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-- Firefighter who is working on putting out a fire at a wax museum when Ghost Rider (I) shows up. (GR1 25).


-- A member of the Cypress Pool Jokers.

-- He is threatened by thugs of The Kingpin and then gets a knife to the chest from some of Deathwatch's men. (GR2 1).

-- The wound isn't serious, but Blackout comes to his house and kills his parents. Ralphie jumps out a window to escape and is saved by Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 2).


-- Real name: Stuart Clarke.

-- Super-villain who was a business man until he went crazy due to a recession. He was a nuisance and lead The Champions on a merry chase, but he was easily defeated. (Champ 5-6).

-- Later, he was freed from the hospital by Darkstar and Griffin. (Champ 7).

-- He next shows up delivering photos of a defeated an captured Black Widow. He then presses a button he thinks will put The Champions in contact with his employer (The Outcast), but instead it blows him up and nearly kills him. However, he barely survives and is carted off to the hospital by Ghost Rider (I). (Champ 8-9).

-- He is left a cripple and with burns over nearly his entire body. For revenge he brainwashes Iceman, puts him in the Rampage armor and blackmails Angel (I). He is defeated when Spider-Man stops by to help Angel (I) out. (PPTSS 17-18).

Randolph, Cynthia:  

-- Reporter for Woman magazine who is following the Quentin Carnival around so she can write an article on carny life. She says she considers what Blaze does (stunt riding) to be juvenile (GR1 63).

-- The demon Rzh'arr uses her form to trick Blaze into being captured by Asmodeus. However, this encounter causes her to become suspicious of Blaze after she wakes up in the desert with him and she can't remember how she got there. (GR1 64).

-- After finishing her article, she is kicked out of the Quentin Carnival by Steel Wind. After some investigation, she discovers that Steel Wind ruins carnivals for a living. She returns to the Carnival with Blaze (whom she is more and more attracted too) to investigate. (TOGRRA 4).

-- After finishing her magazine article, she decides that she'll write a book on the carnival, and so decides to stay on - though she admits that her attraction to Blaze plays a part in her decision to stay. (TOGRRA 5-6).


-- Motorcycle gang member (with friends Zooie and others) who pick a fight with Blaze at a bar run by Ernie (II). Blaze wins, but later they decide to ambush Blaze when he's drunk. A passing cop, Jerry (II), manages to stop them. Later, they torment Blaze and Amy II. Ghost Rider (I) gives them all an overdose of Hellfire. (GR1 47).

Razor back:  

-- Outlaw biker dude who (with pal Lennie) picks a fight with Blaze and gets his can kicked. After that, Moondark the Magician uses their images to trick Blaze later that night. (GR1 59).

Renaldo, Mr.:  

-- Worker for Freakmaster who goes to the Quentin Carnival in order to buy Jeremy. He gets tossed out by Blaze after Mr. Renaldo starts to get physical with Ralph Quentin. In revenge, he gets several of the "freaks" that work for him and the Freakmaster to storm the carnival and kidnap Jeremy and Blaze. He kicks Blaze around a bit, so Blaze turns into Ghost Rider (I) and gives Mr. Renaldo an overdose of Hellfire. (TOGRRA 2).

-- After recovering a bit, he arranges for Blaze's kidnapping. When Blaze awakens, Mr. Renaldo gloats about how they are going to turn Blaze into a cyborg attached to a Motorcycle. (TOGRRA 5).

-- Ghost Rider (I) is freed (due to Nightmare's machinations) and attacks Mr. Renaldo. Blaze reasserts himself and leaves, but later Freakmaster turns Mr. Renaldo into "the Human Pincushion" as punishment. (TOGRRA 6).

Reynolds, Katherine:  

-- Doctor of Psychology at Gateway University in St. Louis.

-- She gives Blaze a bit of information relating to how he can find Hellstorm. (GR1 17).

-- She apparently goes crazy, as she is locked up in a loony bin (this is due to her psychic abilities being enhanced by a secret government project). However, she is rescued from that place and sent into Fin Fang Foom's realm. There she finds Chan Liuchow and brings him back to the real world. More specifically she brings him back into the offices of Charles Blackwater where they join The Legion of Night. (LoN 1-2).

Rhys, Emlyn:  

-- Assistant director on the Stunt-Master TV show. (MT 255).


-- One of the "bad men" (along with Arn and others) who kidnapper William Rockwood Jr. He and his co-workers all get a dose of the Penance Stare from Ghost Rider (II). (MHS 1).

Richards, Franklin:  

-- Son of Reed Richards

Richards, Reed:  

-- See Mister Fantastic.

Richmond Enterprises:  

-- A company owned by Nighthawk. (Def1 96).

Richmond, Kyle: [FH]  

-- See Nighthawk


-- White neo-nazi punk who attacks a black family (with Bobbie and S.B.) for no real reason. He is put in his place by Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 4).


-- Apprentice to Doctor Strange. He tangles with Ghost Rider (II) a bit on a mission to help Topaz. (GR2 12, DS/GR Spec).

Roadhouse, The:  

Unnamed (or possibly named The Roadhouse) bar where Naomi Kale tells her sordid history to a drunken bunch of guys and an uncaring bartender (GR2 minus 1).

-- Waitress at Dickie's Restaurant in Denver, Colorado. (GR1 36).
Rockwood, William Jr.:  

-- Blind boy kidnapped by some "bad men" such as Ric and Arn. He manages to escape and is rescued by Ghost Rider (II) (whom he mistakes for Santa Claus). His father is Jonathan (II). (MHS 1).


-- A man who sees Ghost Rider (I) in Denver, Colorado and says "It's either Evil Knievel or his Ghost." (GR1 36)

Romanoff, Natasha: [FH]  

-- See Black Widow

Rosenblum, Mr.:  

-- Legal council for Kyle Richmond and his business Richmond Enterprises. (Def1 96).


-- Dude Jensen as a demon.

-- Calls himself the "Demon of Las Vegas." He tells Ghost Rider (I) that if Ghost Rider (I) saves Roxanne Simpson, Las Vegas will burn. Ghost Rider (I) chooses to save Roxanne Simpson, so Roulette reigns down Hellfire on Las Vegas. As Dude Jensen, he was killed by six casino owners over bad gambling debts, but Mephisto granted him a second chance of sorts as a demon. However, he is defeated by Ghost Rider (I). (TOGR 13).

Round Robin, Pennsylvania:  

-- The town where Kranky's Automotive Haven is and where the Sally Stanton incident with Ghost Rider (I) took place. (GR1 67).


-- Bouncer who forcibly ejects Peter Parker from Moondark the Magician's carnival when he recognizes Ghost Rider (I) as part of the show. (MT 256).


-- (Of Kamo Tharn).

--Used by Darkstar to counter the Null-life Bomb. (Champ 13).

Russell, Jack:  

-- The Human persona of the Werewolf by Night.

Ryder, Frank:  

-- Name that Blaze went under while suffering from amnesia. (GR1 41 - 42).


-- Minion of Asmodeus. She takes over the form of Cynthia Randolph in order to help his master take control of Ghost Rider (I). During a kiss, Rzh'arr drains part of Ghost Rider (I) from Blaze and then has it attack the real Ghost Rider (I). This knocks him out - but later Ghost Rider (I) escapes from Asmodeus and gives Rzh'arr a dose of Hellfire. (GR1 64).

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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