Gallagher's Junkyard:  

-- Located next to the Cypress Hills cemetery, this is where the actual rebirth of Ghost Rider (II) took place.

-- Barbara Ketch was shot and critically injured here while trying to take photos of a showdown between Deathwatch and The Kingpin's men. Dan Ketch found the (in)famous Motorcycle while trying to find cover for Barb. (GR2 1).

Galton, "Big Jim":  

-- A thug who works for The Enforcer. (GR1 24).


-- A member of The Defenders during the time they met Blaze after he was freed from the curse of being Ghost Rider (I). (Def1 145).


-- Member of criminal group Zodiac (I). (TOGR 14).

George: [FH]  

-- See Stunt-Master

Ghost Rider:  

-- (see The Night Rider, Ghost Rider (0), Ghost Rider (I), Ghost Rider (II), Ghost Rider (III)).

Ghost Rider (0):  

-- (See Naomi Kale).

Ghost Rider (I):  

-- (See also Johnny Blaze, Zarathos). The demon spirit of Zarathos, possessing the body of Johnny Blaze. At first Johnny Blaze was in full control of his Ghost Rider aspect, but over time Zarathos began to exert his personality, though it was always tempered by Blaze's subconscious (though if Blaze was in a bad mood, many moral restraints on Ghost Rider (I) were loosened). At first, Blaze used the Ghost Rider (I) personality as part of his Motorcycle act, but he stopped once Ghost Rider (I) became too powerful for him to control. The distinction is never made clear, but apparently Ghost Rider (I) can create and control both normal fire and Hellfire. (though he sometimes refers to both types as Hellfire).

-- Calls himself the "Servant of Satan." At first, the curse turns Blaze into Ghost Rider (I) only at night (TOGR 1).

-- It is shown that even if Blaze is injured, he will be fully healed when he transforms into Ghost Rider (I). However, when he returns to human form he will again be injured. (TOGR 8, 11-12).

-- He creates his first Motorcycle made out of flame after Linda Littletrees gives him a few pointers. She claims only those with Hellfire powers can ride it, and since she has just lost hers, she is unable to. However, many mere mortals have ridden on the Motorcycle since then, leaving us to conclude that she was mistaken. (TOGR 11).

-- He discovers his skull can still Blaze underwater. (TOGR 15).

-- For awhile, he loses many of his powers (or thinks he has, anyway). (TOGR 17).

-- Discovers that he can change when he is threatened - and that he no longer changes at night. (GR1 13).

-- Briefly joins the super-group known as The Champions. (CHAMP 1-15).

-- Also with several other odd and horrific superheroes, he briefly formed The Legion of Monsters. (MP 28).

-- Blaze soon discovers that he can force the change into Ghost Rider (I) at will. (GR1 22).

-- Later, a blast of Hellfire directed at The Water-Wizard is described as burning the soul - this is Ghost Rider (I)'s first recorded use of the soul-searing version of the Hellfire. (GR1 23).

-- The first recorded separation of Blaze and Ghost Rider (I) occurs during a battle with Doctor Strange and Dormmamu. Blaze is temporarily put in control of Doctor Strange's body and is forced to fight his demonic alter ego. (GR1 30-31).

-- By his encounter with The Nuclear Man, Blaze realizes he thinks of Ghost Rider (I) as separate from himself. (GR1 40).

-- Blaze and Ghost Rider (I) are separated from each other a second time, when Moondark the Magician removes Blaze's soul from Ghost Rider (I) so he can control him. (MT 256).

-- During Blaze's amnesiac period, he transforms in Ghost Rider (I) at night, and he is unable to access Blaze's memories. (GR1 41).

-- His next separation from Blaze occurs when Azaziah, the Crimson Mage lures him into a trap. His hatred for Blaze is expressed, but he also discovers that if he is separated from Blaze for too long, he grows weak. He also remembers none of his former glory as Zarathos. (GR1 43-44).

-- Before and after these events, Blaze begins to lose more and more control of Ghost Rider (I). Ghost Rider (I) begins trying to force the change, and Blaze discovers it is harder and harder to return to his human form. (GR1 45 on).

-- Eventually, the demon becomes powerful enough to manifest a mental image of itself and communicate with Blaze. (TOGRRA 3).

-- During the encounter with Steel Wind, for the first time ever, Ghost Rider (I) forces the transformation on Blaze. (TOGRRA 4).

-- His real name, "Zarathos," is first mentioned by Mephisto in response to a wager made by Asmodeus. Later, while Blaze is asleep and unconscious, Nightmare reveals to him his glorious past as Zarathos. (TOGRRA 5).

-- During his ordeal in Nightmare's realm, Blaze realizes that his subconscious obsession with guilt is what drove Ghost Rider (I) into his obsession with punishing the guilty. (TOGRRA 6).

-- After defeating Centurious near the town of Holly, Blaze was freed of the curse of being Ghost Rider (I) by Sin-Eater, who used his last remaining bits of power to send the demon into to The Soul Crystal with Centurious. (TOGRRA 7).

Ghost Rider (II):  

-- (See also Dan Ketch, Noble Kale)

-- Reborn in Gallagher's Junkyard when Barbara Ketch was shot. Instead of using Hellfire as a weapon, he uses mystical chains and a Penance Stare. (GR2 1).

-- He claims over and over again that he will not take a human life, though he seems to have no qualms about causing lots and lots of physical pain. (GR2 1-6).

-- While on Monster Isle (serving as a member of the "new" Fantastic Four ) he discovers he can cause his Hellfire to physically leave his body, although he doesn't understand how to control it or why it happened. He can also use his chain to bore through solid rock. (FF 349).

-- While fighting the Wrecking Crew, a blast of mystical energy directed at Ghost Rider (II) from The Wrecker causes Mephisto to be summoned. Ghost Rider (II) recognizes this devil, but doesn't know why he does. Ultimately, he is convinced that The Wrecker summoned Mephisto, but this is the result of manipulations between Loki and Mephisto, so it may not be true. (Thor 429-430).

-- The first recorded separation between Dan Ketch and Ghost Rider (II) occurred while Nightmare had them trapped in the Dream dimension. (GR2 11).

-- Doctor Strange tries to work a spell, but claims it can't work because Ghost Rider (II) is not a demon. (DS/GR Spec).

--Completely vaporized by Plasma and reduced to a "pile of glowing stuff, Ghost Rider (II) still manages to regenerate completely in only a few minutes. (MS:MK 25).

Ghost Rider (III):  

-- (See also Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider (I)).


-- A waitress at a bar who is harassed by Dr. Calvin Zabo (aka Mr. Hyde). (GR2 4).


-- A villain who crashes into Delazny Studios looking for some unspecified item. He runs into Ghost Rider (I) instead, but he escapes. Later, he kills the Eel and the tangles with Ghost Rider (I) again, but this time he loses. (GR1 21).

Glatzer, Jennifer:  

-- Linda Littletree's roommate at college. A witch who worshipped Mephisto, she helped Linda Littletrees become the Witch-Woman. (TOGR 7).

Gloria (I):  

-- Prostitute (with pal Etta) who is scared off by Ghost Rider (I). He tortures her pimp to get information on Dirk Varden. (GR1 37).

Gloria (II):  

--Daughter of Black Juju and girlfriend of Ron Williamson. When she learns of Ron's plans to blow up an L train, she tells Blaze. (GR1 60).

God of the Dead:  

-- A human necromancer who worshipped the dead and formed a society (The Grateful Undead) underground. Unfortunately, he forgot about them and they became warriors and assassins who worshipped death instead of the dead. Awakened by Ghost Rider (II) and Cable, he puts a stop to the whole enterprise. (GR/C 1).


-- King of the Monsters.

-- He tangles with SHEILD and most of The Champions for a brief while. (Ghost Rider (I) was not present). (GZ:KOTM 3).

Gold, Martin:  

-- Journalist at Cruel Fate Journal.

-- He is investigating Charles Blackwater and The Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship when his word processor speaks to him and tells him to head over to Blackwater's place. There he joins the Legion o f Night. (LoN 1-2).

Gorilla Woman:  

-- A member of The Freaks. (MT 256).

Grant, Glory (Gloria):  

-- Friend of Peter Parker (Spider-Man). They dated occasionally before he got married to Mary Jane.

-- She is responsible for taking Parker to Moondark the Magician's Carnival. (MT 256).

Grasshut, The:  

-- Name on the side of truck driven by an unnamed hippie who picks up Blaze. He offers Blaze some pot, but Blaze refuses. (GR1 27).

Grateful Undead, The:  

-- A group of Death worshippers who live underground in vast caverns. Their warriors are the Warriors of the Dead - and they serve the God of the Dead. Ghost Rider (II) and Cable basically put a stop to their whole enterprise. (GR/C 1).


-- Important landscape feature for the various Ghost Riders.

-- Naomi Kale has a showdown with Mephisto, dies and is buried in the Cypress Hills cemetery. by her evil ancestor. (GR minus 1).

-- At one point early in his adventures, Ghost Rider (I) takes refuge in a Nassau County graveyard, remarking that "for all intents and purposes, I am dead." (TOGR 3).

-- Davey of the Flaming Cyclists tries to resurrect his parents in one, but Blaze/Ghost Rider (I) stops him and gives his (in)famous "graveyard" speech: "You shouldn't do it . . . because a pact with Satan will doom you to a fate far more terrible than death! Once, like you I tried to undo a tragedy by forging an alliance with the netherworld! And now, rash mortal, you gaze upon the price my mortal folly cost me! Look, if you dare, into these fiery orbs and know that Johnny Blaze is doomed to roam the earth for all eternity as the Ghost Rider! But Vengeance is not the rightful task of mortal men! It is the appointed task if the Ghost Rider!" (GR1 37).

-- Cypress Hills cemetery is the base of Ghost Rider (II)'s operations. He was actually reborn at a neighboring junkyard (Gallagher's Junkyard), but he uses this graveyard as his main base of operations. (GR2 1).

Great Vincenzo, The:  

-- Stage Magician working for the Quentin Carnival.

-- In response to Blaze's firing, he organizes a protest. After Blaze loses a contest with Steel Wind , he promises to investigate the mysterious goings on. He visits Steel Wind's tent and finds out she is partially cybernetic in nature. She attacks him. She tells everyone he decided to quit, but later claims she killed him in order to quell a rebellion. (TOGRRA 4).

-- He next appears in a vision to Blaze. Blaze follows the vision and finds himself face to face with a terribly frightened Vincenzo. Blaze is then ambushed by several of The Freaks who work for the Freakmaster and knocked unconscious. Later, Mr. Renaldo reveals that they have given Vincenzo crude telepathic powers by operating on his brain. (TOGRRA 5).

-- Blaze and Ghost Rider (I) save him and bring him back to the Quentin Carnival, where he begins to recover and sort through the many signals his new powers are giving him. (TOGRRA 6).

Greenwich Village:  

-- Curly Samuels takes Roxanne Simpson here to sacrifice her to Mephisto. (TOGR 3).

Grey, Jean:  

-- The Hank Pym of female mutants. She's gone under her own name, the name Marvel Girl, Phoenix and others.

-- First encounters Ghost Rider (II) while a member of X-Factor. (GR2 9).


-- A villain who springs Rampage from the hospital. (Champ 7).

Grimm, Ben:  

-- See The Thing.

Guthers, Woody:  

-- An old coot who eeks out an existence in the ghost town of Last Chance, Nevada.

-- He has recently come upon some unusual mental powers that he claims to have accidentally received from Nathan. A spaceship shows up, crushes the town and kidnaps Woody Guthers, forcing Ghost Rider (I) to follow. (GR1 33).

-- The mutant child Nathan turns him into a tree as a cruel joke. Woody Guthers sacrifices himself to help Ghost Rider (I) defeat the evil boy. (GR1 34)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

All character names and images on this site are Marvel trademarks
Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.