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Zabo, Dr. Calvin:  

-- The man who becomes the villain Mr. Hyde.

-- Due to a head injury given to him by The Hulk, he is having problems transforming into Mr. Hyde. He harasses a waitress (Gina) and is tossed out by Fraser. Dr. Calvin Zabo then hits Fraser over the head with a glass bottle and runs. After a time he manages to turn into Mr. Hyde and winds up battling Ghost Rider (II). (GR2 4).


-- (See also Ghost Rider (I)). The demon that Mephisto used to posses Johnny Blaze. At first, Johnny Blaze had control over the form, but Zarathos began to assert more and more control, although he was ultimately controlled by Blaze's subconscious.

-- His name is first mentioned by Mephisto in response to a wager made by Asmodeus. Then Nightmare appears to Ghost Rider (I) and tells him of his past - how he was brough to the mortal plane by K'Nutu and was worshipped by many people, but through subterfuge by Mephisto (who used Centurious as a pawn) his powers were nullified, he was defeated by Mephisto and turned into a mere servant. (TOGRRA 5).

-- After defeating Centurious near the town of Holly, Zarathos was sent into The Soul Crystal by Sin-Eater so he could continue his campaign against Centurious. (TOGRRA 7).

-- After being trapped in The Soul Crystal, he was briefly freed by The Beyonder in order to torment Spider-Man because of a bet between Mephisto and The Beyonder. (ASM 274).


-- Father of the Olympian gods.

-- He is tricked by Pluto into causing Zeus' son Hercules to get married. Ghost Rider (I) convinces him he was tricked, and all ends well. (Champ 2).

Zodiac (I):  

-- A criminal group whose members all represent various characters from the zodiac chart. Put away by The Avengers. (The Avengers 123)

-- Aquarius (I) gains the ability to assume the forms and powers of all of the members through a deal with Mephisto. (TOGR 15).

Zodiac (II):  

-- At first it seems to be a criminal group similar to Zodiac (I), but it isn't as you will see in this entry.

-- They seem determined to cause lots of trouble for Cornelius Van Lunt. (TOGR 14).

-- They are actually just Aquarius (I) of Zodiac (I), who has gotten powers from Mephisto to assume the forms and attributes of all the members of Zodiac (I). However, Mephisto tricks him and steals his soul because he has assumed all twelve forms of the Zodiac, making a Zodiacal year, and the contract for his soul was up in a year. (TOGR 15).


-- Serial killer with powers related to each sign of the Zodiac.

-- Ghost Rider (II) tracks him down, only to destroy a mechanical doppelganger. His doppelgangers also have access to his powers, but are more easily defeated. (GR2 10).

-- The Dykkors created him so that he could kill humans - as human blood allows them to grow in numbers. (DS/Gr Spec).


-- Man who ran a magic shop (his name tag said "Zondar", but the captions called him Zontar. I'm going with the captions).

-- Jack Russell traded with him - some authentic hair of werewolf for a scroll containing a spell that might help cure lycanthropy. He is bullied by Silver Dagger into giving up Jack's location. Then he is killed by Layla, a female werewolf. (MCP 55).


-- Motorcycle gang member (with friends Raz and others) who pick a fight with Blaze at a bar run by Ernie (II). Blaze wins, but later they decide to ambush Blaze when he's drunk. A passing cop, Jerry (II), manages to stop them. Later, they torment Blaze and Amy II. Ghost Rider (I) gives them all an overdose of Hellfire. (GR1 47)

[FH] = Entry by Flamehead [AMU] = Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe

Unless marked, entry provided by Ultimate Ghost Rider Database

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Please contact Mr.Flamehead@gmail.com if you see any errors or ommissions.