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-- Mutant super group that was originally made up of the original X-Men.

-- They first encounter Ghost Rider (II) while investigating several child kidnappings. They help recover the children and save them from H.E.A.R.T's random violence. They don't talk much with Ghost Rider (II), but they decided his heroism spoke for itself. (GR2 9)

X-Men: [FH]  

-- The original mutant super-hero group. The first team consisted of Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel (I), Beast and Iceman

-- Several members of this ever growing team have appeared with most versions of Ghost Rider. (Much more information to come in future updates. Stay tuned! For now, check out the Marvel Directory's X-Men entry)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.