (TOGR 6).

-- Watches over Linda Littletrees' body while she is possessed, he recognizes that Mephisto has possessed her when she awakens and escapes. (TOGR 8).

Son of Satan: [FH]  
-- See Damion Hellstrom
-- Member of a Motorcycle gang (with Deever and Sparkie and several others) that left spikes in the road so they could get at "Mitch". They get a dose of soul searing Hellfire from Ghost Rider (I), but some of their friends come by later and manage to kidnap "Mitch" . Their plan fails when Ghost Rider (I) tracks them down again and gives them another dose of Hellfire. (GR1 51).
Sorgone, Hector:  
-- Killed by Zodiak. (GR2 10).
Soul Crystal, The:  

-- (Or Crystal of Souls). Centurious and Zarathos were trapped in here, fighting each other in a never-ending battle for the amusement of Mephisto.

-- It first appeared as an artifact used by Centurious. He claims it will give him to power to defeat Ghost Rider (I), but he never gets the chance to use it. (TOGRRA 4).

-- After being split in half near the town of Holly, it traps Centurious inside and reseals itself. Sin-Eater then sends Zarathos inside to pursue him. Mephisto then takes the Crystal so he can amuse himself watching them suffer. (TOGRRA 7).

-- Zarathos is temporarily freed during a contest between Mephisto and The Beyonder. (ASM 274).

-- Mephisto is seen looking at it when Loki comes for a visit, though we can't tell if it still contains anything. (Thor 430).

-- Member of a Motorcycle gang (with Sookie and Deever and several others) that left spikes in the road so they could get at "Mitch". They get a dose of soul searing Hellfire from Ghost Rider (I), but some of their friends come by later and manage to kidnap "Mitch". Their plan fails when Ghost Rider (I) tracks them down again and gives them another dose of Hellfire. (GR1 51).
-- Tough guy who works for Loan Shark. (GR1 65).
Spector, Marc: [FH]  
-- See Moon Knight.

-- Real Name: Peter Parker

-- He was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained the proportionate strength and abilities of a spider.

-- First teamed up with Ghost Rider (I) at Madison Square Garden against The Orb. (MT 254).

-- They team up again to fightThe Trapster. (MT 255).

-- He doesn't meet Ghost Rider (I) in this adventure, but Spider-Man does help Angel (I) clean up some of the fallout from The Champions breaking up. They fight Rampage and a brainwashed Iceman, but it all gets sorted out in the end. (PPTSS 17-18).

-- They meet again when Spider-Man saves Ghost Rider (I) from the control of Moondark the Magician. (MT 256).

-- During the interim between Ghost Rider (I) and Ghost Rider (II), Spider-Man is briefly tormented by Zarathos because of a bet between The Beyonder and Mephisto. (ASM 274).

-- He briefly joined with Ghost Rider (II), The Hulk and Wolverine to form a temporary Fantastic Four. This is most likely his first encounter with Ghost Rider (II). (FF 348-349).

-- Biker who attacks Cynthia Randolph (actually Rzh'arr in her form) and is beaten up by Blaze. (GR1 64).
Spotted Doe:  
-- Flaming Star's daughter. She summons the Manitou to fight Ghost Rider (I), and she is responsible for sending Blaze into the past. She is attacked by The Tarantula, but rescued by Ghost Rider (I) and decides he really isn't evil. (GR1 49-50).
-- A race of enlightened beings that committed mass suicide upon being unable to find the Ultimate Truth. Their collective unconscious, after their death, created the being Null - The Living Darkness. (TOGRRA 2).
-- Crook in Chicago chased down by Ghost Rider (I) and thrown through the window of the church where Black Juju is a pastor. (GR1 60).
Stanton, Sally:  
-- Killed by Jock Parker, her ghost appeared to Blaze several years (it seems - no exact time frame is given) after her death. After several odd incidents, she reveals she came back to show her mother Veronica Stanton just how awful her desires for vengeance on Jock Parker were. After her mother renounces her hate, Sally forces Ghost Rider (I) to retreat back into Blaze. (GR1 67).
Stanton, Veronica:  
-- Blaze is led to her house by the ghost of Sally Stanton. He collapses on her front porch and she tells him her sad story. Sally was killed by the Mayor's drunken nephew (Jock Parker) and has never been brought to trial. Blaze tries to show sympathy, but the story upsets Veronica Stanton too much and she kicks Blaze out. However, she calms down and offers to feed him dinner later. Jock Parker and friends attack her place later that night, but Ghost Rider (I) gives them all serious injuries. Sally Stanton appears and has her mother realize that this is the fulfillment of her desires for vengeance. Realizing her hate was wrong, Veronica Stanton begs Ghost Rider (I) not to kill Jock Parker, but he slaps her aside. After Sally forces Ghost Rider (I) to retreat, Blaze asks Veronica Stanton for help and she gives it to him, signifying her emotional healing. (GR1 67).
Starr, Dr. Victoria:  
-- The human guise of Venus. (Champ 1).
-- The weird golden guy responsible for the mountain that appeared out of nowhere in California. Unfortunately, The Legion of Monsters were the first to show up. He claims to be the sole survivor of several cave-men who were kidnapped, along with the mountain, by some aliens. Somehow, he reached a state of near perfection, but it was his bad luck to run into these monsters, who reject his gifts and kill him. (MP 28).
Steel Wind:  

-- Female Japanese stunt biker connected to Freakmaster and Centurious.

-- One day, she arrives at the Quentin Carnival and visits the owner, Ralph Quentin. He begins to act all mysterious and fires Blaze, saying that she's taking their place. After the rest of the carnival workers protest, Ralph Quentin arranges a contest between her and Blaze. She cheats, of course, and wins. Later, The Great Vincenzo stops by to visit her tent and finds out she is, at least partially, cybernetic. It turns out she was a painter in Japan who was damaged in a boat explosion. She washed up on the Freakmaster's island and her damaged limbs were rebuilt with cybernetic parts. She runs a reign of terror at the Carnival, but Cynthia Randolph discovers that whenever Steel Wind arrives, a carnival goes belly up. The carnival workers revolt and Blaze shows up to fight her. After leading her away from the carnival, Blaze turns into Ghost Rider (I) (against his will) and gives her a full does of Hellfire. (TOGRRA 4).

Stein, Mr.:  
-- Member of the Cypress Hills Community Action group that hires H.E.A.R.T to track down their missing children. (GR2 8).
Sterling , Arthur:  

-- State Senator. Father of Karen Sterling and Billy Sterling. His lawyer, Mark Crane, is in charge of a death cult.

-- Targeted by a death cult because of his opposition to their practices. Blaze uses his connections with Karen Sterling to get invited to dinner at the Senator's house. The house is attacked and both Blaze and Karen Sterling go off to attack the cult's HQ. (GR1 39).

Sterling, Billy:  

-- Son of Arthur Sterling.

-- He is a member of the Mark Crane's death cult, but he doesn't realize the extent of the evilness. Once he realizes just how bad things are, he repents. (GR1 39).

Sterling, Karen:  

-- Arthur Sterling's daughter.

-- A death cult throws her off a cliff, but Ghost Rider (I), who just happens to be riding by, catches her and saves her life. He flags down a passing cop car and gives her to Howie and Pete (I). Later, she is ambushed at a Motorcycle rally and Blaze manages to save her. (GR1 38).

-- After an attack on her father's house, she attacks the cult's HQ. Ghost Rider (I) saves the day, but she rejects him because he looks so horrid. (GR1 39).


-- A villain who crashes into The Champions HQ looking for Ms. Reggie Clayborne and is chased off. Black Goliath chases him down and finishes him off. (Champ 12).

-- He also rescuesThe Trapster afterThe Trapster is defeated by Ghost Rider (I). (CA 191).

-- Drug dealer who was given the Penance Stare by Ghost Rider (II). He apparently has connections to Zodiak. (GR2 11).
Storm, Johnny:  

-- See The Human Torch (II).

-- Before he was member of the Fantastic Four, he and his sister Sue Storm had an interesting adventure that dealt with Zarathos , the Medallion of Power , and a lot of other creepiness. (BtFF:TS 1-3).

Storm, Sue:  

-- See The Invisible Woman.

-- Before she was member of the Fantastic Four, she and her brother Johnny Storm had an interesting adventure that dealt with Zarathos, the Medallion of Power, and a lot of other creepiness. (BtFF:TS 1-3).

Stranger, The:  

-- A powerful cosmic being.

-- He shows up at The Champions HQ to take the Null-life bomb they have inadvertently acquired. He sends some of The Champions off to the world of Kamo Tharn to get the Runestaff after the bomb has been activated. (Champ 12 - 13).

Stratton, Paulie:  

-- A member of the Cypress Pool Jokers.

-- During a shoot-out between Deathwatch and some of The Kingpin's thugs, she steals a suitcase they want very badly. She hides the contents all over the graveyard. (GR2 1-2).

-- During a fight between Ghost Rider (II) and Blackout, she is kidnapped by an unknown being. (GR2 3).

-- Ghost Rider (II) finds her unharmed and in the care of some renegade Morlocks. (GR2 9).

-- A superstrong henchman of Mordok. He tangles with Iron Man while The Champions are helping attack other parts of Mordok' s nefarious scheme. Realizing this is a hoax of some sort, Iron Man flees, making Stryke think he has won. (IMA 1977).
Stryke, Leopold [FH]  
-- See Eel
Stryker, Reverend:  
-- Head of a survivalist religious cult. he is accussed of killing a former cult member named Frank Anders. His rebellious daughter is Veronica Stryker, and she is the one who actually killed Frank Anders. In an attempt to free his daughter from the control of Ghost Rider (I), he blows up the compound they are in. Ghost Rider (I) absorbs the blast, but he is weakened and Blaze reasserts himself. The Reverend takes his daughter away, having been shocked by the realization of where his actions and beliefs have taken him. (MSH Fall 1992).
Stryker, Veronica:  
-- A lady with an unhealthy fixation with fire. The daughter of the Reverend Stryker, she was engaged to Frank Anders. She left the cult, and she coerces Blaze and Red Fowler into helping her attack her father's cult. After being captured, she says she was actually the one who killed Frank Anders because he refused to leave the cult for her. Upon seeing Ghost Rider (I), she and the other cultists decide to worship him. This gives Ghost Rider (I) / Zarathos more power and he decides to use this power to free himself from Mephisto's service. In an attempt to free his daughter from the control of Ghost Rider (I), Reverend Stryker blows up the compound they are in. Ghost Rider (I) absorbs the blast, but he is weakened and Blaze reasserts himself. The Reverend takes his daughter away, having been shocked by the realization of where his actions and beliefs have taken him. (MSH Fall 1992).

-- Real Name: George.

-- Another stunt cyclist superhero, though he doesn't have any super-powers. He does have his own TV show, though.

-- He helps Ghost Rider (I) tackle Zodiac (II). (TOGR 15).

-- Blaze gets a job working as a stunt double for his TV show. (GR1 13).

-- He is shown to be under the power of a villain called Death's Head. (GR1 18).

-- He claims to have been mind-controlled by Death's Head and offers to Ghost Rider (I) to the bad guy's hideout. (DD 138).


-- Villain made entirely of killer bees. His human name was Fritz Von Meyer - an expatriate Nazi. He somehow merged his consciousness with a swarm of mutated bees in South America.

-- He kills an Interpol agent and then attacks The Champions and LA. He is after a Queen bee that was trapped in Amber by Interpol. However, Hercules tosses the Queen bee so far away that the Swarm follows her, leaving a dead skeleton behind. (Champ 14 - 15).

Swifty's Cycle shop:  
-- Blaze buys a new bicycle here. (GR1 28).
Sword of Demonicus:  

-- Sword used by Mephisto to briefly free Zarathos from Blaze. (TOGRRA 5)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.