Fantastic Four:  

-- Generally: Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm (or Mister Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch (II) and The Thing).

-- Believing the entire Fantastic Four to be dead, Ghost Rider (II), The Hulk (in his Grey persona), Wolverine and Spider-Man join up to form a temporary Fantastic Four. They encounter the Mole Man and fight some Skrulls. It all winds up being a trick by the Skrull known as De'Lila. All ends well (more or less), and the original Fantastic Four returns. (FF 348-349).

Fairbanks, Terry:  

-- Stunt Rider and ex-husband of Nora Joyce. After fighting The Hulk, they make up. (TOGR 18).

Fargo, Flagg:  

-- Stunt cyclist.

-- After duplicating a few of Blaze's more famous stunts, he declares that Blaze is a coward and would never win a race against him. With the help of a local sports group, Blaze gets a new Motorcycle and takes him on, but after the first day, Flagg Fargo is ahead by one hundred points. (GR1 45).

-- By the end of the second night, Flagg Fargo is ahead by 225 points. Ghost Rider (I) , however, suspects him of cheating and being in league with Blinky and his pals and so confronts him. It turns out, however that Flagg Fargo is clean. Flagg Fargo eventually wins the competition by a mere five points. (GR1 46).

-- Flagg Fargo is hired by Caesar's in Vegas, which causes Blaze to lose his job at a nearby casino (The Diamond Cowgirl). Blaze challenges him to a rematch, and Flagg Fargo says they can do it in around two months. (GR1 56).

-- At the rematch, Flagg Fargo is shot by The Enforcer for refusing to throw the competition. Blaze saves Flagg Fargo and Flagg Fargo thanks him. The competition is called a draw. (GR1 58).

-- Later, Blaze hits him up for some money so he can fly out to Saudi Arabia. Flagg Fargo gives him a deadline of 48 hours to repay the debt, but thanks to the The Arabian Knight, Blaze meets the deadline. (GR1 62).

Farley, Bob:  

-- Director of the Super-Circus, he owes lots of money to Dirk Varden. (GR1 37).


-- A demon summoned by Asmodeus Jones during a concert. She is in control of Jones and makes him do odd rituals in preparation for merging with him. (Def1 96).

Fenster, Richard:  

-- A UCLA "lecture agent" who hires Hercules to do a lecture entitled "Mythology: what it means to you." He needs to have it go well or he'll lose his job. (Champ 1).

-- He gets fired, but Angel (I) hires him as the business manager for The Champions. (Champ 5).

Fin Fang Foom:  

-- Alien dragon who gets mixed up with Iron Man and The Legion of Night at various times.

-- He is first released in modern times by Chan Liuchow, who uses two herbs to control him and force the monster to drive off the army of Mao Tse Tsung from invading the island of Formosa where he lived at the time. (BBtBG).

-- The Beyond Reason Spiritual Fellowship was created to bring him back into the world. His Master created him to dream the world into a new reality that would give The Master complete control. At least that's what Omen said. This doesn't sit well with what Iron Man discovered about his origins. To reconcile the two, let's say Fin Fang Foom was endowed with this power by The Master after the two came to an agreement. Whatever the nature of the beast was, he was soundly defeated by The Legion of Night. (LoN 1-2).

-- The timeline is a bit unsure here. The Mandarin used Fin Fang Foom as a weapon that allowed him to conquer one-third of China . But Fin's alien brethren came to claim the Mandarin's rings of power (which were used to guide the spaceships of these aliens). They are defeated by Iron Man overloading the rings of power, and the dragons all vanish. (IM 275).


-- Member of the Circus of Crime.

Fisk, Wilson:  

-- See The Kingpin.


-- Another one of the many cops who decide to chase Ghost Rider (I) because he is going over the speed limit. (GR1 36).

Flag Smasher:  

-- Villain obsessed with anarchy.

-- He starts giving gangs free hardware, causing The Punisher and Ghost Rider (II) to track him down and crash one of his meetings. (GR2 5).

-- He escapes, but his plans to hit Wall Street and the Federal Reserve are revealed. Ghost Rider (II) gives him a nice dose of the Penance Stare. The Punisher feels that won't work and tries to kill him, but Ghost Rider (II) stops him. (GR2 6).

Flame Cyclists, The:  

-- Family of stunt cyclists (only the son Davey is named) who attempt to break Blaze's world record, but are killed in an "accident" engineered by Dirk Varden. (GR1 37).

Flaming Star:  

-- Indian mentor of The Night Rider.

-- Briefly encounters Blaze while Blaze is helping out The Night Rider. (GR1 50).

Flaming Sword of Satan:  

-- Mephisto gives Crash Simpson his "own sword" to fight Ghost Rider (I) with. (TOGR 3, 4).

-- The next time it shows up, it is called the "Sacred Sword of Satan" and Mephisto uses it to try and kill Blaze. (TOGR 9).


-- Another one of the many cops who chases Ghost Rider (I) around merely because he exists. (GR1 22).

-- He shows up at Delazny Studios to chew Blaze out for scaring the populace and causing mayhem in LA. He says he's going to take Blaze downtown to the station, but Blaze tosses him away and runs. Later, Blaze conjures up a fake image of Ghost Rider (I) to fool the cops into thinking he and GR are separate. Flannigan doesn't buy it, but realizes he can't hold onto Blaze now. (GR1 22).

Flying Dutchman:  

-- Servant of Mephisto.

-- He tries to swindle Devil-Slayer into giving up his soul to Mephisto, but it doesn't work. (MCP 46-49).

Flying Gambonnos:  

-- Ernesto and Luigi Gambonno. Members of the Circus of Crime.

-- Brother of Lloyd. One of two punks who try to pick a fight with Blaze at a bar in the mideast. Blaze scares them off. (GR2 11).
Forester, Douglas:  

-- Stunt rider who is still going at it when most people his age have retired. His wife and kids died in a plane crash. He feels he has no reason to live, but his encounter with The Hulk gives him new motivation. (TOGR 18).

Fowler, Red:  

-- The stunt cyclist for the Quentin Carnival. When Blaze is hired, he is told that he can stay as Blaze's assistant. He doesn't like this at all, but decides to stay. (GR1 63).

-- Red Fowler begins to lose his cool because of his overdue payments to Loan Shark. Loan Shark threatens to reveal why Red Fowler needed the 10 grand if he doesn't pay up in 24 hours. Red Fowler then goes riding to clear his head and runs into Ghost Rider (I) and is scared out of his wits, though he later sees Ghost Rider (I) transform back into Blaze. He decides he must be hallucinating and falls asleep. The next day he is kidnapped by Loan Shark and taken to a boat for execution. Blaze follows him and turns into Ghost Rider (I) to save him. Red Fowler oversees the transformation and realizes that Blaze really is the demonic biker. He decides to keep the info to himself, but he also decides to stand by Blaze and be his friend. (GR1 65).

Frank (I):  

-- A Casino owner who was among the six people threatened by Roulette because they ordered his death for massive gambling debts. (TOGR 13).

Frank (II):  

-- Firefighter who is working on putting out a fire at a wax museum when Ghost Rider (I) shows up. (GR1 25).

Frank (III):  

-- TV announcer (with co-host Bill (I)) who discusses Flagg Fargo and Johnny Blaze. (GR1 45).

Frank (IV):  

-- Worker for the Tarantula (of the old wild west) who gets a dose of Ghost Rider (I)'s soul searing Hellfire. (GR1 50).

Franklin, Corky:  

-- Worker/Clown at the Quentin Carnival. (GR1 63).

-- He often mails off letters to his son, a "world-famous clown" and he brags about it every day. This annoys most people, But Blaze feels he should brag if he has a right to. (GR1 66).

-- When his son, Eliot Franklin, finally does show up, he seems less than thrilled. Later, he asks his son if he's going to "go straight this time." (TOGRRA 2).

-- He is put into the hospital after Fire-Eater (of the Circus of Crime) torches his tent in an attempt to get Eliot Franklin to join them again. (TOGRRA 3).

Franklin, Eliot:  

-- Son of Corky Franklin. His villain name is Clown. (see also: Circus of Crime)

-- He shows up at the Quentin Carnival to visit his father, but Corky Franklin doesn't seem to happy to see him. (TOGRRA 2).

-- The Circus of Crime tries to get his attention by sabotaging the Quentin Carnival several times. After his father is injured in a fire, Eliot pretends to join up so he can pay for his father's hospital bills. After some showboating for their sake, he turns on them because of what they did to his father. The carnival workers make short work of them, but Ghost Rider (I), unaware of what is going on, mistakenly gives Eliot an overdose of Hellfire that causes him to go into a near catatonic state. (TOGRRA 3).


-- Crony who works for Flag-Smasher. (GR2 6).


-- A Motorcycle gang member at a bar who tangles with Dr. Calvin Zabo when he harasses Gina the waitress. Later, after he is hit in the face by Dr. Calvin Zabo with a glass bottle, Fraser's gang chases him into a parking garage, where they lock Dan Ketch and Jack up. (GR2 4).


-- Employer of Mr. Renaldo. Like all good villains, he has a hideout on a "remote tropical island."

-- He asks Mr. Renaldo to get him Jeremy from the Quentin Carnival. (TOGRRA 2).

-- His parents had been freak show attractions in the Quentin Carnival , but had been horribly treated by Ralph Quentin and eventually died. He comes and takes over the Quentin Carnival , claiming to be a philanthropist whose underlings Mr. Renaldo and Steel Wind operated without his knowledge. Actually, he plans to blackmail Ralph Quentin and use technology to turn all the members of the Quentin Carnival into sideshow freaks for his amusement. Ghost Rider (I) trashes his complex and chases him off. (TOGRRA 6).

Freaks, The:  

-- Consists of: Muck Monster, Gorilla Woman and the Six-armed Spider-Man.

-- Sideshow freaks at Moondark the Magician's carnival, after they were freed by Ghost Rider (I) and Spider-Man, they took off on their own. For their first adventure, they save Dr. Melloncamp from Hammer and Anvil. (MT 256).

Fred (I):  

-- A member ofThe Jackal Gang. He dies (with Ernie (I)) while fleeing Ghost Rider (I). (GR1 41).

Fred (II):  

-- Explosives expert who (with friend Al (III)) cleared a boulder from a road that was going to be used for a cross country Motorcycle race. The blast unexpectedly awakened the Sirens of Kronos. Their beautiful singing casts a spell on him and Al (III), and they crash their truck and begin walking toward where the Sirens are. (GR1 52).

Freddy (I):  
-- Member of a group of drug smugglers who were waylaid by Ghost Rider (I). (DD 138).
Freddy (II):  

-- Yet another cop who chases around Ghost Rider (I) for speeding violations. He's in a helicopter, and they are forced to make an emergency landing before it explodes (thanks to Ghost Rider (I) tearing the tail off). (GR1 59).


-- Robin (or maybe an active Alfred) to Moon Knight's Batman. Briefly encounters Ghost Rider (II) (from a distance) when fighting the Knights of the Moon - terrorists who claim to serve Konshu. (MS:MK 25).

Friend, A:  

-- A mysterious stranger who saves Blaze from Mephisto. (TOGR 17).

-- He next appears to keep Blaze from killing The Orb, and then he tells Blaze he has work to do helping out The Champions. (GR1 15).

-- Mephisto claims that the "Friend" was an illusion created to fool Blaze. (GR1 19).

Frightful Four, The:  

-- A super-villain groups consisting of the Sandman, The Wizard, The Trapster, and?

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.