Haiti: [FH]  

-- A town in the Caribbean.

Hammer and Anvil:  

-- A couple of bad guys who get their cans trashed by The Freaks. (MT 256).

Hamilton, Ethan J. (General):  

-- One of the historical figures kept alive (but without a soul) by Centurious. They perish in a fire caused by Old Adam. (TOGRRA 4).

Hampton, Colonel:  

-- One of the historical figures kept alive (but without a soul) by Centurious. They perish in a fire caused by Old Adam. (TOGRRA 4).


-- One of two men who, under the influence of The Orb, fire shots at Blaze. (GR1 54).

Harper, Minnie:  

-- A lady who calls the Deputy Jesse and tells him Vampire bats have taken away Tabitha Arcanne. (GR1 38).


-- One of the groups of baddies that attacked UCLA in search of Venus. (Champ 1).


-- Another one of the many cops who decide to chase Ghost Rider (I) because he is going over the speed limit. (GR1 36).


-- (see also Marty). Another cop in a duo who decides he has to chase Ghost Rider (I) around. (AOTT 2).

Harry's bar:  

-- A bar Blaze goes to after being separated from Ghost Rider (I) by Azaziah, the Crimson Mage. He overhears Pete (III) discuss some arson and realizes only Ghost Rider (I) could have done it. (GR! 43).


-- One cop of a pair (partner: Barney (I)) that chases down Ghost Rider (I), they lose him at a washed out bridge that Ghost Rider (I) jumps. (TOGR 3).


-- Leader of the Knights of the Moon. It's unclear if he survives the encounter with Ghost Rider (II) and Moon Knight. (MS:MK 25).


-- The Purple archer. On and off again member of The Avengers.

-- While briefly partnered with the Two-Gun Kid, he runs into Ghost Rider (I) in Arizona. Then they team-up to fight Kaa on the Mesa of Lost Souls. (Champ 11).

-- He next encounters Ghost Rider (I) while working at a dude ranch in Arizona with the Two-Gun Kid. There they fight Manticore. (GR1 27).

Hawk, Matt:  

-- The name the Two-Gun Kid went under while in our time. (GR1 27).

Hawkins, Pete:  

-- Race car driver for Langtree Motors who injures himself in a late night race with Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 55).


-- Humane Engaging All Racial Terrorism. "A for profit organization consisting of highly trained . . . women." (Members: Luz Delgado, Danika Trevani, Mei Lin, Fiona McCormick and Tyler Meagher).

-- They are hired by the Cypress Hills community action group to find their missing children. After some recon, they decide they need to kill Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 8).

-- They attack Ghost Rider (II) as he is saving Edward "Eddie" G. from Blackout, but he gets away. Later, they track him to the missing children (being held by Morlocks ) and begin firing wildly, endangering everyone. X-Factor shows up and saves the kids. Seeing that the kids have been rescued, H.E.A.R.T takes off, deciding their job has been done. (GR2 9).

-- Deathwatch hires them to take a contract out on Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 10).


-- A common name for Mephisto's realm.

Hellcat: [FH]  

-- Real name: Patsy Walker.

-- Member of The Defenders


-- The flame that grants all Ghost Riders their power, as well as various other like the Witch-Woman. Described as both cold and hot, depending on its use. One problem is that the various Ghost Riders seem to be able to control and create normal fire and a type of mystical fire, yet they call both types Hellfire at various times.

-- Burns underwater. (TOGR 15).

-- Feeds off oxygen - maybe (this might be normal fire). (TOGR 18).

-- The Water-Wizard is the first to describe it as burning his soul - making him the first victim of the soul-searing version of Ghost Rider (I)'s Hellfire. (GR1 23).

-- Ghost Rider (I) makes the distinction between his mystical Hellfire that burns the soul and his "earthly fire" that burns the flesh. (GR1 56).

-- During his brief stint as a member of the Fantasti c Four, Ghost Rider (II) discovers he can physically separate Hellfire from himself, although he can't control it or understand how it works. (FF 348-349).


-- (aka Prince of Lies, Son of Satan) Real name is Damion Hellstrom. He has also been a member of The Defenders.

-- Is called by Sam Silvercloud to help free Linda Littletrees from possession. He put out a nationwide ad advertising his services as a exorcist of sorts. Linda Littletrees was his first case. (TOGR 8).

-- Has Sam Silvercloud and Snakedance tie up his wrists with ankhs and lock him in a room for the night. When he turns into his nighttime evil personality, he tricks Sam Silvercloud into releasing him. (TOGR 9).

-- He summons the "demon spawned chariot of Satan" to go looking for Linda Littletrees. He rescues Roxanne Simpson from Big Daddy Dawson, but tortures her for information on where Ghost Rider (I), Linda Littletrees and Mephisto are. He confronts Mephisto, and rescues Blaze and Linda Littletrees. (TOGR 10).

-- Blaze calls him up to help free Katy Milner from her possession. He manages to free her, but The Challenger interrupts and takes Blaze away. Hellstorm stays to protect Katy Milner's body. (GR1 17-18).

-- He next encounters Ghost Rider (I) while investigating Asmodeus Jones with The Defenders. (Def1 96).

Hellstrom, Damion:  

-- See Hellstorm.

Hellstrom, Victoria:  

-- Mother of Hellstorm.

--Born March 4, 1928. Died Aug 21, 1953. Buried in a "New England cemetery". (TOGR 8)

Henderson, Adam:  

-- Husband of Maureen Henderson. He's a frustrated singer/songwriter who teaches High School English and can't stand it - basically he just turned 30 and is having his mid-life crisis.

-- Running off after an argument with his wife, he contemplates suicide. Instead, he is possessed by Null - The Living Darkness and stumbles off creating havoc around his hometown of Cherry Hill, Illinois. After a battle with Ghost Rider (I), his love for his wife allows him to reassert control for a brief amount of time. This, combined with liberal doses of Hellfire allows him to drive off Null - The Living Darkness. Luckily, his love for his wife manages to keep him sane through the whole ordeal. (TOGRRA 2).

Henderson, Maureen:  

-- Wife of Adam Henderson.

-- After her husband runs off, she tries to meditate, but that fails to calm her mind. He returns, possessed by Null - The Living Darkness . He is attacked by Ghost Rider (I) and they carry the battle over much of the surrounding area. Maureen Henderson is nearly killed by a falling statue, but she is rescued by Pastor Matheson. Adam's love for her allows him to reassert control, and this helps Ghost Rider (I) drive off Null - The Living Darkness. (TOGRRA 2).


-- Old man in car with Myrtle. He is not shocked by Ghost Rider (I)'s appearance. (GR1 22).


-- Olympian god, son of Zeus. One-time member of the super-group known as The Champions, as well as The Avengers.

Hickock, Phil:  

-- Karen Page's ex-agent, she had a failed romance with him. (GR1 14).


-- High priestess of the Beyond Reas on Spiritual Fellowship.

--After bringing Fin Fang Foom back into the world, she enters the dream in order to "unite" with Fin Fang Foom and have his children. She is impreganted, but Ariann Wright kills her unborn child. She dies. (LoN 1-2).


-- Casino owner who dies in a fires caused by Roulette. (TOGR 13).


-- The Queen of the Amazons.

-- Zeus' decides she must marry Hercules, causing the disturbance at UCLA that forms The Champions. (Champ 1).


-- A flying serpent summoned by the Manitou to do battle with Ghost Rider (I). (GR 1 50).


-- Cozy little small town in the Midwest where Sin-Eater and Centurious laid a trap for Blaze and Ghost Rider (I). Also near the site of where Zarathos entered The Soul Crystal and was finally separated from Blaze. (TOGRRA 7).

Holy Amulet of the Ancient Yoruba:  
-- The amulet that gives Black Juju his power. (GR1 60).

-- Yet another cop who chases around Ghost Rider (I) for speeding violations. (GR1 59).

Houdini, Harry:  

-- Famous magician. He's buried in the Cypress Hill cemetery.

-- Dan Ketch and Barbara Ketch decide to visit his grave on Halloween eve - this leads to Barb being injured and Dan Ketch becoming Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 1).


-- A cop (with Pete (I)) flagged down by Ghost Rider (I) so they can take care of Karen Sterling. (GR1 38).

-- Crony who works for Flag-Smasher. (GR2 6).
Hubris, Tony Jr.:  
-- Annoying talk show host who has Blade on his show to make fun of him. It turns out he was a Darkholder and the talk show was a ruse so other Darkholders could kidnap Safron. (MCP 64).
Hulk, The:  

-- Dr. Bruce Banner was bathed by Gamma radiation and became the green skinned (sometimes gray-skinned) Hulk.

-- Inferno tricks him into attacking Blaze at a Desert Marathon Motorcycle race. (TOGR 18).

-- During one of Doctor Doom's brief tenures as Emperor of the world, The Hulk is summoned by Doctor Doom to serve as a bodyguard. This involves getting in a fight with Magneto and The Champions . (Champ 16).

-- While in his gray persona, The Hulk joins Ghost Rider (II), Wolverine and Spider-Man to form a temporary Fantastic Four. (FF 348-349).

Human Cannonball:  
-- Member of the Circus of Crime.
Human Fly, The:  

-- Costumed hero who does death-defying Daredevil stunts for a living.

-- Meets Ghost Rider (I) after Blaze witnesses a stunt and is impressed. Later, Blaze participates in a "Doomsday" race that seems rigged to kill the contestants. Ghost Rider (I) saves the Fly and helps expose the crooked race manager. (HF 2).

Human Torch (II), The:  

-- Johnny Storm. Brother to Sue Storm. Member of the Fantastic Four.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) when he joins up with a replacement Fantastic Four. (FF 348-349).

Huntsman, The:  

-- A servant of Zeus.

-- He is sent by Zeus to capture Hercules and Venus so they will get married. He uses trickery to get Ghost Rider (I) to accidentally take out all the other Champions for him. (Champ 2)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.