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Old Adam:  

-- Old homeless man who rescues and unconscious Blaze after Blaze has an accident in the middle of nowhere. He is the father of Tara.

-- Centuriou s has kept him alive as a servant, but after Ghost Rider (I) engages in a pitched battle with Centurious, Old Adam sets Centurious' mansion on fire and then perishes in the flames. (TOGRRA 4).

Old Billy:  
-- An old man with unbelievable strength and agility. He attacks Hercules and the Black Widow as they walk along a California beach. He is then recovered by some costumed mercenaries. He turns out to be one of Dr. Edward Lansing's guinea pigs. (Champ 4).

-- Charles Blackwater's new "shadow." A being who once served The Master but created The Legion of Night in order to fight him.

-- He takes The Legion of Night into "the dream" on order to stop it from becoming reality. (LoN 1-2).

-- After a period of inactivity, he emerges in the world once again to save Leena Wolfe from a demon sent by The Master. In return for saving her life, he makes Leena promise to serve the cause of the Legion of the Night in the future. (MSU 9).

Orb, The:  

-- Motorcycle riding super-villain with powers of mesmerism.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (I) at Madison Square Garden, where he is defeated by GR with the help of Spider-Man. He kidnaps Roxanne Simpson in exchange for ownership of Blaze's show. He was Drake Shannon, a former partner of Crash Simpson - they held a race to determine who would get the entire business. Drake lost when trying to cheat and wiped out at 95 mph, leaving his face a horrid mess. After he recovered, "They" found him and gave him his hypnotic powers. After a long chase, he apparently dies after being hit by a subway train. (MT 254).

-- He next shows up, claiming to be operating from beyond the grave. He mesmerizes a group of onlookers into attacking Blaze and the Stunt-Master. (GR1 14).

-- He then kidnaps Karen Page, but he is chased down by Blaze, who pummels him. (GR1 15).

-- He next shows up while Blaze is riding cross country. He gives Roxanne Simpson amnesia and then causes several locals to attack Blaze. After a protracted battle, The Orb apparently dies in an explosion. (GR1 28).

-- But of course, he didn't die. After surviving, he went out and got some hideously expensive plastic surgery. He once again tries to kill Blaze, but he fails and Ghost Rider (I)'s Hellfire undoes all the plastic surgery and deforms his face again. (GR1 54).

-- Right after Blaze joins up with the Quentin Carnival, The Orb tricks Blaze into being ambushed. The Orb tries some new tricks out and fails. Her gets a huge dose of Hellfire and then Ghost Rider (I) destroys all his transportation, leaving him and his crew stranded in the desert 20 miles from the nearest town. (GR1 63)


-- Crony who works for Flag-Smasher. (GR2 6).

Outcast, The:  

-- A Villain who hired Darkstar, The Titanium Man, Griffin and Rampage to fight The Champions and kidnap the Black Widow. (Champ 8).

-- He is revealed to be Yuri Petrovich, the new Crimson Dynamo. (Champ 9)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.