Baby Jack:  

-- Member of a Motorcycle gang called Satan's Servants. (TOGR 2).

Baggs, "Harley":  

-- Owner of a Motorcycle shop. Blaze gets a temporary job working for him. Eventually, he is killed by some death cultists because if his connection to Blaze. (GR1 38).

Bale, Emerson:  
-- Angel (I)'s attorney - during the time of The Champions, anyway.
Barnett, Dave:  

-- Son of Attorney General Mr. Barnett.

-- He doesn't like Blaze and picks a fight with him. Later, he threatens to kill Roxanne Simpson. He was at one point in his life captured and tortured by Zodiac (I). (TOGR 14).

Barnett, Mr.:  

-- Attorney General. Father of Dave Barnett.

-- Hires Roxanne Simpson to get the goods on Dude Jensen. (TOGR 12).

-- He pardons Blaze for any crimes and hires him to do another job. (TOGR 14).

Barney (I):  

-- One cop (Nassau County) of a pair (Partner: Harvey) that chases down Ghost Rider (I), they lose him at a washed out bridge that Ghost Rider (I) jumps. (TOGR 3).

Barney (II):  

-- A thug who picks a fight with Blaze at Dickie's Restaurant in Denver, Colorado because Debbie has befriended him. Of course, Barney (II) loses. Later, he and his thug friends track down Blaze and try to beat him up, but Ghost Rider (I) takes care of them. (GR1 36).

Barney (III):  

-- Smuggler who fires on Ghost Rider (I) when he accidentally stumbles upon them in the middle of the desert. They all get a dose of Hellfire. (GR1 58).

Barstow, Clem:  

-- Phantom truck driver with a dislike of bikers.

-- He was clubbed to death by a gang of bikers several years ago. Apparently anyone who bikes on the road late at night dies a grisly death. Clem Barstow also says he can't leave his truck, and he can only appear at night. However, he isn't evil - just bad tempered. He helps Blaze rescue "Mitch" from a gang of bikers. (GR1 51).

Baxter Building: [MD]
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-- Home of the original Fantastic Four.
-- It was erected in 1949, built by the Baxter Paper Company and since owned by a number of other corporations, the last being Reed Richards. The building's steel frame construction utilized the first application of "K bracing" in the world and is one of the strongest structures of its kind. Originally designed to accommodate pulp recycling machinery to serve the mid-Manhattan area, each floor height is 24 feet. Located a few city blocks from the United Nations, Reed Richards has apply for many land-use zone variations to allow massive reconstruction of the top five floor an the installation of a heavily-silenced silo with a muffled rocket.

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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Hank McCoy.
-- Member of the original X-Men and X-Factor, along with The Avengers and numerous other groups.
-- Norton McCoy (his father), worked at a nuclear power plant where he was exposed to massive amounts of radiation during an accident. Norton McCoy was unharmed, but the radiation affected his genes, and as a result his son was born a mutant. Unlike most superhuman mutants, Hank McCoy showed signs of mutation from birth: unusually large hands and feet.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- After being freed from the effects of Doctor Doom's mind control gas by Magneto, they go to recruit The Champions in their cause. They fail in that endeavor, but ultimately free the world from the tyranny of Doctor Doom - thanks to Ghost Rider (I). (SVTU 14, Champ 16).

-- A member of The Defenders during the time they met Blaze after he was freed from the curse of being Ghost Rider (I). (Def1 145).

-- His first encounter with Ghost Rider (II) occurs while he is a member of X-Factor. (GR2 9)


-- Worker for Ed Pollard who plans to blow up the dam they are working on so they can loot the nearby town. He, Joe (II) and Ed Pollard are killed by their own explosion when Ghost Rider (I) attempts to stop them. (GR1 49).

-- Except that after his trip to the past, Blaze returns to the future 10 minutes before the dam blew up, allowing him to stop the explosion in time. Thus Benny lives, but he gets a nice dose of soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 50).

Bermuda Triangle, The:  

-- (From Dictionary.com) A triangular area of the Atlantic Ocean bounded by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and a point near Melbourne, Florida, in which numerous watercraft and aircraft are said to have mysteriously disappeared.

-- This is where Monster Isle is located.


-- Hired thug who killed Dude Jensen because of his gambling debts. (TOGR 13).


-- An elephant at the Quentin Carnival. (TOGRRA 3).


-- A Morlock.


-- Debbie's younger sister. She is undergoing kidney treatments. (GR1 36).

Beyonder, The:
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Mini Profile:
-- Real name is inapplicable but, he did go under the alias Frank in his human form.
-- Originally, the entity known as The Beyonder comprised all of the otherdimensional universe, called the " Beyond-Realm", in which he existed. The entity was entirely unaware of the existence of other beings until, several years ago, the atomic accident that transformed laboratory worker Owen Reece into the superhuman Molecule Man opened an interdimensional "pinhole" between the Beyond-Realm and the multiverse in which Earth exists. Through this gap The Beyonder observed the Earth for a number of years. The Beyonder was fascinated, since he himself was his entire reality, but each denizen of Earth was but a single entity that was part of the greater whole that was the multiverse. Hence, each sentient being on Earth, in The Beyonder's point of view was "incomplete," and strove to remedy its incompleteness. Hence, The Beyonder believed, the driving force of the minds of all sentient beings was desire; in other words, wanting to have or become something one is not. Indeed, now that The Beyonder realized that he himself was not all that existed, he saw himself as incomplete and felt desire.*

Ghost Rider Link:
-- He freed Zarathos (who, of course, was the demon bonded to Blaze's soul in the form of a Ghost Rider) from The Soul Crystal temporarily to test Spider-Man and see if the universe would be allowed to live for another day. This was all because of a bet with Mephisto. (ASM 274).

Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship, The: [AMU]*
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Mini Profile:
-- Members - Andrew Graynold, Natasha Haynesworth, Reeve Calder, Pandro Horovitz, Hildreth.
-- The The Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship is a cult which posed as a New Age religion, which provided spiritual enlightenment and inner peace through worship of gods predating the judeo-christian tradition. The The Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship had a large central compound in upstate New York where approximately one hundred members lived. Non-residents numbered in the thousands across the country and overeseas, and participated via newsletters, annual retreat, monthly local seminars, and spiritual counseling by telephone or fax.*

-- They hires Charles Blackwater to defend them in court from charges of fraud and kidnapping. They win in court, but later kill Charles Blackwater when he learns the truth about them. All the charges were true, and their intent is to bring Fin Fang Foom into the world. (LoN 1-2).

Ghost Rider Link:
-- There is no direct link to him.

Big Daddy Dawson:
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Mini Profile:
-- First name unknown.
-- Leader of the Big Daddy Dawson's Ruthless Riders.
-- Big Daddy Dawson is a human ruffian. He could ride a Motorcycle and beat people up. He rode a big chooper, and carried a chain, with which he got good use when beatin' time came. He also carried a gun.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Satan, in the form of the Witch-Woman, prepared to drag the Ghost Rider (I) down to Hell, when Motorcycle headlights showed up in the distance. Figuring he was saved (cops, saving you from Satan?), Blaze was very surprised to find out that it was a cycle gang. And Roxanne Simpson said, "NOOOO!!". Suddenly the devil wasn't scary anymore, because now he had to face a cycle gang. And not just any cycle gang, but Big Daddy Dawson's Ruthless Riders! And, of course, the Ghost Rider (I) couldn't use his fire powers or the Ruthless Riders's would know that he wasn't just wearing a costume. So Big Daddy Dawson picked Ghost Rider (I) up and threw him down. Then he pulled out his chain! Just when things looked bleakest, Ghost Rider (I) was saved by Satan/Witch-Woman teleporting him to Hell. Whew! Unfortunately, that left Roxanne Simpson alone with Big Daddy Dawson and the Ruthless Riders. "Dig the goodies he left behind!", said Big Daddy Dawson. "NOOOOO!" said Roxanne Simpson, and she took off. Big Daddy Dawson caught up with her and told her that now she had a real man to take care of her. (GR#2)

-- Big Daddy Dawson worked his magic, attempting to woo Roxanne Simpson, until the Son of Satan showed up. Big Daddy Dawson was not intimidated by the man who could shoot fire from his fingertips, though, because Big Daddy Dawson had a secret weapon: a gun. The Son of Satan was too quick for him, though, and he hurled his trident, knocking the gun out of his hand, and then melted it with a fire blast. Big Daddy Dawson realized that, "whoever this dude is--He's for real!", and he and the Ruthless Riders took off. (Marvel Spotlight I#12)

-- After the Son of Satan left, Big Daddy Dawson came back for more. He chased down Roxanne Simpson and took her back to his place, and then tied her up and...read the newspaper!! Big Daddy Dawson saw an add for Blaze's cycle show and figured to use Roxanne Simpson for ransom. He brought her to the hospital where Blaze was staying, but surprisingly enough, Blaze turned into the Ghost Rider (I). Big Daddy Dawson unloaded his gun into Ghost Rider (I), and after it had no effect, he ran off and got his chopper. He ran Ghost Rider (I) down, hit him head on, and then took off. Ghost Rider (I) formed a Hellfire cycle, chased him down, and blew his tire with a burst of flame. Big Daddy Dawson took a turn for the worse...into the side of a semi-truck, and was apparently killed in the explosion. (GR#3)

Big Daddy Dawson's Ruthless Riders:  

-- A Motorcycle gang with neo-nazi ties.

-- They show up during a showdown between Ghost Rider (I) and the Witch-Woman. Ghost Rider (I) is whisked away, but they capture Roxanne Simpson. (TOGR 9).

-- They are defeated by Hellstorm and ride away. (TOGR 10).

Bill (I):  

-- TV announcer (with co-host Frank (III)) who discusses Flagg Fargo and Johnny Blaze. (GR1 45).

Bill (II):  

-- Crook who steals some dynamite. His cohort Stanley is chased down by Ghost Rider (I) and thrown through the window of a church where Black Juju works as a preacher. Bill (II), meanwhile, delivers the explosives to Mr. Ron Williamson. (GR1 60).

Bill (III):  

-- Man in Indiana town who gets mad at Blaze for using water. Blaze turns into Ghost Rider (I) and lays him and his friends flat. (GR1 61).

Bill, Brahma:  

-- A Motorcycle riding dude who challenges Blaze to a brief Motorcycle race in the Arizona desert. Blaze wins, of course. (GR1 27).

-- Roxanne Simpson tracks him down looking for information on where Blaze is. He tries to hit on her, but she rebuffs him. As she leaves, it becomes clear he is more impressed by her Motorcycle than her (though he still finds her attractive). Later, he follows Blaze and manages to help him escape from The Orb. However, after the fight is over, Bill goes back to his "girl" - an amnesiac Roxanne Simpson. (GR1 28).

Black Goliath:  

-- One of those superheroes whose power is growing really, really big.

-- He saves The Champions hovercraft from crashing. He then joins up. (Champ 11).

Black Juju:  

-- Preacher in Chicago named Joshua, father of Gloria (II). His ancestors used the Holy Amulet of the Ancient Yoruba to battle demons, and he is the inheritor of that power (given to him by his father). He sees Ghost Rider (I) and assumes he is evil, so he attacks him. However, when he witnesses Ghost Rider (I) destroy a bomb meant to blow up an L train, he changes his mind and lets Blaze go. (GR1 60).

Blackout: [EGR]
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Mini Profile:
-- Blackout is probably the most dangerous of Ghost Rider (II)'s enemies. He has the ability to dampen any artificial light (with his weakness being sunlight) and in a sense he is a Vampire; a pseudo-Vampire.

-- He later became allied with Lilith, the demon goddess, who he claimed was his grandmother.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Blackout was originally hired as an assassin by the villain Deathwatch.  His first mission was to retrieve the missing canisters which Deathwatch had lost, and kill anyone who stands in his way.  Blackout's thirst for innocent blood brought him to the attention of Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 2)

-- When Blackout battled Ghost Rider (II) his 'near-perfect face' was brutally scared by trying to bite Ghost Rider (II). When his face came into contact with the Hellfire, it was scorched. Vowing revenge, Blackout followed Ghost Rider (II) until he found a weakness. (GR2 3).

-- While watching Ghost Rider (II) from afar, Blackout saw Ghost Rider (II) revert to his human form, Dan Ketch.  Now armed with knowledge that can destroy his enemy, Blackout began stalking Dan Ketch searching for Dan Ketch's friends and family so he can kill them.  Blackout found the first of his victims, a comatose Barbara Ketch.  Killing her, Blackout's first victim for vengeance had started. (GR2 7).

-- He starts to follow Dan Ketch around and kill whomever he has contact with. (GR2 8).

-- Weeks later Blackout was confronted by a vengeful Ghost Rider (II), Johnny Blaze, and Tyler Meagher, he lost the fight easily, and was taken into custody.  Months later, Blackout was set free by a man named Stern and his organization, the F.I.R.MBlackout's orders were to capture Ghost Rider (II) for study.  Blackout, who wanted revenge on Ghost Rider (II) more then him being studied, immediately set out to stalk Dan KetchBlackout laid a trap for Dan Ketch, using  Jack D'Auria, Francis Ketch, Stacy Dolan, and Gerard Dolan as ponds.  Dan Ketch immediately went to rescue his mother and friends, but was killed by Blackout.  Fortunately, Dan Ketch had enough time to transform into Ghost Rider (II) and stopped Blackout by locking him in a crypt with Stern.  Putting their differences aside Blackout and Stern freed themselves from their imprisonment, and Blackout attacked a weakened Ghost Rider (II).  Upon contact with Ghost Rider (II), Blackout gained the knowledge that he is the grandson of the newly resurrected, LilithBlackout left and joined forces with his grandmother.  Blackout with the rest of Lilith's children, the Lilin were set out to destroy Lilith's enemies the Midnight Sons.  Blackout and the Lilin were destroyed easily.  Nine months later, Blackout was revived along with the rest of the Lilin to destroy Ghost Rider (II)Blackout attacked Francis Ketch only she was rescued by Ghost Rider (II)Blackout with Lilith, the Lilin and their new ally, Zarathos, set out to kill the Midnight Sons again!  All Lilin were killed Blackout managed to escape.  Blackout began work as a mercenary, working for the person who pays him the most. However Blackout had one problem, Ghost Rider (II)Blackout searched for Ghost Rider (II); when he found him, he struck a deal, if Ghost Rider (II) stays away from Blackout, then he will not go after Dan Ketch's friends and family.  Reluctantly, Ghost Rider (II) agreed, however Ghost Rider (II) broke the truce when Blackout killed his one time lover Linda Wei.  When Ghost Rider (II) caught up with Blackout, Ghost Rider (II) had Blackout tied to the top of the world trade center, were everyday he will face his weakness, sunlight. (This will be sorted out by issues in time)

Blackwater, Charles:
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Mini Profile:
-- The human host of the magic user Omen.
- Charles Blackwater was a defense attorney hired to defend the Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship against several claims of criminal and immoral activity.  He succeeded in clearing them of charges, but his investigations led him to discover the mystic text, the Anten Decan.  This book detailed the cult's philosophy to control others and to create a new dark age on earth.  Before he could mention this to anyone else, Reeve Calder and several other cult members confronted him in his office, shot and stabbed him, and he fell to his death on the streets below. Charles Blackwater then had a vision of meeting his mother, who told him to kill the evil inside of himself.  After doing this, he found himself in the form of Omen

Ghost Rider Link:
-- There is no time these two appear together. The link is that he was a member of The Legion of Night with Jennifer Kale who is related to both Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch (Also Noble Kale who, of course is, Ghost Rider (II))

Black Widow:
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Mini Profile:
-- Real name: Natasha Romanoff
-- A descendant of Russia's royal family, was found as a young child by Russian soldier Ivan Petrovich, who watched over her as she grew to adulthood and today works as her chauffeur. Natasha Romanoff proved to be a brilliant scholar and athlete as she matured, and gained fame in the Soviet Union as a ballerina. Natasha Romanoff married renowned Soviet test pilot Alexi Shostakov, but the couple's happiness was short-lived.
-- She is an Olympic class athlete but has no super powers.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- One-time member of the super-group known as The Champions. Of course, this is a group Ghost Rider (I) also belonged to.

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Mini Profile:
-- The man known only as Blade (his real name never revealed) came into the world an orphan. Bitten while in labor by the Vampire Deacon Frost, his mother died during childbirth. Blade was taken in and raised by his mother's friends. Determined to avenge her death, he fashioned himself into a Vampire hunter even before he reached adulthood.

Ghost Rider Link:
--The mother of all demons, Lilith, hired Blade's agency (Bordeline Investigative Services) to kill Ghost Rider (II) and bad-boy Johnny Blaze, the fiery skeleton's former host. After a protracted battle, Blade and company realized they had been duped. The team joined with Ghost Rider (II) and Johnny Blaze against Lilith, battling her monstrous minion Meatmarket. Blade, Frank Drake and Hannibal King continued their partnership with Ghost Rider (II) and Johnny Blaze. Along with Doctor Strange, Morbius the Living Vampire and the Darkhold Redeemers, they formed the Midnight Sons, a group dedicated to preserving the boundaries between our world and the dark realms. The Midnight Sons clashed with Lilith and her demonspawn, Lilin, in a supernatural contest with Earth as the prize. The Midnight Sons proved victorious, destroying Lilith and her brood.

NOTE: Much more to come on the Blade and Ghost Rider Link...

Blaze, Barton:  

-- Biological father of Johnny Blaze.

-- Referred to as "Hellfire on Wheels... [an] imitation Evil Knevil who blew himself up trying to clear a hundred Gas tankers with a motorbike" (it was actually ten tankers). (GR2 minus 1, TOGR 1).

Blaze, Clara:  

-- Although it is clear that Naomi Kale is his mother and Barton Blaze's wife, it is also clear that Blaze believes his mother's name is Clara Blaze. The best explanation is that Crash Simpson lied to Blaze about his mother's name in order to protect him (since he seems determined to make sure that Blaze and his mother never meet). (GR2 minus 1, TOGRRA 6).

Blaze, Johnny: [MD]*
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Mini Profile:
-- Stunt Cyclist for the Quentin Carnival. Son of Barton Blaze and Naomi Kale. Raised by Crash Simpson, married Roxanne Simpson. Father of Craig and Emma
. Also, he is Dan Ketch's and Barbara Ketch's brother.
-- Barton Blaze was killed performing a dangerous stunt, and Johnny Blaze, now an orphan (his mother 'Clara Blaze' having died shortly after his birth), was adopted by Crash Simpson and his wife Mona Simpson. At first frightened of Motorcycles, Johnny Blaze soon conquered his fear and became an accomplished amateur motorcyclist. Johnny Blaze practiced stuntriding on his own, and became romantically involved with his stepsister Roxanne Simpson. Johnny Blaze also began to take interest in the occult. Just when then the Simpson Cycle Show was about to get a chance at fame with a booking at New York City's Madison Square Garden, Crash Simpson learned that he was dying of a rare blood disease. Desperate to save his stepfather, Johnny Blaze performed a ritual to summon up the "devil," whom Johnny Blaze believed to be the Biblical Satan but was actually the demon lord Mephisto. Mephisto agreed to save Crash Simpson from his fatal disease in return for Johnny Blaze's soul. At Madison Square Garden, Crash Simpson performed the greatest stunt of his career, a cycle jump over 22 cars widths, and crashed to his death. Johnny Blaze was shocked, since he believed the "devil" would protect his stepfather. When Mephisto appeared to collect Johnny Blaze's soul, the demon explained that only promised to save Crash Simpson from the diseased, and nothing more. However, before Mephisto could take Johnny Blazee's soul, Roxanne Simpson arrived and recited a spell of banishment she read in one of Johnny Blaze's occult books. Mephisto was forced to leave without Johnny Blaze's soul, but was able to graft the essence of the demon Zarathos to Johnny Blaze's body.*
(See also Ghost Rider (I), Ghost Rider (III)).

Ghost Rider Link:
-- He is the Original Ghost Rider (I)...
-- Zarathos was a demon who attacked human souls. In order to capture Zarathos, many centuries ago Mephisto stole the soul of an American Indian now known as Centurious. When Zarathos' attacked on Centurious therefore proved ineffective, the demon's followers lost faith in him. Mephisto then stole the living flames that was Zarathos' soul. Over the centuries Mephisto amused himself by placing the essence of Zarathos within various human hosts. Johnny Blaze was the latest of these.

Johnny Blaze was unaware of the separate consciousness of the being that dwelled within him, and believed that the demonic personality was a sinister side of his own personality. At first the demon manifested itself every nightfall, mystically burning Johnny Blaze's flesh to become a fiery skeletal being. Using his demonic Hellfire to create a fiery Motorcycle to ride, the composite Zarathos. Johnny Blaze entity became publicly known as the Ghost Rider (I). Whenever the Ghost Rider (I) returned to human form, Johnny Blaze's flesh would immediately restore.

At first Johnny Blaze dominated the Ghost Rider (I)'s personality. After a few months, Johnny Blaze's automatic transformations at nightfall ended. He then became the Ghost Rider (I) whenever he mystically sensed "evil" in his vicinity. Later, Johnny Blaze was able to control his transformations as well as the actions of the demon when it manifested itself. It was during this period that the Ghost Rider (I) became a member of The Champions of Los Angeles, a short-lived group of superhuman adventurers. But the more Johnny Blaze became the Ghost Rider (I), the stronger the demon became. Eventually Zarathos tried to take control of their composite form. Johnny Blaze no longer summoned the demon within him to help him accomplish his ends, such as fighting crime. Instead, Johnny Blaze valiantly struggled to prevent Zarathos from taking control and wreaking havoc.

Centurious still lived and sought vengeance on Zarathos for being the reason why he lost his soul. Centurious entrapped Johnny Blaze's soul within his Soul Crystal and then defeated Zarathos. Zarathos cracked open The Soul Crystal, releasing Johnny Blaze's soul and many others, and entrapping Centurious within The Soul Crystal when it mystically resealed. An associate of Centurious offered to send Zarathos into The Soul Crystal to take vengeance, and the demon agreed. Zarathos' essence was sucked out of Johnny Blaze's body into The Soul Crystal, where Zarathos grapples eternally with Centurious, neither able to defeat the other.

Johnny Blaze thus been permanently freed his bond to Zarathos. Johnny Blaze and Roxanne Simpson have been traveled through America together by Motorcycle. Ghost Rider (I) roared to life once again when teenager Dan Ketch and his sister, Barbara Ketch, chanced upon the illegal activities of the crime lord Deathwatch. The siblings attempted to escape, but Barbara Ketch was mortally wounded. Soaked in blood after dragging his sister's body into a trash heap, Dan Ketch came across a mysterious, mystical Motorcycle. Touching its glowing gas cap, he stood transformed into the Spirit of Vengeance. Ghost Rider (I)'s return attracted the attention of Johnny Blaze, who believed him to be Zarathos. Johnny Blaze set out to exorcise the demon, thereby liberating its hapless host. But when Ghost Rider (I) convinced his predecessor he was not Zarathos, the two became allies. Later, Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch learned they were long-lost brothers.

Having lost his wife and children, Johnny Blaze again finds himself possessed by the demon Zarathos. And so Ghost Rider (I) -- blood-born Spirit of Vengeance, High Lord of Hell on Earth, haunts America's highways, visiting his righteous wrath upon the souls of the wicked and the damned. *

NOTE: A lot more to come on ol' Johnny Blaze... considering this site wouldn't be here without the character.

Blazing Skull: [ICS]
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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Mark Todd.
-- In 1937 newspaper man and pacifist Mark Todd visited China to report on the Sino-Japanese War. Caught in the open during a Japanese artillery barrage, he took cover in a convenient cave. However his shelter proved to be the home of the Skull Men, a strange race of beings with burning skulls where their heads should have been. They informed him that the Forces of Destiny had chosen Mark Todd to be a champion for freedom, and taught him several of their mystical abilities, notably how to be invulnerable to fire. Once this process was completed, Mark Todd returned to civilisation, where he witnessed the evils perpetrated by the Nazis on the people of Europe. Unwilling to simply watch this injustice happen, he donned a fiery skull-faced mask, mimicing the appearance of his mentors, and became this Nazi fighter.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- He has different powers and no obvious connection to the Ghost Rider Mythos. Some believe he was created to cash in on the popularity of our Flame Head.

Blazing Skull; The Living Skeleton:  

-- Name Ghost Rider (I) went under while being used as a Freak Show attraction at the carnival of Moondark the Magician. (MT 256).


-- Crook chased by Ghost Rider (I) and Blaze, but he and his cohorts manage to get away both times. (GR1 45).

-- Eventually Ghost Rider (I) tracks them all down and gives them a nice serving of Hellfire. (GR1 46).

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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Fred J. Dukes
-- He is a mutant whose latent superhuman powers manifested themselves when he reached puberty. Thinking of himself as no more than, in his own words, "an extra-strong freak," the Blob used his superhuman powers as a performer in a carnival. The original X-Men came to the carnival in their everyday identities to invite him to meet with their mentor, Professor Charles Xavier. Attracted to the beautiful young Jean Grey, the Blob accepted, and went with the X-Men to Xavier's mansion. There, Xavier asked the Blob to join the X-Men, but the Blob arrogantly refused. Xavier then knew he had to use his mental powers to erase the Blob's knowledge of the X-Men's true identities. But the Blob had no intention of letting this happen, and, after fighting the X-Men, escaped back to the carnival.
-- His mutant powers relate to the mass, strength, resilience and indestructibility of his obese body. His primary ability is to become virtually immovable at will as long as he is in contact with the ground. He does this by bonding himself to the earth beneath him by force or will, which in effect creates a monodirectional increase of gravity beneath him.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- He, with Lonrelei and Unus the Untouchable, crashes The Champions HQ fleeing from the Sentinels. It turns out to be a trick they have concocted with The Vanisher. Of course, The Champions is the short lived group that Ghost Rider (I) was a part of. (Champ 17).


-- Yet another cop who chases Ghost Rider (I) for speeding. Another cop, Phil (II), informs him just who Ghost Rider (I) was. (TOGRRA 1).


-- White neo-nazi punk who attacks a black family (with Ricko and S.B.) for no real reason. He is put in his place by Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 4).


-- Kid attacked by a drug dealer. Ghost Rider (II) saves him. (GR2 10).

Bounty Hunter, The:  

-- A man dressed in black who rides a black horse and tracks down people to kill them. His weapon is a shotgun that shoots Hellfire (Blaze uses a similar weapon once he runs into Ghost Rider (II)).

-- In his first appearance, he shoots an unnamed man and then looks at a poster with Blaze's face on it. (GR1 29).

-- He then hangs out in an alley outside of Doctor Strange's place, scaring a few cops while he waits for Ghost Rider (I) to emerge. (GR1 30).

-- After the battle with Dormmamu is over, he chases Ghost Rider (I) down and manages to knock him out, thus capturing him. (GR1 31).

-- He takes Ghost Rider (I) to Last Chance, Nevada. There, in true super-villain tradition, reveals his entire history. He was an immoral old west bounty hunter named Haskill. He was killed by the brother of one of his victims. Hell looked a lot like a bar, and the bartender offered him a chance at life if he would be Hell's bounty hunter. All he had to do was bring in fifty souls without any failure. Of course, he fails with Blaze and so is reclaimed by Hell. (GR1 32).

Boyd, Daniel:  

-- Cop investigating the death of Charles Blackwater. He talks with Martin Gold and is familiar with his earlier career as a serious investigative journalist. (LoN 1).

Brain-Eaters, The:
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Mini Profile:
-- Members - Cody, Layla, Lupe, Razorblade & Scuzz.
-- At the Lame Duck Inn,  a group of truckers mistook The Werewolf--in the dark of night--for the person who had been "messing with their rigs." They ambushed The Werewolf and, though they held their own for a short time, were received several scratches before catching The Werewolf's face in the light and promptly fleeing. A gang or group of people in Los Angeles challenged The Werewolf under the light of the full moon. He ripped through them like a hot knife. Those who had been scratched or bitten by a werewolf inherited the curse of lycanthropy. A number of werewolves joined together to form a group known as The Brain-Eaters.
-- They had the conventional powers of werewolves including enhanced human strength, speed, agility, endurance, resistance to injury (except silver and wolfsbane), razor sharp claws and teeth, enhanced senses (esp. hearing, night vision, and olfactory), etc. In addition, they had completely accepted their dual natures, and could change back and forth to human at will, regardless of the presence of the moon. Almost all of them rode Motorcycles, traveling the country, feeding on people for pleasure and nourishment.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- A second pack of Brain-Eaters was on a cross-country killing spree. (Marvel Comics Presents#109 (fb) - BTS)

-- Ghost Rider (II) found a recent victim of this other pack of Brain-Eaters in New York. The same group later drove off a mugger, only to take his would-be victims for themselves. They brought their victims into Central Park for a ritual slaughter, where they were observed by three youths, including Billy Baldwin. The werewolves picked up the scent of their observers, and captured and slew two of them, though Billy Baldwin fled. One of their victims was discovered by The Werewolf, who had been tracking this second pack across country. Jack Russell was mistaken for the killer and attacked by Ghost Rider (II). (Marvel Comics Presents#107)

-- The Brain-Eaters somehow tracked down Baldwin's apartment and tortured and killed his father, mother, and sister in an effort to find him, though neither one knew where he was.  Lupe approached their leader Scuzz for a little...distraction...but he slapped her aside, telling her there would be no partying until they found the boy. (Marvel Comics Presents#108)

-- The Brain-Eaters caught up with Billy Baldwin on the streets of New York. However, Ghost Rider (II) and Jack Russell (who had resolved the clichéd mistaken identities/motives fight) caught up with them as well, and fought The Brain-Eaters back. Scuzz through a pole through the spokes of Jack Russell's Motorcycle, knocking him off of the bridge. Scuzz then managed to grab Billy Baldwin and threatened to rip him to pieces if Ghost Rider (II) didn't surrender. (Marvel Comics Presents#109)

-- The Brain-Eaters tied each of Ghost Rider (II)'s limbs to their cycles and tear him apart, but the chains gave before he did. Scuzz wanted to kill Billy Baldwin, but Lupe convinced him to keep Billy Baldwin hostage in case Jack Russell or others came after them. Ghost Rider (II) was weakened by their assault and was unable to pursue them.  Ghost Rider (II) and Jack Russell regrouped and Jack Russell sent Dan Ketch to try to catch The Brain-Eaters unawares in human form, to find Billy Baldwin. Dan Ketch followed leads to the Black Moon Bar & Grill where The Brain-Eaters were partying hearty. Scuzz found Dan Ketch's scent to be vaguely familiar, and sent Lupe to check him out. Dan Ketch made a connection with Lupe and convinced her that she had the potential to be better. However, Scuzz then broke them up, and sent Cody and Razorblade to take Dan Ketch outside and beat him. They left him to bleed to death. (Marvel Comics Presents#110)

-- Jack Russell found Dan Ketch and took him into a sewer to hide his scent, and then treated his wounds for 24 hours until he recovered. Meanwhile, Scuzz began to think that Billy Baldwin was no longer needed and wanted to change him from figurative to literal dead weight. Lupe took Dan Ketch's words to heart, distracted and then punched out Razorblade, threw him into the drinks of some of the others--causing a great fight, and fled with Billy Baldwin. Scuzz quickly realized what had happened and led a pack of Brain-Eaters after them. Lupe sacrificed herself to give Billy Baldwin time to run, and Scuzz killed her himself. Ghost Rider (II) and Jack Russell arrived then, and Ghost Rider (II) tackled Scuzz, who told him that if he took the time to fight him, his Brain-Eaters will have slain Billy Baldwin before he could reach them. (Marvel Comics Presents#111)

-- Ghost Rider (II) let Scuzz go and joined Jack Russell in trying to save Billy Baldwin. Jack Russell packed Ghost Rider (II)'s chain with silver bullets, and then Ghost Rider (II) fired them at the The Brain-Eaters, who were all in human form. The Brain-Eaters survived, but learned that they would die if they turned into werewolves again, as this happened to one of their number (Razorblade?).  Ghost Rider (II) went after and subdued Scuzz, who tore himself from his grasp, deliberately falling and impaling himself on a spiked fence below. (Marvel Comics Presents#112)

Brass: [AMU]
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Mini Profile:
-- Real Name: Sean Watanbe. Son of Yugi Watanabe.
-- Since he could walk his father taught him to fight. He loved the sport and always wanted to become better than his father. When he entered competitions he learned that he couldn't be hit because he always knew his opponents next move as soon as he thought it. Sean Watanbe grew older and filled with patriotism he joined the Navy. He qualified for the SEALS and learned to fight in ways he had never thought of before. In the Navy he got his nickname Brass because he always went in for jobs nobody else wanted to do. Eventually he met Theresa and fell in love with her. One day in Manhattan they were making plans for their future, but when they were across The Avengers Mansion the Mandarin attacked, Theresa panicked and was run over by a car. Some time later Brass learned that the Mandarin was at that time part of a conspiracy called the Acts of Vengeance. Brass vowed to kill all participants and started with his vengeance by hitting Mandarin's operations in New York City's Chinatown.
-- He was a low-level telepath who could read the thoughts somebody just thought. He was also a trained martial arts expert.
He was as deadly in hand-to-hand combat as when he used swords and other ninja-like weapons he was trained in. Through his membership with the Navy SEALS he gained knowledge about combat tactics, surveillance, explosives and the use of nearly any conventional weapon.

Ghost Rider Link:
-- Sean Watanbe followed his sister's kidnappers to Cypress Hills cemetery and killed the remaining ninjas with his bare hands. After that he decided to take the unconscious heroes Wolverine and Ghost Rider (II) to his father. (Marvel Comics Presents #65)

-- Sean Watanbe waited with his sister for their father. His father arrived and ordered Sean Watanbe to make sure that no more assassins were around and Sean Watanbe did like his father told him. Later Brass fought Wolverine in his father's dojo where Wolverine was taken to get well again. Wolverine destroyed the only light in the room to get an advantage on his opponent. Sean Watanbe was hit by Wolverine and drew a sword against the hero, but Emmaline told her brother to stop. Sean Watanbe threw the sword at Wolverine and jumped out of the window, while Wolverine ducked from the sword. (Marvel Comics Presents #66)

-- Brass returned into the dojo and found his father and his allies defeated. He introduced himself to Wolverine and Ghost Rider (II) and told them that they had to move quickly because Emmaline and Jack D'Auria were both kidnapped and their lives were in danger. (Marvel Comics Presents #67)

-- Ghost Rider (II) attacked Brass after he heard about Jack D'Auria and Wolverine helped Brass. Together Wolverine and Brass went after The Triad Brothers and Deathwatch's ninjas and a few minutes later they had found their vans with Brass' special abilities. Brass used grenades to stop the vans and when they halted he beat up all the ninjas that came from the vans. Two Triad Brothers tried to hit Brass with a powerful blast from their swords when he had their back turned to them, but he just took a step to the right and the blast hit a ninja instead. Wolverine wanted to know how Brass knew about the blast, but Brass rather took a van and go after the bad guys than telling Wolverine about his powers. Brass and Wolverine found the ninjas HQ through Wolverine's who followed Emmaline's perfume. Yugi Watanabe was already there and stopped them from entering the HQ because Ghost Rider (II) was already wrecking havoc in it. (Marvel Comics Presents #68)

-- Sean Watanbe entered the HQ with his allies and wanted to get Emmaline, but Wolverine wanted some answers first. They began to fight, but Ghost Rider (II) stopped Brass before blood was spilled. Sean Watanbe was pushed to the ground by his father and ordered to tell their allies how this situation came to be. After he was finished with his story he went deeper into the HQ with his allies until they were attacked by mercenaries. Brass fought them with and without weapons. Ghost Rider (II) summoned his bike and Brass joined him driving up the building's wall to the top. (Marvel Comics Presents #69)

-- Together with Brass on his bike Ghost Rider (II) drove to the HQ's roof. Brass threw a grenade into the stairway before he entered the building with Ghost Rider (II). After that they still had many ninjas to fight, but they beat them and found the room Emmaline and Jack D'Auria were kept. They entered the room and were surrounded by Langley's mercenaries. Brass was attacked by a Triad Brothers and held him for Wolverine's attack. Langley ordered the mercenaries to kill Brass and his allies, but an angered Deathwatch entered the room and told his mercenaries to stop. (Marvel Comics Presents #70)

-- Deathwatch told Brass and Wolverine that they were a problem for him because they went so easily through his security. He ordered Ghost Rider (II) to kill Brass and Wolverine for the lives of Emmaline and Jack. Ghost Rider (II) attacked Brass and Wolverine, but after a short fight he threw them through some walls back to the room filled with mercenaries, Emmaline and Jack D'Auria. Brass killed some mercenaries and then fled with his allies and the hostages when the building was blown up by a self-destruct sequence. Brass said goodbye to Wolverine and Ghost Rider (II). He hoped to see Wolverine again when they went against the Mandarin. Brass also added Deathwatch to his revenge-list after that night. (Marvel Comics Presents #71)


-- Driver of an Armored Car that is hijacked by Zodiac (II). (TOGR 14).

Bride of the God of the Dead: [AMU]
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-- Details of the Bride of the God of the Dead's life prior to her death were not provided. Some time after her death she was resurrected and given the thoughts of her race. She was to become the Bride of their God, but she fled shortly after her resurrection confused by everything that was happening. She was saved by Ghost Rider (II) and Cable more than one time from the claws of The Grateful Undead. When she learned that she already was dead and that her destiny was to become the Bride of her god she didn't want this fate. She was taken to the Cathedral of the Dead by her God. The heroes couldn't help her in the end when she had to make the choice to live or to die. She chose death and died. (Marvel Comics Presents #90/3 (91/3-97/3)

Bruskin, Alexi:  

-- The man who created the Black Widow. He comes to America to warn her of something, but he gets pulverized by The Titanium Man. (Champ 7).

Bruto the Strongman:  

-- Member of the Circus of Crime.


-- Member of the Wrecking Crew.


-- Friend of Shirley Watkins and Harry Donovan. After Harry goes off to get drunk after the carnival show, Shirley Watkins flirts with him and he decides to risk it. They attend the Blaze stunt show the next night by themselves. After Harry attacks Blaze, they follow in an attempt to stop Harry, but after hitting a bump, Shirley Watkins is thrown from the car. Burt runs off, afraid Harry is going to kill him for seeing Shirley Watkins on the sly. (TOGRRA 1).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe [MD] = Marvel Directory

[ICS] = Inernational Catologue of Superheroes [EGR] = Encyclopedia for Ghost Rider [DS] = Encyclopedia for Dr. Strange

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions