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Palmer, Felix D.:  

-- Asmodeus Jones' manager and brother.

-- He does not like Jones, and Jones does not like him. Only greed keeps them together. He is the one who set up Jones' deal with Fashima. Because the merge between Jones and Fashima fails, he is whisked away suddenly to "pay the price of failure." (Def1 96)

Palmer, Ozzie: [FH]  

-- See Asmodeus Jones

Page, Karen:  

-- Daredevil 's on and off again girlfriend.

-- For awhile, she worked on the Stunt-Master TV show. After Ghost Rider (I) saves her fromThe Trapster, she decides to romance Blaze. There is a Million dollar reward out for her capture, offered by person or persons unknown. (GR1 13).

-- Later, she gives him the cold shoulder. (GR1 14).

-- The ransom is revealed to be offered by Death's Head. (GR1 18).

-- She is kidnapped, but is freed by Daredevil and Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 20).

-- Despite the return of Roxanne Simpson, she still tries to romance Blaze. (GR1 21).

Parker, Jock:  

-- One of a group of thugs that waylay Blaze and leave him for dead on a roadside. Ghost Rider (I) chases them down., though he changes back to Blaze before meeting out any punishment. Later, Blaze comes to Kranky's Automotive Haven to buy some parts. Since Jock Parker works there, he is afraid Blaze recognized him and so decides to pay him a visit. Veronica Stanton tells Blaze that Jock Parker is the man who killed her daughter Sally. Jock Parker pays a visit to Veronica Stanton and Blaze, but he gets beaten up by Ghost Rider (I), though Sally Stanton stops him before he can kill him. (GR1 67).

Parker, Peter:  

-- See Spider-Man.


-- One of the Sirens of Kronos. (GR1 52).

Paste-Pot Pete:  

-- See The Trapster


-- Guard who works for Zodiak. Run over by Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 12).


-- A criminal (with cohorts Jerry (I), Joe (I), Al (II) and Porter) pursued by Ghost Rider (I). He, Joe (I) and Al (II) escape into a farmhouse, where Azaziah, the Crimson Mage enlists them in his plan to defeat ol' skull head. At their next caper, they lead Ghost Rider (I) into a mystical trap, where Blaze and the demon are separated. (GR1 43).

-- After that adventure is settled, Ghost Rider (I) tracks all three of them down and gives them a taste of Hellfire. (GR1 45).

Paxton, Page:  

-- Karen Page's father, he was Death's Head - but he's supposed to be dead. (GR1 19).

Payne, Eric Simon:  

-- The civilian name of Devil-Slayer.

Pearson, Ned:  

-- Former partner of Sonny Tremont. He was killed by "Shocks" Marley (he sabotaged the steering column in Ned Pearson's car) because Ned Pearson was sweet on Nora. (GR1 57).

Penance Stare:  

-- Ghost Rider (II)'s version of the soul searing Hellfire used by Ghost Rider (I). It causes the victim to experience the pain of all their previous victims.

-- When used on Mr. Hyde, it triggers his transformation back into Dr. Calvin Zabo, though Mr. Hyde flees before it can take full effect. (GR2 4).

Perone, Father:  

-- Priest in the Central American village of Potega. He is killed by some guerillas while under the protection of Devil-Slayer. (MCP 46-49).

Pete (I):  

-- A cop (with Howie) flagged down by Ghost Rider (I) so they can take care of Karen Sterling. (GR1 38).

Pete (II):  

-- A member of The Jackal Gang. (GR1 41).

Pete (III):  

-- A worker visiting a bar who announces some workplace arson that Blaze realizes only Ghost Rider (I) could have caused. (GR1 43).

Pete (IV):  
-- Worker for The Tarantula (of the old wild west) who gets a dose of Ghost Rider (I)'s soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 50).
Pete (V):  

-- A mechanic employed by Sonny Tremonts who testified against "Shocks" Marley in court. The Apparition assaulted Pete (V)'s car while it was being driven by Johnny Blaze, and mistakenly believed that Pete (V) was dead. When Pete (V) heard that "Shocks" Marley had risen from the dead, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him. (GR1 57) (**)

Petrillo, Richie:  

-- A Motorcycle rider who was the prize in the first contest between Death and Ghost Rider (I). Death wins, so Richie Petrillo dies. (GR1 35).

Petrovich, Ivan:  

-- A comrade of the Black Widow. Father of Yuri Petrovich, the Crimson Dynamo.

-- He tries to help her get a job at UCLA teaching Russian. He gets clobbered by some Amazons. (Champ 1).

-- He becomes a sort-of member of The Champions, helping the Black Widow and the others out with technological issues. (Champ 1-10).

-- After the events with the Crimson Dynamo, he decides to leave the group. (Champ 14).

Petrovich, Yuri: [FH]  

-- Son of Ivan Petrovich.

-- See Crimson Dynamo

Petruski, Peter: [FH]  

-- See The Trapster

Phantom Eagle, The:  

-- Real name: Karl Kaufmann.

-- A German American World War I flying ace, defeated by Hermann Von Reitberger. His ghost keeps chasing Hermann Von Reitberger because he was shot down by Von Reitberger while rescuing his parents. He eventually defeats Hermann Von Reitberger in combat despite Ghost Rider (I) getting in the way. (TOGR 20).

Phil (I):  

-- A friend of Monty (II)'s

-- He goes along with the crazy plan to get into a car being used during one of Blaze's stunt shows. (AOTT 2).

Phil (II):  

-- A cop who tells fellow cop Bob who Ghost Rider (I) is. (TOGRRA 1).


-- Another one of the many cops who chase Ghost Rider (I) around merely because he exists. (GR1 22).

Phillips, Clare:  

-- Wife of Frank Phillips. She died in a boating accident when Frank Phillips shot a dolphin with an explosive on its back that he thought was a shark. (GR1 16).

Phillips, Frank:  

-- Father of Nancy Phillips. He wants to shoot some dolphins that live outside his home in Baja California. She tries to stop him and he gets violent with her. He worked for the CIA training dolphins to carry explosives. A freak accident with one (he thought it was a shark attacking his daughter) caused the death of his wife Clare Phillips. Ghost Rider (I) manages to save his life from a shark and show him the error of his ways. (GR1 16).

Phillips, Nancy:  

-- Frank Phillip's daughter. She wants him to stop shooting the dolphins outside their home in Baja California. (GR1 16).

Phillips, Samuel:  

-- A guard at the Golden Gate Trust. He has been working their for twelve years. (TOGR 14).


-- Member of the Wrecking Crew.

Pini, Richard and Wendy:  

-- Of course, the creators of Elfquest. Why are they here? Probably the artist or writer was friends of theirs and included them as a fun in-joke.

-- They are friends of Katy Milner. They work as the props manager and costume designer for Delazny Studios. (GR1 14).


-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 15).


-- A Morlock.

-- Killed by Blackout. (GR2 9).


-- Lady Super villain (villanness?). She uses the Knights of the Moon to try and blow up Grand Central Terminal. Defeated by (she apparently dies in an explosion) Ghost Rider (II) and Moon Knight. (MS:MK 25).


-- Olympian god of the underworld.

-- He attacks The Champions in an attempt to capture Venus. (Champ 1).

-- He made a pact with several rulers of other "dark dimensions/underworlds" and threatened Zeus with an attack on all fronts unless he caused Venus and Hercules to be married. This will neutralize them because, as by Olympian law, spouses cannot fight each other. (Champ 2).

Pollard, Ed:  

-- The head of the Little Thunderbird dam project.

-- Johnny Blaze saves him from a rock avalanche. Later, he discovers the Ed, Joe (II) and Benny are planning on blowing up the dam so they can loot a nearby town. Ghost Rider (I) ties to stop them, but they perish in the ensuing explosion. (GR1 49).

-- Except that after his trip to the past, Blaze returns to the future 10 minutes before the dam blew up, allowing him to stop the explosion in time. Thus Ed lives, but he gets a nice dose of soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 50).

Polumbo, Catherine:  
-- Nurse who tends over and falls in love with The Trapster after his psychologically damaging encounter with Ghost Rider (I)'s Hellfire. Their chance at happiness is ruined when the Wizard gets The Trapster "cured" through an unusual treatment. (MT 255).
-- A criminal (with cohorts Al (II), Jerry (I), and Paul) pursued by Ghost Rider (I). He and Jerry (I) get a nice dose of Hellfire. (GR1 43).
Possessors, The:  
-- The little demons that possessed Katy Milner. (GR1 15, 17).

-- Small Central American village. Strategically located, but otherwise isolated and unknown.

--For a time, it was under the protection of a then sober Devil-Slayer. (MCP 46-49).

Punisher, The:  

-- A very violent vigilante. Real Name: Frank Castle.

-- He runs into Ghost Rider (II) while tracking down Flag Smasher. A misunderstanding causes them to fight, but they get over it and focus on the real villain. (GR2 5).

-- He next (sort of) encounters Ghost Rider (II) (at a distance) during the time that Ghost Rider (II) was part of the replacement Fantastic Four. (FF 349)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.